Author Topic: Time to bring back field capture of old?  (Read 494 times)

Offline Gremlin

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Time to bring back field capture of old?
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2002, 07:49:29 AM »
One of my best memories of field caps of old was one time a freindly b26 deacked a field.  I had a goon parked a couple of clicks away. I upped a headed for the field only to discover that it was crawling with enemy.  In the sure knowledge that I had already been spotted, I headed for the canyons, played a game of hide and seeks with 3 bad guys.  Finally I managed to sneak in the back door with dozens on enemy in the immediate area, all eyes must have been on the b26 overhead, cause no-one spotted me.  After we got the field the ack reupped and shot down 7 enemy planes all given to me as prox kills.

Ah yes thems were da days:)

Firebirds, 56 "Fighter" Sqn RAF.
Second Tactical Air Force

"Quid si coelum ruat - 'What if heaven falls?'"

Offline K West

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Time to bring back field capture of old?
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2002, 08:06:34 AM »
"This ain't Warbirds."

Amen to that!!

And thank God this isn't Air Warrior either.


Offline eskimo2

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Time to bring back field capture of old?
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2002, 08:27:33 AM »
I think it would be fun to be able to land on a field as an option to troops.  Each plane to land and exit counts as 1 troop, so 10 planes to capture a field, or 1 goon at the town.  All town building down either way.


Offline lazs2

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Time to bring back field capture of old?
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2002, 08:36:38 AM »
The biggest problem for me is the fact that you can diabble a field for fighters so easily and yet never capture it.   The field stays useless until it comes back up `15 or so minutes later.  

The fields need to be able to up fighters till the bitter end and then the capture should be simple and easy.   Say... Allow fitghters to up untill all hangers are down and add a couple of hangers besides.

Offline Kieran

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Time to bring back field capture of old?
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2002, 10:10:28 AM »
Do any of you really want to see a lone buff hit an unguarded rear base, de-ack the field, then spiral down and skid to a stop on the runway for a capture?

Can you not remember what this type of gameplay meant? The tactic was to drop ack and swarm the defense with ditchers. All it took was one guy to successfully ditch on the field and it was yours. "Suicide ditchers"- there's an oxymoron, but it's what you would see. I can't believe the realism crowd will go for that.

Now I could do it, and I could have fun, but for those complaining of how gamey the game is now I can't see how this would improve things.

Offline Wanker

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Time to bring back field capture of old?
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2002, 10:23:37 AM »
Well Kieren, as one of the "realism crowd", I have to admit that I've given up on adding any realism to the MA. I know Pyro and HiTech pretty well now, so I know it's not gonna happen. So for my realism fix I fly the TOD's and scenarios in the SEA.

But since the MA is just a free for all furball arena, I don't see anything wrong with going back to the landing capture. Sure, it's dweeby, that's the nature of the MA. The whole thing is a dweebfest.

So, my answer to you is "yes", I'd be happy to be able to capture fields in the rear like the old days. It would as least get rid of the stagnation that exists now.

Seeker, thanks for that brilliant retort, but if you would care to discuss my suggestion instead of the game where it originated, then let's talk.

Offline Wanker

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Time to bring back field capture of old?
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2002, 10:25:37 AM »
Kieren, forgot to say that I would not like to see a "single" buff be able to capture a field. It should take more people than that. How many more, I don't have the foggiest.

Offline LePaul

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Time to bring back field capture of old?
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2002, 10:27:29 AM »
Now let's reflect here...

Back a few versions ago, we had the old field layouts...2 fighter hangars side-by-side and the one bomber hangar on most of the fields.  Folks complained it was too easy for a single buff to wipe them out in one pass, so, the field layout was changed.

Now, here in 1.08, the fields don't even HAVE to be touched to capture a base.  You guys wanted a more difficult base capture but I think it went a step backwards.  2 good JABO pilots can wipe out a city and 1 goon can capture it while the bad guys are still sitting in the tower picking out an airplane to fly.

