Author Topic: Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...  (Read 3458 times)


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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #150 on: January 24, 2002, 05:35:29 PM »
Beacause most people just cite one side. The jews always point to the post 1967 terrorism AND the Holocaust as their excuse.

The palestenians only menntion the occupation and partion of Palestine.

All of it is true of course but such one sided viewpoints are useless. This is a legitimate dispute between well esentially ethincally THE SAME PEOPLE. You see Jews and Palestenians are ethinically the same- Arfat even looks like Sharon. They are just a family squabble. Semite means both Jew and Palestenian, If you dont know.

There will be no military solotion to this, It must be an an agreed upon settlement.

Basically Israel has to do this:

Give them a state. No occupation.
Stop and remove Settlements in WB/Gaza.
Give them some aouthority in Jerusalrm.

Palestenians must do this:

100% stop terrorism and support structures.
Guarantee Israel security.
Recognize Isreals right to exist.

Both have to do this:

Either both have a capital in Jersusalem or Neither. If one does and other doesnt this is no solution. IMHO it would be best if neither had one in Jerusalem.

This would work, untill then people die.

Offline babek-

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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #151 on: January 24, 2002, 06:11:27 PM »
100% agree - Grunherz.

If both sides would just be so intelligent to fullfill your peace-suggestion...

Offline Eaglecz

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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #152 on: January 25, 2002, 01:58:22 AM »
Originally posted by Krusher
I really want to know what is wrong with the treatment they are getting now? How would the Europeans treat theses poor souls differently?

Give them 4 meals a day not 3?
Give them 2 korans not 1?
Let them pray 6 times a day not 5?
Put them in airconditioned comfort zones not cells?
Allow them to write their families every day not weekly?
Excersise them 2 times a day not 1?
Change the color of their jumpsuits from orange to mauve?Increase the size of the cell from 8x8 to 10x10?
(btw my cube at work isnt 8x8 somebody call the UN please)

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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #153 on: January 25, 2002, 03:41:12 AM »
Hi there

We had a German tank companie down in Kosovo that used to give their tanks names from nordish gods (Thor, Odin aso..).

That caused a lot of trouble.... now you perhaps can imagine what would have happened if they called one of their tanks Guderian or Rommel.
Here in Germany, even if only on exercise, itīs forbidden. Tanks are given numbers according to their position in their platoon, the platoons are given characters according o their position in the companie ( f.e.: the platoon leader tank of 2nd platoon would be B1 ).

Btw: Itīs a fact that the German army completes itīs missions as well as any other army in the international theatre, but as i just said, with that lack of resources we are not capable of doing more. If you some up all the manpower our Marine can muster, you get as many soldiers as on US aircraftcarriers see, the US is the only western power (military) that is able to handle large scale operations, thatīs why they usually have a leadership role.

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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #154 on: January 25, 2002, 03:44:57 AM »
We need to point this thread to a chat room somewhere...

We'd get better use of the text buffer in the Arenas that way.

Offline Dowding

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« Reply #155 on: January 25, 2002, 11:50:51 AM »
Dowding you are full of toejam, Slovenia was the first one to claim its independance. So stuff it you bastard, I dont know what what you have against Croatia.

Err... before you have yet another apoplexy (I'd hate to be the unlucky guy who cut you up on the motorway), I suggest you re-read what I wrote:

Germany's unilateral recognition of Croatia as a State is the spark that set the Balkans on fire. Suddenly every little country wanted a piece of the action.

Did I say Croatia was the first nation to claim independance? No, I didn't. I said they were the first to get it in the form of international recognition.

Really, Grunherz, I expected better from you.

Err... scratch that last comment, that would be a lie.
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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #156 on: January 25, 2002, 11:57:42 AM »

Thats utter crap, I saw what you wrote but that was all clearly just a clever tactic to get a jab at Croatia and Germany. You blame us for the whole war. Thats BS Dowding and you know it. I dont see how Croatia getting recognized made anyone else break away. The Bosnians didnt do it because of German recognition- they did it for the same reason as us. The wanthed self determination and independence.

And no I dont expect better from a diddlying communist like you.

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« Reply #157 on: January 25, 2002, 12:05:34 PM »
Wrong again, my Tourette's afflicted friend. I'm merely stating fact, not supposition. Whether or not history would have taken a different course had the international community presented a unified stance on the issue of independance is the real debate. The truth is that as soon as independance was 'granted', so to speak, the game was on.

And no I dont expect better from a diddlying communist like you.

War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline babek-

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« Reply #158 on: January 25, 2002, 02:44:02 PM »
Cool down Grunherz.

