The skill level of the pilots is the same in both arenas. However, due to the fact of smaller numbers in the CT, you find more fights of a 1v1 or a 2v2 nature. I don't know about you, but I find winging with daddog and fighting against ammo and hblair a much more challenging prospect than fighting in one of those huge furs that occur in the MA. In the low alt MA fur, it's not about ACM as much as it is extreme SA (gotta keep track of the 1 to 6 planes that are latched onto your 6) and relying on great gunnery (if you can kill fast in a fur, you'll live longer). I'm not saying there's not SKILL involved in either, or the level of skill of the pilots in either is different. You'll find fantastic sticks in both environments.
With me, it has nothing to do with the so called "elitism" label some people like to use with such a wide brush. It has everything to do with preference. I've flown both. I prefer a smaller engagement versus historical opponents more often than not. I prefer not flying in 3:1 or greater ratios (either way); I don't enjoy being ganged by 3 (usually much more) and I don't enjoy having to pick through 4 friendlies to get a kill. Based on my preferences, it's obvious that the CT has more enjoyment potential for me than the MA. So if flying where I have more fun makes me an elitist, oh well, I'm an enjoyment elitist. There, that even has some assonance for the little label! (ooo, alliteration too!)