But, since so many were annoyed with the fact a bomber can bomb, the strat was changed so that a Operation Rolling Thunder bombardment strike could be wiped away with the ease of one little goon.  The way the game is setup now, you really do not even need any buffs to acheive field captures.  Taking the bases down before capture is more or less just goon-protection from fighters upping.  Vehicle hangars are usually a good distance away from the cities, so they aren't nearly the threat they used to be when the maproom was just a few hundred yards away from them in the old layout.

I like the idea of multiple goons to capture a field.  I think the whole concept of one goon re-upping an entire airbase is pretty silly, just based on the visual damage the base has sustained versus how much a C47 can carry.  

If anything, the field capture is vastly easier now, just the strat has changed to eliminate the effect the buffs have in the game.

Offline K West

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Time to bring back field capture of old?
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2002, 10:33:49 AM »
"Do any of you really want to see a lone buff hit an unguarded rear base, de-ack the field, then spiral down and skid to a stop on the runway for a capture?"


 I want to see C47's ONLY have the ability to effect capture AN they habd to land to do it. (M3's and LVT2s also of course) And the landing would have to be intact for a full delivery of it's load of troops. Had a rough landing? Loose "drunks" in proportion to the damage. Lose one of the landing gear and a "drunk" or two got broken ankles and can't get out of the C47. :)   Crash? Lose 6 (or more) out of the 10.  The new base-town layout is not an issue at all imo. If anything it adds to AH.


Offline Seeker

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Time to bring back field capture of old?
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2002, 10:35:09 AM »
"Seeker, thanks for that brilliant retort, but if you would care to discuss my suggestion instead of the game where it originated, then let's talk"

Talk with you? To be met with blanket statements that A) this ain't Airwarrior, and B) this isn't the way "we" do things "here"?

If you miss WB that much, go fly it.

Offline Wanker

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Time to bring back field capture of old?
« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2002, 10:38:44 AM »
Ok Seeker, I'll talk slowly this time. I am asking that HTC implement an old capture rule used by another Sim that they created. I'm not asking for them to bring the whole sim back.

And if there are some good aspects of AW that you think should be added to AH, I'd be willing to give them a try. I just don't know AW at all, having never flown it.

Offline lazs2

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Time to bring back field capture of old?
« Reply #26 on: January 24, 2002, 11:01:02 AM »
banana said " But since the MA is just a free for all furball arena, I don't see anything wrong with going back to the landing capture. Sure, it's dweeby, that's the nature of the MA. The whole thing is a dweebfest.

not that I disagree with your field capture idea but..  The above quote seems odd coming from you since you fly very rarely and whedn you do the "dweebs"  in the "dweebfest" arena kick the crap outta ya.

Offline Ripsnort

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Time to bring back field capture of old?
« Reply #27 on: January 24, 2002, 11:04:29 AM »
Attack the subject matter, not the person, Laz.  Haven't you learned yet?

Offline Seeker

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Time to bring back field capture of old?
« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2002, 11:07:35 AM »
"Ok Seeker, I'll talk slowly this time. "

Ok. So will I.        K. O. T. H.

Seeing as how you rip off WB events so well, how come you've made such a mess of an AW one?

Do you really think HTC are unaware of how WB capture works?

And as for your generalising that the 92% or so of HTC's paying customers are merely taking part in a "dweebfest"; perhaps AH just isn't what you're looking for.

Try the training arena. Or H2H. Or WWIIOL. I hear that's really real. Really.

Offline Wanker

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Time to bring back field capture of old?
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2002, 11:19:30 AM »
not that I disagree with your field capture idea but.. The above quote seems odd coming from you since you fly very rarely and whedn you do the "dweebs" in the "dweebfest" arena kick the crap outta ya.

My bad, Lazs. I didn't mean the term "dweeby" in a negative sense. I should've said "unhistorical" or "unrealistic". I enjoy flying in the MA when I get the chance, but it's a totally different world than the SEA.

And you're right. I don't get to fly as often as I would like to. Reagarding me getting the crap kicked outta me, well, nothing's changed in that respect since I started flying online sims.