Author Topic: Combat theatre..a failure??  (Read 1347 times)

Offline hblair

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Combat theatre..a failure??
« Reply #105 on: April 12, 2002, 03:06:25 PM »
Lazs, you're all over the page again. This is the first I've heard of an early war MA from you. Make up your mind woman. You're worse than a politician. Sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder too. Noone can critique your ideas without you gettin bent out of shape. The lazs arena is a stupid idea.

-harmless lil old bald hblair

Offline Kieran

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Combat theatre..a failure??
« Reply #106 on: April 12, 2002, 03:14:23 PM »
I know when I chase something down in the current arena pretty much what it is by color.

If it's silver, it must be a P38 or Ki61- and it is easy to tell by the red tail of the Ki-61.

If it's green, it is probably Japanese- except for the P47, which has the white ring on the nose.

If it's blue, it's American.

This would not be possible without Axis/Allied. It has its time and place.

Edited for clarity.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2002, 04:01:38 PM by Kieran »

Offline LePaul

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Combat theatre..a failure??
« Reply #107 on: April 12, 2002, 03:17:59 PM »
Originally posted by hblair

Posted by hblair on 2/21/02.

Deaf ears huh?

You're reading em, but the CT has 3 planes for me to chose from.

Offline lazs2

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Combat theatre..a failure??
« Reply #108 on: April 13, 2002, 10:03:55 AM »
"Make up you mind Lazs! Your worse than my mother in law! Changing your tune every 10 seconds...looks like your on the same path as you were in Warbirds, getting chased out of the community with your tail between your legs. Shoo! Go away! Ya bother me boy!

VMF-323 Website
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Another hobby "

well... this is interesting..  ripsnore, i left WB with no fanfare no tearfull goodbye speech or indignant "i quit waaaa..." speech.  I simply moved over to a sim that had the features I wanted and.....    I waited till they fixed the FM in 1.04.     I waited till all the good features in AH outweighed the good features in WB.   And as for bothering you.... who really cares?  everything bothers you.  You are allways on the verge of tears so far as I can tell anyway.   Some of your emotion choked drivel is pretty darn silly.  I think you (and the rest of us) were best served when your sig was larger than your posts.  

"Lazs, you're all over the page again. This is the first I've heard of an early war MA from you. Make up your mind woman. You're worse than a politician. Sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder too. Noone can critique your ideas without you gettin bent out of shape. The lazs arena is a stupid idea.

-harmless lil old bald hblair"

hblair... you prove my point and I'm sure it isn't lost on people who read this board... How you can say that I have never mentioned an early war area in the MA is beyond me.  Are you on drugs?   are you off em?   Read what I write or don't read what I write but if you don't then don't comment on it.   I hesitate to say that you are lying but what else can I think (other than the drug thing or some other chemical imvbalance)?   You claim that this is the first time you have heard of an early war "area" in the MA from me?   In other posts you claim that it wouldn't work.   What wouldn't work?  

oh... like the "harmless lil old bald hblair" thing.   Very original.   Hard to believe that you came up with it.  

Offline hblair

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Combat theatre..a failure??
« Reply #109 on: April 13, 2002, 07:18:57 PM »
Oh yeah, here we go with the area arena huh laz? The truth is, you're for a little bit of everything. You mentioned earlier that you were for seperate main arenas, now the idiotic "area" arena mess again. Why would someone want two or 3 seperate periods of the war flying in one arena seperated from each other when they could just have 2 or 3 seperate arenas?

Oh yeah, I forgot, you're for that too. Today anyway.

BTW, no drugs here. That's for geniuses with nazi tatoos. :)

Offline eddiek

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You guys still "debating" this?
« Reply #110 on: April 13, 2002, 10:31:57 PM »
Give it a rest.  :(
Success or failure of the CT is in the eye of the beholder.
If lazs sees it as a failure, fine, let him see it that way.  No skin off my back whether he likes it or not.  He is entitled to his opinion.
If others see it as a success, especially the guys in charge of this show, namely HTC, that's great, too.
Get in the arenas and off the BBS, guys!  Helluva lot more fun for ya there!  I'm still struggling with learning to fly with rudder pedals and this X45, so there's an easy nit target for ya in the AH skies!

Offline lazs2

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Combat theatre..a failure??
« Reply #111 on: April 14, 2002, 08:48:41 AM »
I have allways said that seperate arenas don't work (as they have been done so far) and that one large arena with seperate areas would be one workable solution to the plane parity problem.   We have seperate arenas now and they are acting the same way they allways have... one is full and the others are all but deserted.

The ability to stay in touch with the "community" while in one big arena but flying any different era of ac in an "area" of parity is... very apealing to me.   I have mentioned tho that with seperate arenas a very good thing would be to be able to toggle between maps so that you could easily see what was happening in every arena without leaving one and signing into another.

oh... and I am no genius but I do have an SS tatoo from many years back.... I don't do drugs tho (unless you count two days after open heart surgery).   not sure what the three things have in common..  did yu have a point?

Offline hblair

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Combat theatre..a failure??
« Reply #112 on: April 15, 2002, 08:56:33 AM »
Look past your nose laz. You don't even take into account the growth of the community. We have this thing called the radio buffer that would be rolling 90 mph with 500 pilots in the same arena. Then you have the potential for whining. "This plane should be in the early war area!"

Why in the world would you have 3 different different periods of the war in the same arena, yet seperated from each other, all using up the same resources but not at all interacting except on the radio? That's retarded.

BTW, there were 50-60 pilots in the CT friday and saturday nights using older planes that were not handed to us on a *platter*. ;)

Offline Arfann

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Combat theatre..a failure??
« Reply #113 on: April 15, 2002, 09:17:52 AM »

Why in the world would you have 3 different different periods of the war in the same arena, yet seperated from each other, all using up the same resources but not at all interacting except on the radio? That's retarded.

