Author Topic: 190 and 109 tactics  (Read 2913 times)

Offline DingHao2

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190 and 109 tactics
« on: June 24, 2001, 02:15:00 PM »
Does anyone have any tricks that they'd like to share concerning the 190 d-9 and 109 g-10?
I'd appreciate any help I can get, since im a LW fan and don't want to have to use allied planes to get kills.

Offline mrfish

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190 and 109 tactics
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2001, 03:14:00 PM »
i am still learning the 109, it takes a loooong time, but the world's #1 ace, erich hartmann (who flew the 109) was once quoted as saying

"I was hired to shoot down enemy planes, not to play with them..."

I think that describes the 109 perfectly. if you are trying to dogfight in it - it won't be long til a better turner comes along. it is best to stay high & fast and attack when you have the advantage and preferably surprise. make your attack pass then set up another, but dont get dragged into a turning fight. if you are impatient , then the 109 ain't for you :)

i don't know much about the 190 but the best flyers in the game are the ones that use good wing tactics. the 190 is tough to live in by itself but it is a killer when a good pair are on you. the best i can do in it is dive into a furball and hope to get out the other side in time to set up a new attack. good luck!

Offline Tac

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190 and 109 tactics
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2001, 04:05:00 PM »
bail out when you see a P-38. Its item #1 in the LW manual  ;)

Offline StSanta

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190 and 109 tactics
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2001, 04:52:00 AM »
The G10 shouldn't be flown in a non agressive way - using the vertical it can get on the 6 of virtually all American fighters - and stay there. Their only defense would be a high speed dive, because the 109 locks up horribly at speed.

F4U's, F6F's and P-51's are usually quite surprised when they see a 109 being flown aggressively. With Spit's and Nikis, rope a dope works excellently  :).

190 driving really depends on the plane, but generally, you'll want to have an altitude advantage - 190's don't climb well, they turn like crap, they have a high stall speed. Give it a little alt and the extremely good dive and roll rate will work wonders for ya.

Offline Naudet

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190 and 109 tactics
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2001, 05:18:00 AM »
Santa gave u good advice on the G10, i will try to do the same for the D9.

1st the high dive speed and the good role rate can get u outta trouble real quick, few planes can follow u if u dive to safety.

But i think u wanna know how to Kill with it and not how to run  :)

For the D9 its important to have speed u can work with (also alt advantage is very good), i consider 250 mph IAS the absolute minimun at the beginning of and engagement but the more u have the better (general rule try to fly at 320-350 mph IAS).
Use vertikal movements with low Gs (2-4) to maintain ur E, try to stay above ur opponent. Never follow a better turning plane (most planes turn better than FW190 btw) through a high G brake turn, go vertikal roll ur lift vector on him and go in again. Or use a high-yo-yo to stay on his six.
Be patient till nme burns his E and than get in for the kill.

On rare occasions, u can turn with nme planes (relating to ur relative speeds and E) to kill them, a rule with the 190 is to use lag persuit if u follow someone through a turn, dont try to lead him, it only will increase G load and bleed ur E as if u have flown into a massive wall.

Also it is always better to be near a couple of friends, cause if someone is on ur six, the best way to fend him off is a friend.
Additionally in multiplane fights it is more like that u are able to sneak in bedhind and nme and kill him while u can keep ur E up.

Offline Creamo

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190 and 109 tactics
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2001, 06:44:00 AM »
The 109 and the Dora are very, very hard to fly.

If you can take off and not use combat trim without crashing, start a squad and appoint yourself a long important historic title.

Offline AKSWulfe

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190 and 109 tactics
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2001, 07:51:00 AM »
And adding to what Creamo said, the most commonly known 190 manuever is known as the "LimpWristed Shuffle". It incorporates a series of flopping around the sky like a fish out of water by limply shifting your wrist back 'n forth.
I've only seen this manuever used in action by the Knights (aka LuftWaffle land), exact details as to how to effectively warp about the sky are still as of yet, unknown!

Offline skernsk

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190 and 109 tactics
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2001, 09:15:00 AM »
Originally posted by SWulfe:
And adding to what Creamo said, the most commonly known 190 manuever is known as the "LimpWristed Shuffle". It incorporates a series of flopping around the sky like a fish out of water by limply shifting your wrist back 'n forth.
  (Image removed from quote.)  
I've only seen this manuever used in action by the Knights (aka LuftWaffle land), exact details as to how to effectively warp about the sky are still as of yet, unknown!

