Author Topic: HTC, can you share the survey results?  (Read 1218 times)

Offline Ozark

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Well heck, Here's my 2 cents!
« Reply #60 on: April 19, 2002, 05:39:43 PM »
Good grief Charlie Brown! Give me a nickel and we'll talk about it!

Someone needs a nap, time out or a bowl movement. This is the most “I live in a cocoon, please do not stimulate my brain. I have offered all my mental capacity. In my world, I’m not able to deal with a simple question or the option to decline” thread I’ve ever seen!

This rates next to the infamous, “ I pay my money, I have the RIGHT to use profanity in the main area!” thread.

I guess my bottom line is, if you don’t like it, just say 0!

Offline NUTTZ

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #61 on: April 19, 2002, 05:41:49 PM »
You have to Understand HiTech, he's a "Coder" you know binary, 1 or 0, his replies are usually a simple yes, or a simple No!.

or would you of rather him reply..



Originally posted by Morsa
Olé !!!!.

If I were english speaker, I wouldn't express myself better than that.
I have always answered the polls, but this laconic:


nevertheless the afterwards Pyro explanations,
had shocked my good mood to the matter.


Offline NUTTZ

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #62 on: April 19, 2002, 05:47:29 PM »
You left out a group of the players..
"The Surfers". Those that set plane on auto climb, alt tab out and download Pr0n. You know who you are!:)


Originally posted by Kieran
You guys want results? Ok, here we go...

"We have discovered there are five distinctly different groups of players. For your convenience we have broken them down for your perusal.

Category 1: "The Generals". These are the folks that honestly believe the game was designed around themselves personally as the central figure in the play. These are the folks that expect folks to log in and fall in line with whatever Napoleonic conquest they have planned for the evening. To the General, there can be no fun without a crushing victory. The General is equally enthralled by playing board games such as chess or backgammon.

Category 2: "The Melee's". These folks want action, the faster the better. Even a 2-minute flight to the fight is is a minute and fifty-eight seconds too slow. High on the agenda of the Melee' player is airborne starts over the spot of the last death. No reason to let that guy that just whacked you get away...

Category 3: "The Whiner". As the name suggests, nothing is ever right. No matter what is done it is done wrong, no matter what volunteers do they screw up, no matter what addition to the plane set it is the wrong one or the wrong color, etc. The Whiner can be distinguished from the Pragmatist in that the Whiner's comment is always stated negatively and will never have an attainable goal. The Whiner pines for unreasonable features or additions despite the obvious detraction from the overall project or resources.

Category 4: "The Muckrakers". In short, chaos is their bag. They are here to be asocial, period. Not much more to be said, except they are often the pawns of the other categories at some times, and manipulate the other categories at other times.

Category 5: "The Pragmatists". These are the people that understand this is a game, and accept whatever situation exists. They may see problems in the game, but by-and-large they understand that very few problems are show-stoppers, and witness the growing popularity of the sim as an indication of the overall wisdom of whatever approach is currently utilized. The Pragmatist may have the occasional suggestion, but there are no demands made.

As you may guess, we are working hard to gather as much demographic information as we can in order to help us better serve you."

Offline NUTTZ

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #63 on: April 19, 2002, 06:01:54 PM »
LOL, Athou a well thought out reply, you get Silver, I still liked Hitech's reply:) Simple, authorative, and best of all,  No spelling errors..HOW the HELL can you spell NO wrong?:)


Originally posted by Pyro
If one feels that this is a surreptitious and unethical design on our part, they shouldn't answer it.  I don't even know why they'd be doing business with us.  I can't spell it out any simpler than that.  We're not doing this to build individual profiles or sell information, we're just looking for general information to help us spend our dollars to the best effect.  We do have a privacy statement on our website btw.

Likening this to us calling you at home or saying that you have to answer a poll everytime you play AH is a bit of an exaggeration, no?  On one hand, you say you want to participate in some polls such as what planes you want to see, but you don't want to see other polls at all.  They're both marketing polls, how are we to determine which ones you want to see and which ones you don't?  Perhaps a pre-question question to ask you if you want to see the question would solve that?  Ok, that's getting absurd, but it's pretty easy to take this argument to absurdity as has been amply shown in this thread already.

It is not our intent to offend users, but it's also not possible to do anything without offending someone.  Even cutting our price in half offended some people.  We try to be reasonable and hope people will be reasonable in return.  I can understand the opposite position and would hope they can understand ours, even if they don't necessarily like it.  I would like people to understand that we're not trying to be a pain to them and that is a real consideration to us and one we try to avoid.  But it's not something we can avoid at all costs.  

