Author Topic: Most unrealistic aspect of Aces High.  (Read 1720 times)

Offline Dawvgrid

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Most unrealistic aspect of Aces High.
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2002, 05:52:16 AM »
yup,,,it`s the neverending story,,craving craving.

Offline mrsid2

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Most unrealistic aspect of Aces High.
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2002, 05:59:45 AM »
I think that one of the biggest reasons for the lack of realism with the gunnery/damagemodel is that you can see huge hitsprites even if you hit the con at 1k and up..

If there would be (realistically) almost no way to tell if you hit the target that far or not, it would for sure reduce the amount of spray and pray.

Offline BigMax

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Most unrealistic aspect of Aces High.
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2002, 06:51:26 AM »
GV damage model is easily the most unrealistic.... maybe not the right word.  Needs the most attention.

Everything I've ever read about WWII tank battles said that German Armor had to be killed from the rear quarter and at extremely close range.  Their armor was just to dang thick to get through anywhere else.  Yet in here, 50cals regularly kill Panzers. Sherman Tanks could barely do it and then only when conditions were practically ideal.  Armor thickness and projectile penetration factors need some real work.  The other side of the same coin is that I have on numerous occasions hit M3/8/16s from 10 to 15 times to kill them with a 75mm gun.

I enjoy my time spent online playing, but this is the one area that causes to log in disgust when I spend 20 or 30 minutes driving my Panzer across country only to be killed by the first 50cal weilding GV or Plane.

Offline Yeager

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Most unrealistic aspect of Aces High.
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2002, 07:09:42 AM »
If a bear farts in the forest and theres no one there to smell it, does it really stink?

And remember to:
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Offline Skuzzy

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Most unrealistic aspect of Aces High.
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2002, 08:02:50 AM »
Well, I keep hearing how many people think the AH graphics engine is old and outdated and not up to todays systems.

As a programmer, I will tell you categorically, it has absolutely zero to do with the graphics engine.  You know a graphics engine only pushes polys, and the amount of polys you chose to deal with (i.e. the artwork) is your limitation.

You guys are asking for more polys, plain and simple.  I will also tell you Nate and Super could create the most realistic models you could ever see, but then when your frame rate is in the toilet, you would not like it.  

There are inherent rules involved with game design you cannot get around today.

1)  If you are a box game with limited network play, you have more processing power to work with grahics.
2)  If you are a massive multi-player online game, you have to give up quite a bit of processing power from the graphics to achieve smooth game play.

I am not saying there is not room for improvement.  HTC has shown the ability to move forward, but you have to consider, the mean average CPU today and answer, "what can that system do today?".  Todays mean average CPU is about 550Mhz P3.  

I have no doubt HTC could generate a version of AH that would make about 2 percent of the players really happy in terms of eye candy, the other 98 percent would not be able to play it.  This would be a bad business call on HTC's part, but they know that already.

And before you ask, "why not create a high end of AH for those that can handle it?".  Well, now you are talking about generating twice to three times the amount of work for HTC, which translates into much longer times between updates and patches.  Again, another bad business call.

Also, consider the graphics cards.  Did you know that until NVidia released the GF3 (non-MX), they only had support for 2 texture stages?  What does this mean?  Well, for graphics to look realistic, it requires at least 4 texture stages.  One for the base texture, one for bump mapping, one for light mapping, and one for specular mapping.  Oh, let's not talk about projected shadows, which requires more stages.
Of course, bump mapping alone adds nice subtle touches to grahics.  The terrain in AH uses bump mapping, which was added some versions ago.

I admire HTC's ability to balance the graphics.  They probably do that better than anyone.  What does that mean?  Well, if you create a model with a high poly count, and suddenly you have to render 10 of those, along with the other persistent objects, the frame rate would drop like a rock.  Balancing the poly count is a true art.  The goal for the game designer to to keep frame rates fluid and not fluctuating all over the place.  In some cases it is impossible to not have that happen, but you want those cases to be the special case, not the normal case.
If you are a box game with limited network play, you do not have to be so concerned with this as you know you will have a limited number of objects in view at any given time.

I have no doubt that when the mean CPU is above 1Ghz, AH will look appropriately improved in the graphics area.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline Toad

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Most unrealistic aspect of Aces High.
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2002, 08:18:36 AM »
Originally posted by jbroey3
13. Just to RE-Itterate, the OVER SIMPLIFIED AMMO damage/Ability to damage another plane from SUCH RANGES with specific types of ammo. (It is not realistic, nor is it even remotely accurate from a ballistics standpoint).