Heh...good one Wulfe...I assumed that the guy as Alt-Tabbed out surfing porn...and was jerking on the "wrong" stick :)

Offline Kweassa

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190 and 109 tactics
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2001, 12:03:00 PM »
From the point of view of a beginner, the Messerschmidt 109 G-10 surprisingly turns better than I thought it could. And since the situations are almost alwyas multiple engagements at low altitude(furballs in short  :D), arriving at the stage with just a bit more of alt is usually enough to depress a lot of people  :)

 I flew the G-10 as a defense plane most of the times this tour, against carrier based strikers hoarding up the shore(looooook out! The Mongol-Bish have landed... aaargh~  :) ), and found out a single G-10 could annoy enuff guys to buy time for your friends to get up and establish enough defensive CAP.

 The ammo loadout isn't exactly impressive, 150 rounds of 20mms are usually straining(especially, compared to 150 Hispano rounds equipped on the Seafire, or more of those on the gruesome F4U-1C). And so naturally, I think of pressing down on the trigger when I am under 150ft. range from the target.

 Strain the G-10 a little, dive it down to about 380~400 mph and approach the target from 6 o'clock belly low and stay there until range and almost always I've had good results. (I've found out people rarely give out 'check6' alarms to there m8s as much as I do  :) )

 If the guy discovers you, he either jumps up (dead) , breaks a bit(also dead), breaks hard(lives) or does a split-S(lives).

 Mostly I've faced Corsairs(like I said, defense situations mostly) at low alt and since Corsair pilots usually give a fit about losing speed, they don't turn that hard. A gentle lag pursuit, or a gentle high yo-yo almost always brings the Corsair back in target and range and you can kill him. Or if the Corsair finds out you are following him agressively(instead of rocket to the sky as he imagined, and as many 109 pilots would do)and shrieks as he breaks harder, pull off with grace and smile knowing with a break like that, the Corsair becomes easy prey to friendly fighters nearby.

 Though a chase like this deprives the G-10 like 30~60 mph in speed, I found out that I still can get away from other planes after I shot my target down, since G-10 is a VERY fast plane. So I think it performs in a furball situation better than what people would have imagined(u know, 109's a boring plane.. 109 needs 18k+ alt, 109 won't stay around in furballs etc etc..).

 The biggest trouble I've met with the G-10 was that the fuel burns up like ice cream in the middle of Sahara..

 Do what StSanta said.. drive it mean and aggresive  :)

Offline Hajo

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190 and 109 tactics
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2001, 12:43:00 PM »
First of all, they are two altogether different aircraft, at least in the early models.

the 109 e and F models were much more maneuverable then the later g models.  As a matter of fact, a great number of 109 pilots were not entirely happy with the G Model.  It required high power setting always to fly, and it was a real chore to fly it ( according to those who flew it) Most 109 pilots wished they could have the f model back.The 109 climbed well, all models, and turned well up into the g6 model.  The G6 and G10 weren't as maneuverable, turning radius suffered, but still climbed well, and their speed was increased over the F model.  It is also worthy to note that a great many fatalities and injuries occured while trying to land or takeoff in the 109.  I read the percentage of aircraft lost (109) on landings and take offs, I forgot it, but it was unusually high.

The 190

Was developed by Kurt Tank to use a radial engine.  The availability of the DBs'were short due to the fact that they were used both in fighters and bombers, thus the focke wulf was born.  According to the test pilot, whose interview is in the book by Alfred Price was a real joy to fly. Light on the controls and responsive.  The trim was set on the ground, and left that way permanently because the craft flew beautifully without adjustment while flying once it was any power level.  It was faster then the the e and f model 109s, top speed being 409 mph, that by the way was the top speed for all A models at max performance altitude.  By the way, the spitIX also listed 409mph as  it's top speed.  The 190 carried more of a punch in armament, more cannons up to 4 in some of the A models, and even carried 30mm in pairs in the A8, 30mm were also available on the G-10 model,it fired through the hub, whereas the 30mm on the a8 were wing mounted.  The g-10 model was faster then the A model 190s', top speed listed on G-10 was I believe 435mph.  The G-10 and fW190s' were not dogfighters, they were basically attack craft using their speed and firepower to down their opponent.  Turnfighting in those craft were a no no     :D The 109 performed better at 21K or above then the A model 190s'.