Awhile back, we had a login message in the main arena relaying some news about something.  Shortly after, I received an outright nasty email from a player cussing us up and down for "spamming" him with an unsolicited login message and having the gall to require him to click the close button on the message window before he could play.  It comes down to what is reasonable and what is absurd and that is a personal and subjective opinion.  Some people always fall outside of the bell curve, we just try to make sure that it's not us.  I think it would be pretty obvious to everyone including ourselves if we fell outside of the reasonable area.

Offline Ozark

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #64 on: April 19, 2002, 06:09:00 PM »
NUTTZ! Please, no more quotes! You’re reducing my mental frames per second.  ;)  :p  :)

Offline CyranoAH

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #65 on: April 19, 2002, 06:19:19 PM »

Offline eskimo2

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #66 on: April 19, 2002, 06:23:57 PM »
Holy Cow!
I'm sorry I asked!
(Not really, this is a pretty funny thread.)
Frankly, I was good with "No" or even"0".

If HTC determines that 95% of it's customers builds model airplanes (or whatever) though these polls, what's going to happen?  They will figure out how to advertise to modelers.  Then the customer base increases, and the company grows, and then they can afford to hire a few more programers to build all those things that we have been nagging for!  Fine with me.

I think we only see the polls about every 2 weeks, they take a few seconds, and I actually get a mild kick out of them.  Never imagined anyone would get mad about it!  

(Quote from Pyro) "Some people always fall outside of the bell curve..."  

Yea, by about 4 standard deviations! LOL  


Offline Thrawn

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Re: Well heck, Here's my 2 cents!
« Reply #67 on: April 19, 2002, 06:44:47 PM »
Originally posted by Ozark
Someone needs a nap, time out or a bowl movement. This is the most “I live in a cocoon, please do not stimulate my brain. I have offered all my mental capacity. In my world, I’m not able to deal with a simple question or the option to decline” thread I’ve ever seen!

So you think the sheep the mindless click a but is using using more brain power, eh??  heheh

This rates next to the infamous, “ I pay my money, I have the RIGHT to use profanity in the main area!” thread.

Next thing you know, the cheerleading sheep will be calling those who have differing opinions nazis.  

Please forgive me, I fear that I don't believe that absolutely every and anything that has ever been graced by the mere presence of the the letters "HTC", let alone the actual company, is perfect.  I have dishonored myself, myfamily and my squad...I will go commit seppuku now.


Offline Ozark

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #68 on: April 19, 2002, 06:46:56 PM »
WOW! Thank you!
I saw the light!

Offline Thrawn

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #69 on: April 19, 2002, 07:02:40 PM »
Originally posted by Ozark
WOW! Thank you!
I saw the light!

Any time.:D

Offline Swager

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #70 on: April 19, 2002, 07:32:21 PM »
I agree!  I have seen about 4 of these in the last 6 months!  This is way too much!!  This sensitive information HTC has obtained from me may be in direct violation of this countries privacy act!  

Do you realize HiTech Creations now have information on me about how many airshows I have attanded in the last 2 years!!  This could possibly be a breach of national security!!

OMG!!  Call out the guards!!!  What possibly could be more destructive???  I refuse to believe that the reply "I refuse to answer"  is the answer.  I have answered 4 of these sensitive information polls and it has taken about 12 seconds of my personal time!!   If these polls assist HTC in growing their business then I demand to be compensated for my 12 seconds!!


Actually my real reply is, "Lighten Up Francis!"
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline Thrawn

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #71 on: April 19, 2002, 08:13:27 PM »
Originally posted by Swager
Actually my real reply is, "Lighten Up Francis!"

Yeah, so is mine.  I mean what's the big deal about giving the customers the option of disabling this.

Edit:  Anyways, thanks for listening.  
« Last Edit: April 19, 2002, 08:26:00 PM by Thrawn »

Offline Puck

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #72 on: April 19, 2002, 10:14:29 PM »
Originally posted by NUTTZ
You have to Understand HiTech, he's a "Coder" you know binary, 1 or 0, his replies are usually a simple yes, or a simple No!.

or would you of rather him reply..


As scary as it sounds I just figured this one out.

In hex: 0A 3A 1A 22 49 22 24 87

Assuming you meant that MSB to be zeros.  Converting that to ASCII and you get...pretty much the way HiTech spells things...grammer's not far off, either.

//c coad  c coad run  run coad run
main (){char _[]={"S~||(iuv{nkx%K9Y$hzhhd\x0c"},__

Offline Citabria

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #73 on: April 19, 2002, 10:22:26 PM »
Originally posted by Puck
Seriously, as much as I enjoy those prolixic answers from HT he might want to spend less effort composing in-depth replies.  I'm sure it detracts form available coding time.

In the future, a simple 0 will do.


lol a classic!
Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline SOB

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HTC, can you share the survey results?
« Reply #74 on: April 19, 2002, 11:20:08 PM »
Thank you Streak for raising the tard value of this thread to a level I had previously though impossible to achieve.  Amazing.

Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!