The german ones, called WGr 21 -
Granate, 21 cm were intended for use against bombers and to be fired at 1.5 km range. In AH, you can knock down gun emplacement and other light stuff with them. They're useless against other targets, and you shouldnt take them IMHO, because you get to keep their launch tubes after you fired them, worsening your ac performance even after you used them up.
The other german ones, R4M -
4 cm,
Minensprengkopf were used on 262s and 190s late in the war. They were AA rockets, with good performance IRL (or so i gather from the web). They're not available in AH.
The Enzian (name of a flower) was the first ever wire
guided missile... but it never made it out of prototype stage.