Overall durability would go to the 190 A models, with the d model and g models being about equal in suffering engine damage, but damage to controls such as elevators rudders etc.was more difficult to do in the D model since it used steel rods in place of cables, and no hydraulics to damage.

Best thing to do is try'll definately notice the difference.  The g10 requires constant attention, and the 190 doesn't. The G10 climbs the best in the game imho, whereas the fw190 rate of climb is moderate at best.  Each has pluses and minuses.  Both have something to offer!    :eek:

[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Hajo ]

[ 06-25-2001: Message edited by: Hajo ]
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190 and 109 tactics
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2001, 01:11:00 PM »
Have no much time, sorry. But the most important tip for 190A5/A8/F8 (the slower variants) is to have no holes at all in your SA. And use this SA to play a chess game instead a flight sim. The most important factor is where you place your "rook" before the real attack or defense. These planes do not forgive even minor mistakes.

Offline SpitLead

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190 and 109 tactics
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2001, 02:22:00 PM »

I think there was some good advice there ,even Creamo   :)

Like was said before, in the 109 use the vertical as much as possible to take advantage of its high climb rate but be careful of other airplanes that can zoom climb (P47 for one). Attack airplanes from the low 6 or follow them up for the kill.  Be VERY careful in a high speed dive as it locks up terribly so diving from a USAF plane is not a good idea as most have good high speed handling.  Get close for the kill cause the ammo loadout is poor.

In the FW190 the best advice is to keep your speed up and do Boom and Zoom tactics.  Try to catch them by surprise if possible by your great diving speed (you can close gaps quickly).  Be sure to extend and climb again to altitude.  The D9 is especially fast so use that to your advantage but keep your 'e' up at ALL times.  It has a great roll rate so use "flick" rolls and THEN pull thru to change directions quickly. Many times a plane with a better roll rate can out turn a better turning airplane. Use your rudder to make the roll even quicker.

Offline Jigster

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190 and 109 tactics
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2001, 07:44:00 PM »
So no one found it even slightly ironic that a guy that wants to fly LW has a name like Ding Hao?

USAAF allusion for the history impaired  :)

Offline hblair

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190 and 109 tactics
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2001, 12:02:00 AM »
I typed this up over a year ago. It mostly still applies today...

Offline Hangtime

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190 and 109 tactics
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2001, 12:41:00 AM »
LMAO Creamo.. Right on.

But let me expound a bit...  from a purely allied/opportunists point of view, not one single stinking LW plane is in this sim that can whup a SMART Pony driver. Which is why I always die inna pony. On the other hand; I enjoy nothing more than a good 190 or 109 vs P51 fight, any alt; any situation, any time.  :)

190's are mystical... some turn, others roll and twitch, some go like holy hell, some climb better than others... a bewildering array of 190's are available.. but the most competent and the one most likely to give a P51 fits is the Dora.

Likewize the ugliest airplanes ever made... the 109's. Some of these can turn rather well; some climb like a fediddlein elevator, all of 'em have an interesting array of armaments available. None of 'em can dive, but one shines as the best all around killer of uncautious and unwary allied pilots ever built, and in careful competent hands it will crush an unwary pony drivers hopes fer a easy kill... the Gustav... aka the G10.

No aircraft in this sim can put me defensive and keep me there faster than a high G10... and nothin makes me happier than killin one.

It takes a LONG time to get good with a G10 or a 190.. longer still to become proficient. Less in demand are pilot skills... most demanding are SA skills and the ability to read the opponents E state. Combine ACM skill with flawless SA/energy reads inna G10 or a Dora with a competent wingman behind him and woe betide it's opponents.

Vis a vis, stuff yer average 1944 era German 18 year old with 100 flying hours inna g10 or dora cockpit and you have allied fried krautsickles. The allied pilots wern't much more skilled... but they did have a better plane, more forgiving of the sins of the pilot. Historicly speaking; of course.

The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.