Author Topic: Who gets the kill?  (Read 408 times)

Offline Duedel

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Who gets the kill?
« on: January 25, 2002, 06:50:30 AM »
Hi all,

after 2 months i made it into MA - it's GREAT!
But I am asking me the following:
Sometimes when I make a few hits on a bogey without any visible damage and another one shots him into 1000 pieces I nonetheless get the kill.
Other times I shot the bogey into 1001 pieces and I only get an assist. So my question is:
Who gets the kill and why?

Any suggestions?

Offline Lephturn

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Who gets the kill?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2002, 07:20:13 AM »
The fellow who does the most damage gets the kill.  Actually the fellow who does the most damage who is still in flight gets the kill... if you bail or get shot down after damaging someone, you won't get credit.

Offline Duedel

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Who gets the kill?
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2002, 09:10:15 AM »
Thy for fast answer Lephturn :)

I've heard it but i dont believe it. What means "most damage"? If I only ping the bogey 2 times and another one shots down his whole stab but i get the kill then I ask me if this is really the truth.
OK, you could say I am not able to see what damage my pings really have done but as i desribed before their were no visual damage in contrast to the damage the other one did.
Could you please explain it a little bit more detailed. Is it "more damage" to hit the radiator or to hit the flap ...

Thank you again

Offline akak

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Who gets the kill?
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2002, 03:00:13 PM »
Originally posted by Duedel
Thy for fast answer Lephturn :)

I've heard it but i dont believe it. What means "most damage"? If I only ping the bogey 2 times and another one shots down his whole stab but i get the kill then I ask me if this is really the truth.
OK, you could say I am not able to see what damage my pings really have done but as i desribed before their were no visual damage in contrast to the damage the other one did.
Could you please explain it a little bit more detailed. Is it "more damage" to hit the radiator or to hit the flap ...

Thank you again

The one that does the most critical damage.  You can pepper a plane all over and still do no damage but someone can swoop in, hit the radiator or some other critical part and come away with the kill.

Offline Airscrew

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Who gets the kill?
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2002, 03:23:09 PM »
I would have to disagree with that  AKak.   I have shot down planes by hitting the wing and watch it come off and the plane spirals to its death and I only get an assist.  (I pretty sure the wing is a critical part)  I have even down right blown them up and only got an assist.   I think its more of a hit counter plus I suspect each part of the plane has a certain damage value.

Example:  Wing = 10pts, Radiator = 5pts, Elevator = 5pts, Rudder = 10pts etc,... (values are only my estimations)  
 You hit and damage left elevator, rudder, and radiator 15pts damage.   But the plane still flys.  I come along and hit the wing and wing comes off 10pts, I shot down the plane.   You got more hit points (15) vs my hits (10) you get the kill and I get the assist.  
Not sure if this is how it's setup or not.  Somewhere I remember reading a post or its in the FAQ about how damage is scored.


Offline akak

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Who gets the kill?
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2002, 05:09:17 PM »
Originally posted by MajTom
I would have to disagree with that  AKak.   I have shot down planes by hitting the wing and watch it come off and the plane spirals to its death and I only get an assist.  (I pretty sure the wing is a critical part)  I have even down right blown them up and only got an assist.   I think its more of a hit counter plus I suspect each part of the plane has a certain damage value.

Example:  Wing = 10pts, Radiator = 5pts, Elevator = 5pts, Rudder = 10pts etc,... (values are only my estimations)  
 You hit and damage left elevator, rudder, and radiator 15pts damage.   But the plane still flys.  I come along and hit the wing and wing comes off 10pts, I shot down the plane.   You got more hit points (15) vs my hits (10) you get the kill and I get the assist.  
Not sure if this is how it's setup or not.  Somewhere I remember reading a post or its in the FAQ about how damage is scored.


It also could have been that someone else shot the plane before you did and their hits were critical ones and would have gone down regardless of your shot.

The other night my squad mate Duncey and I were hunting around and found this lone Laffer meandering along on the deck.  We both dove, I made the first pass scored a few hits with no visable damage to the Laffer.  Duncey comes in for his pass and blows the Laffer's stabilizer and it cartwheeled into the ground.  Duncey should have gotten the kill credit but he only got the assist, I got the credit.   The Laffer pilot came up on open channel and congratulated me on a good shot because I had wounded him and he was in a blackout when Duncey made his pass.

Offline Lephturn

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Who gets the kill?
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2002, 09:27:03 AM »
MajTom has the right idea.  Basically think of each part of the plane having some "value" as he mentioned.  When you hit his plane, your bullets do damage to those parts by reducing the value.  So lets say I make a pass on a B-26 with my Jug, and I do 2 points of damage to 10 different parts.  I did 20 points of damage overall, but I didn't reduce any of the parts I hit to 0 so they didn't break or show any damage.  Then you come in behind me and do 10 points of damage to his right wingtip, which breaks off ,and he crashes into the ground.  I get the kill, because I did 20 points and you only did 10 points.  Sure, you provided the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back", but I did more damage overall.

Now I am just making up numbers to illustrate the point here, but I think it illustrates how this works.