Ol' lazs got his late war 'merkin iron all fueled up with drops ready to go vulch the "early war" zone.  We're onto you Lazs, give it up! :p

Offline Maniac

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Combat theatre..a failure??
« Reply #114 on: April 15, 2002, 09:30:15 AM »
An simple test would be fun :

Try this :)

1. Rename the Main Arena to "combat theater", keep the setup as it is.

2. Rename the Combat Theater to "Main arena", keep the setup as it is.

Result : At the end of the month 2/3 of the player base will be in the renamed Combat Theater, djust because its called "main arena".

Its all about the "Sheep mentality" :) people log into the arena wich has the most numbers.

Warbirds handle : nr-1 //// -nr-1- //// Maniac

Offline Seeker

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Combat theatre..a failure??
« Reply #115 on: April 15, 2002, 06:55:18 PM »
"Why in the world would you have 3 different different periods of the war in the same arena, yet seperated from each other, all using up the same resources but not at all interacting except on the radio? That's retarded. "

Because if they're not flying actively against each other, how else do they interact? Yet even that limited interaction is greater than the amount of interaction between the two camps at present.

We had something like Laz's suggestion in AW; it was called fighter town. It didn't suit every one, was implemented but left undeveloped (like so much of AW); but went a long way towards resolving the conflict between players differeing of needs and wishes. One would hope ten years later software and arena sophistication would rise to the point where such an concept could be buit upon and improved instead of being ignored and/or re-invented from the begining all over again, all over again.

As such, it would appear to be merely a matter of terrain design, but that would of course mean that both (or all) areas within the same arena would (at present) share the same arena settings; as I don't believe there's any way to shorten Dar range in only (for example) the top left hand corner of the map.

It's a relatively simple argument to prove. It needs only a terrain, terrain set up and a server.

Offline NUTTZ

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Combat theatre..a failure??
« Reply #116 on: April 15, 2002, 07:18:23 PM »
At fighter town Buffs and goonie were disabled, and people flew buffs and goonies from other fields, IT WAS A FREAKIN NIGHMARE!!!!!


Originally posted by Seeker
"Why in the world would you have 3 different different periods of the war in the same arena, yet seperated from each other, all using up the same resources but not at all interacting except on the radio? That's retarded. "

Because if they're not flying actively against each other, how else do they interact? Yet even that limited interaction is greater than the amount of interaction between the two camps at present.

We had something like Laz's suggestion in AW; it was called fighter town. It didn't suit every one, was implemented but left undeveloped (like so much of AW); but went a long way towards resolving the conflict between players differeing of needs and wishes. One would hope ten years later software and arena sophistication would rise to the point where such an concept could be buit upon and improved instead of being ignored and/or re-invented from the begining all over again, all over again.

As such, it would appear to be merely a matter of terrain design, but that would of course mean that both (or all) areas within the same arena would (at present) share the same arena settings; as I don't believe there's any way to shorten Dar range in only (for example) the top left hand corner of the map.

It's a relatively simple argument to prove. It needs only a terrain, terrain set up and a server.

Offline Seeker

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Combat theatre..a failure??
« Reply #117 on: April 15, 2002, 07:23:15 PM »
"At fighter town Buffs and goonie were disabled, and people flew buffs and goonies from other fields, IT WAS A FREAKIN NIGHMARE!!!!! "

Which part of "undeveloped" flew over your pointy head?

You're just squeaking 'cos the terrains already giving you headaches :)

Bring Fighter Town to Aces High!!

Offline NUTTZ

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Combat theatre..a failure??
« Reply #118 on: April 15, 2002, 07:47:25 PM »
Hell no, I love a challenge!!! 3 different planeset could be built into 1 map AND be made so they couldn't Possibly cross paths. (  very simple 30K mountians and 800MPH winds at 28K) I'm just stating My beliefs of AW Fightertown, Which I flew in. Half the time the fields were closed due to Buffs and captures by people who wanted to ruin others fun. There STILL are people that would do this today. I understand what you said about after all this time somebody should be able to accomplish a "fightertown"  

We do have a "fightertown" now, It's called the DA. Again I understand laz's post that this takes people from the MA. IMO it's a simple click and less than 10 seconds to jump areas. Also it's really easy to annouce to people you'll be going there. I really can't see the benefit of Putting all the different eggs in one basket.

P.S. My head isn't really that pointy ( from certain angles)

Originally posted by Seeker
"At fighter town Buffs and goonie were disabled, and people flew buffs and goonies from other fields, IT WAS A FREAKIN NIGHMARE!!!!! "

Which part of "undeveloped" flew over your pointy head?

You're just squeaking 'cos the terrains already giving you headaches :)

Bring Fighter Town to Aces High!!

Offline Seeker

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Combat theatre..a failure??
« Reply #119 on: April 16, 2002, 11:01:33 AM »
"We do have a "fightertown" now, It's called the DA."

Ah yes, the DA, AH's red haired problem child.

You know, one thing that Laz and the strat types agree on is that most people are mindless furballers. Seeing that, you'd think that the DA's lack of use would point to one of two things:

1) Laz is right, and the DA's lack of use underlines the fact that a seperate arena cut off from any interaction from the rest of the player base is an unattractive proposition.

2) Laz is wrong, and it's only the arena settings which prevent the DA from being the most over used arena we have.

Personaly, I think it's a combination of both - no interaction and a poor choice of settings, but then I've never, ever seen any interest what so ever in developing or promoting the DA from any one. If there's an application form for the job, point me at it.