Author Topic: HTC, can you share the survey results?  (Read 1217 times)

Offline Thrawn

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #30 on: April 19, 2002, 02:40:11 PM »
Originally posted by BigGun
If you don't like little pop up stuff just once in awhile & that is part of the game, then don't pay $15 dollars to play. Nobody is forcing you to open AH, knowing there is an off chance a marketing pop-up will be there. Amazes me as to the simple little things that people complain about.

Imagine HTC had this atitude about every clients concern.  It's called customer service.  Something that they happen to be good at.  It's part of the reason they are so succesful.  And it's a wicked marking tool, as the other sims don't seem to be very good at it.

Offline streakeagle

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #31 on: April 19, 2002, 02:42:42 PM »
Originally posted by muckmaw
You're one of those Civil Liberties Tree-Huggers are'nt you?

Now that's funny :D Just because HT/Pyro's recent post suddenly made the little poll box utterly repulsive to me and I decide to mindlessly rant about it, suddenly I am a card-carrying ACLU member?

Yeah, I am one of those liberal tree-huggers that likes to play wargames (both the board game type and computer sims), own and drive gas guzzling sports cars, legally own and carry firearms, and served 8 years in the Navy on submarines. Quite a few of my opinions do fall into categories other than right wing Republican, but I don't believe anyone I have ever known ever accused me of being too liberal ;)

I am somewhat anti-establishment though, especially when it comes to mailboxes full of advertisements I am never going to read, telemarketers calling all day long, and people with clipboards standing around in malls trying to get me to answer a few quick questions. These days door-to-door solicitors seem pretty rare, but those are the worst even when compared to the phone calls.

I come home, I turn on the computer, check my email (which is filtered well enough to keep out most ads), check my favorite message boards, and if my homework is done and I am not too tired, I play a couple of games. Why is it so difficult for others to understand I have no need to face any more marketing ploys by this time regardless of how small and insignificant it may be?

It may be "just a poll", but my post is "just another post"... it doesn't really require knee jerk responses because I disagreed with HTCs marketing poll feature.

I may whine about this feature or that, participate in wish lists, play devil's advocate in officer club political debates, etc., but by far the majority of my posts about HTC and AH probably fall more into the cheerleader category or I wouldn't even be here posting.

As for the poll being instrumental to improving the game... I think these message boards already provide more useful feedback than HTC can even use. Clearly the main function of such a poll is to make decisions on where to put advertising dollars at, which is certainly not a crime but nor is it something I want to pay for or waste even a millisecond of my time viewing and clicking on it.

Of course HT and the gang have been doing this awhile and get to decide what is best for them. But haven't they done well enough to do without the marketing gimmicks employed everywhere else?
i5(4690K) MAXIMUS VII HERO(32 Gb RAM) GTX1080(8 Gb RAM) Win10 Home (64-bit)

Offline muckmaw

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #32 on: April 19, 2002, 02:44:11 PM »
Originally posted by Thrawn

  I pay for an evolving game.


If I understand you correctly, if HTC stopped adding new planes, and various updates, you'd stop playing?

If this is correct, then you're saying that AH is not good enough as is, and you're just waiting around to see if it improves.

Offline funkedup

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #33 on: April 19, 2002, 02:46:34 PM »
In the future, a simple 0 will do.

This whole crappy thread was made worthwhile by that line.  :)

Offline Thrawn

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #34 on: April 19, 2002, 02:46:49 PM »
Originally posted by muckmaw

Aside from the one that allows morons to procreate, none. If they restrict the right of throngs of new age hippies to protest, I'll have nothing to laugh at on the Evening News.

LOL!!!   Who is sounding like the capitalist and who is sounding like the socialist??

Offline muckmaw

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #35 on: April 19, 2002, 02:54:50 PM »
Originally posted by streakeagle

Yeah, I am one of those liberal tree-huggers that likes to play wargames (both the board game type and computer sims), own and drive gas guzzling sports cars, legally own and carry firearms, and served 8 years in the Navy on submarines.