Clairification of this point please.

Are you saying that MG bullets will not travel 1000 yards? Or are you saying that after traveling 1000 yards they would be unable to damage a WW2 aircraft?

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Offline Superfly

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Most unrealistic aspect of Aces High.
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2002, 08:38:47 AM »
Yeah, this game sucks.  Why are we all playing it?
John "Superfly" Guytan
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Offline Tronspir

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Most unrealistic aspect of Aces High.
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2002, 08:42:12 AM »
Originally posted by SUPERFLY
Yeah, this game sucks.  Why are we all playing it?

So we can get a shot at some Hellfire Brew for the upcoming con? :p

Offline OZkansas

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Most unrealistic aspect of Aces High.
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2002, 08:52:00 AM »
Sometimes when I read threads like this one I am just dumbfounded that what is being complained about is only in Aces High!  Where else have you seen trains and convoys in an online environment?  So, big deal they aren’t modeled correctly.  Does that mean they shouldn’t be there?

I’ll take the trains as they are at the moment rather then the trains and convoys being removed.  This is not a finished product.  It is open to continual improvement at all times (thank heavens).  It would be silly to accept this as a finished product.  

Now in Skuzzy’s post he is basically saying that you people who refuse to upgrade to GeForce 4 and 2.2Ghz machines are holding this sim back!  HTC could do so much more if they didn’t have to deal with “slow machine users” (refereed to SMU’s)  You SMUs are the problem not HTC!

Ok, the last paragraph is BS.  I for one am glad that HTC takes into account the “average machine” playing Aces.  As the average machine increases in power the more that can be added to Aces.  If  HTC didn’t take into account the SMUs the sim would be empty and prolly off line in a very short time.   I am happy that they have found a way to balance all aspects of this online sim to make it the best that has ever graced the Internet!

The community ought to tip its hat a lot more often then we do for the efforts HTC has put forth to get Aces to the stage it is at now!  Where else have we seen anything that comes close to Aces?  Nowhere.

Over and out.

Offline Zippatuh

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Most unrealistic aspect of Aces High.
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2002, 09:01:03 AM »
Seems to me that I saw a post from HT that said the convoys and trains run this way to insure the re-supply times.  For the terrain developers to have to calculate grade and the correct area to establish a road and/or tracks would take up far to much time.

I would much rather see additional terrain’s than making sure that the concrete is pored and railroad ties are installed correctly.

Offline Puck

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Most unrealistic aspect of Aces High.
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2002, 09:16:03 AM »
Superfly has it wrapped up nicely.  This game sucks.

Rooks REALLY suck.  Bastages were shooting at me yesterday.  Sociopaths.  

I really did like the idea of putting ski slopes on some of the hills.  Can you guys model my Rossi Bandits and put a couple high-speed lifts in, then make sure there's always at least 80 inches of base and two feet of fresh powder?   :D

Perk scores for Fighter, Bomber, Vehicle, and Skiing.
//c coad  c coad run  run coad run
main (){char _[]={"S~||(iuv{nkx%K9Y$hzhhd\x0c"},__

Offline Commander rialbh

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Most unrealistic aspect of Aces High.
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2002, 09:34:10 AM »
This game is full of stupids! I am quit if it no get fixed! Now to work HTC! Be good game!:mad: :eek: :mad:
« Last Edit: April 08, 2002, 09:37:32 AM by Commander rialbh »

Offline Sikboy

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Most unrealistic aspect of Aces High.
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2002, 09:39:52 AM »
Originally posted by Commander rialbh
This game is full of stupids! I am quit if it no get fixed! Now to work HTC! Be good game!:mad: :eek: :mad:

ROFL :eek:  :eek:  :eek:
You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline Wlfgng

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Most unrealistic aspect of Aces High.
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2002, 09:45:17 AM »
these are special trains.. .like we have here in colorado..
climbing a 45% grade.. yep 45%.

ok.. so it's only 1 train.

Offline Rude

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Most unrealistic aspect of Aces High?
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2002, 10:17:54 AM »
The ignorance of players who speak of issues they have no concept of and what it takes to implement those desired changes.

Spoiled rotten!!!