The only important thing is that Croatia and Germany have always been good friends and respect each other.

So it was absolutely right that Germany helped Croatia to get their independence back.

There are always other european countries who have a different opinion.

When the question came if Germany should be reunited the UK under Thatcher tried to oppose this unification. She wanted that two german states exists in Europe.

But who cared what the british prime minister said?

The german chancellor Kohl get the OK from the super-powers USA and the  USSR and after getting their allowance the unification was done.

We in Germany will never forget the help of the president Bush sr. and President Gorbatchov as we also never forget who was trying to hinder us to be reunited after the lost war.


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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #159 on: January 25, 2002, 03:07:20 PM »
Dowding wrote:

Germany's unilateral recognition of Croatia as a State is the spark that set the Balkans on fire.

Maybe Britsish english is different than American but this clealy says that you think Germanys action "set the Balkans on fire, this means you think it started the war.

Once again, tourettes syndrome or not:  diddly YOU

The war happened because Milosevic is a nutcase who wanthed total control, you know the guy on trial for Genocide.


Offline -tronski-

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« Reply #160 on: January 26, 2002, 02:02:03 AM »
Originally posted by babek-

as we also never forget who was trying to hinder us to be reunited after the lost war.

 Lol, thats how WW2 got started wasn't  it?

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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #161 on: January 27, 2002, 12:40:06 AM »
Wow, what a discussion!  There are lots of posts here that could be source material for a book called, "How to NOT win friends and influence people".  Fascinating reading though, to say the least.  

By the way, I will put a plug in here for my German buddies.  There are a number of German Air Force stationed here in my unit, and they are the most professional and competant of any nationality here.  Saying bad things about the Germans as a whole, or any other European country, simply because of the actions or statements of a few extremists that they happen to be afflicted with, would be no different than if somebody over there read about some crazy statements by Jesse Jackson, Ralph Nader, or Pat Buchanen, and assumed that all Americans were like them or agreed with them.  (I hereby submit that last sentence for the run-on sentence of the year award) :)

The bottom line on the prisoners in Cuba, which was the original topic, is that they are dangerous terrorrists.  They have forfeited their rights to humane behaviour, but we, as the guys in the white hats, are going to treat them better than they deserve.  We will give them food, freedom to practice their religion, and a fair trial.  It is very unlikely that many of them, if any, will get the death penalty, no matter how much they may deserve it.  Anybody that thinks that these prisoners are being treated inhumanely needs to think again.  If they were treated more leniently, and with less caution they might have the opportunity to fulfil their stated desire to kill some of the Americans that are guarding them.

 Which is better? (A) we bend over backwards to make sure that the prisoners arent inconvenience in any way, by not handcuffing them during transport, and they attack and kill a guard or two, and start a situation where perhaps some of them get killed as well.  OR (B) we take all precautions to make sure that the prisoners are kept under control at all times, thus ensuring the safety of the guards, and ironically actually making it safer for the prisoners as well, by preventing them from starting a riot or something.  

These arent permanant accomodations for these prisoners, by any means.  Save your sympathy for somebody who actually deserves it.

Offline Boroda

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Talibans in Cuba, Euro pressure...
« Reply #162 on: January 27, 2002, 01:05:37 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Dowding wrote:

Germany's unilateral recognition of Croatia as a State is the spark that set the Balkans on fire.

Maybe Britsish english is different than American but this clealy says that you think Germanys action "set the Balkans on fire, this means you think it started the war.

Once again, tourettes syndrome or not:  diddly YOU

The war happened because Milosevic is a nutcase who wanthed total control, you know the guy on trial for Genocide.


Yet another example of positive mentality.

GH, if there was no people like you - I should have invented them.

Didn't the war start because of some Croatian nutcase who wanted to become a local monarch instead of living in a peaceful federation? What was the reason for war? Genocide of Croatians?

Does anyone still listen to you after you praised nazi military in this very same thread? You are on the way to become my favourite clown.


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« Reply #163 on: January 27, 2002, 01:17:12 PM »
"Didn't the war start because of some Croatian nutcase who wanted to become a local monarch instead of living in a peaceful federation?"

Do you have any idea what the country was really like circa 1989-1990?

Offline Boroda

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« Reply #164 on: January 27, 2002, 01:31:50 PM »
Bloodthirsty Serbs were killing Croatian babies?

Anyway - thank you for showing us Soviets how not to handle the collapse of the Union state... Believe me or not - but in early 92 Russian military seriuosly discussed the situatuion of a Russia/Ukraine nuclear conflict :( Poor bastards...