So you're a survivalist, Anti-Government, Gun Nut, who is looking to shot it out with the "Revenu'ers?" (I'm only kidding, please but the Ar-15 down. I could never seriously insult a man who served our country. )

Originally posted by streakeagle

As for the poll being instrumental to improving the game... I think these message boards already provide more useful feedback than HTC can even use.

Not everyone who plays AH voices their opinion, or even logs into this board. Everyone who plays AH sees the Pop-Up Question.

Originally posted by streakeagle

Of course HT and the gang have been doing this awhile and get to decide what is best for them. But haven't they done well enough to do without the marketing gimmicks employed everywhere else?

How well is well enough? 4,000 Subscribers? 5,000? How many subscribers does AOL have? Yet they still send out thousands of free CD's to try their service.  (They make great coasters, BTW)

Offline Replicant

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #36 on: April 19, 2002, 02:55:02 PM »
I honestly don't mind these poll questions at all; it only takes up about  5 seconds of my time and if the end product is to help make/market AH better then all the better!  :)

Salute HTC!  :)


Offline Thrawn

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #37 on: April 19, 2002, 02:58:01 PM »
Originally posted by muckmaw
If I understand you correctly, if HTC stopped adding new planes, and various updates, you'd stop playing?

I don't know, maybe.

If this is correct, then you're saying that AH is not good enough as is, and you're just waiting around to see if it improves.

AH is good enough as it is as it is an evolving product.  If it stopped evolving would you still be playing it in, say 10 years.  Or would you be playing brand X as it could be light years ahead of AH as it is now.

Offline Sikboy

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #38 on: April 19, 2002, 03:00:56 PM »
Originally posted by Dux
I think I hear a helicopter, where's my foil helmet?

Keneth, what's the FREQUENCY?!?!?!

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline muckmaw

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #39 on: April 19, 2002, 03:02:08 PM »

I guess you would know. I mean,  The first socialist government in North America was formed when the Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) under Tommy Douglas won the provincial election in Saskatchewan.

Here comes the USA vs. Canada thread again....


Offline -sudz-

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #40 on: April 19, 2002, 03:03:10 PM »
Muck - the first step of a slippery slope is always innocuous.  It's OK that HTC hears that the pop up irritates some of their customers - that, also, is "helping" HTC.  That feedback might help prevent commercials being piped over AH Voice:

"20mm, 50 cal . . . does he mean it . . . Obsession, by Calvin Klein"

Pop ups before Scenarios:

"Fight in the Philipines brought to you by Gieko - the Insurance company with the Funny Name"

Messages in the radio buffer:

"Good kill, .  Celebrate with a Coors Light"

If a customer's opinion matters, like it does for the survey, then the opinion that the survey is intrusive also matters.


Offline muckmaw

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #41 on: April 19, 2002, 03:07:06 PM »
Originally posted by Thrawn

If it stopped evolving would you still be playing it in, say 10 years.  Or would you be playing brand X as it could be light years ahead of AH as it is now.

Point taken. If that was the case, I'd still be using a Commodore 64. But it does not have to be 10 years from now. If there was a clearly superior product on the market today, I would switch. (As I think most would)

This is why HTC needs the resources to keep expanding the player base, and stay competitive. Otherwise, Bye-Bye Aces High....

Is that a song?

Bye-Bye, Aces High
Flew my Pony into a Stoney
Now I'm sure I will die....

Eh, maybe not.

Offline Thrawn

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #42 on: April 19, 2002, 03:11:12 PM »
It's all about the branding.  

I highly recommend the book "No Logo", by Naomi Klein.

« Last Edit: April 19, 2002, 03:17:58 PM by Thrawn »

Offline muckmaw

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #43 on: April 19, 2002, 03:11:37 PM »

Do you really think it could come to that?

I think HTC knows the difference between a simple pop-up question, that offers the opportunity to decline to answer and a game intrusive sales pitch.

Offline muckmaw

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #44 on: April 19, 2002, 03:15:42 PM »
Originally posted by Thrawn

I highly recommend the book "No Logo", by Naomi Klein.

So, your saying HTC employs disenfranchised people in Malaysia, paying them pennies a day, to write code 90 hours a week?

Now I know why Pyro has a funny accent.