Author Topic: So what...  (Read 295 times)

Offline miko2d

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So what...
« on: February 06, 2001, 10:23:00 AM »
 So what if the perk system promotes players who spend more time then others who pay the same $30?

 Some people here are envious that someone paying the same amount should have an oppurtunity to get more then they.
 One dolt even wrote:
hours are already recorded. How about perk multiplyer bonus at the end of the tour?
 That way HTC can thank those who aren't constantly eating up bandwidth  

  How would he like to fly in an empty arena with all that spare bandwidth?

 Anoter one says:
I'd actually like to see an answer from HTC on this. It seems they are basically saying " hey, thanks for the 30 bucks, but unless you are a shut-in with no life you won't be getting the same for that 30 bucks as the next guy.

 That approach is completely wrong.  Think a little, guys, - anything that promotes other people to fly more - flat rate, perk points - is good for everyone. You are paying $30 a month and can only fly 3 hours, so you are paying $10 per hour. Some other guy will pay $0.3 per hour and fly a perk plane at that.
 But when you are on line for that $10/hr, don't you want an arena to be full? Every person on-line the same time you are is actually working for you - providing you with action and targets.

 Don't begruge people more flying hours - besides their $30 a months they are contributing their valuable time. If you take their time at minimum rate, say $5/hr, a guy who flies 100 hours contributes $500 worth of his time for the rest of the players! The least he/she can get for that is a lousy ride in a perk plane.


[This message has been edited by miko2d (edited 02-06-2001).]

Offline Westy

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So what...
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2001, 10:52:00 AM »
 Absofugginlutley Miko.  I fly a few hours a week but I really wish I could fly 8 hours each day for all 7 days in the  week.
 If someone can, welllllll, then then all the more power to them.  Obviously I'm of the "Life isn't fair and I'm not a socialist" tribe.


Offline Sunchaser

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So what...
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2001, 10:52:00 AM »
So, is my time spent doing AH tax deductible?

If so, I demand it be calculated at local basic wages, screw that minimum wage crap, $7.00 an hour is the norm in this area.

Hey HTC, can you send me something for the IRS showing the huge amount of hours I have donated to AH?

And hurry, I gotta file soon.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot....while you are at it would you mind scrapping all this POINT nonsense?


When did they put this thing in here and WTF is it for?

Offline miko2d

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So what...
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2001, 11:17:00 AM »
 Why don't you go fly AH off-line for free or EAW or some other boxed sim?
 I would venture to say that you are not flying AH because it is the only place where you can fly. You are doing it because there are dozens or hundreds of people animating all those "bandits" and "wingman" on the screen. Can you fly without them? No. Are you paying them anything? No. You are paying HTC for running the server and writing the software.

 You would have to pay other players much more per hour then you "donate". If those players spend hours on-line honing their skills to provide you with entertainment, don't you profit from that?

 The beauty of this whole sim is that each one get from it much more then he/she contributes.
