Author Topic: WWIIOL sux rocks...  (Read 1219 times)

Offline deSelys

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WWIIOL sux rocks...
« Reply #30 on: May 22, 2002, 06:37:40 AM »
C47s don't shoot down other planes in AH? Maybe because they're unarmed :rolleyes:. I wonder how much time it would take before the 1st whine if HTC ever decide to put a front mounted .50 cal on the C47....

Rudel shot down fighters with is 37mm Ju87, which was a lot less maneuverable than the bomb armed version. Another member of his geschwader was well-known for going after russian fighters and shot down several during his career, until he got too greedy and engaged alone a whole flight of fighters....

Besides, I've never had problems against stukas in WWIIOL....their hitting power is weak, and you have to sit for some time in front of their guns to receive substantial damage.

I agree that the biggest problem in WWIIOL is that the weight of fuel/ord isn't modelled yet. So a fully laden Stuka will be as maneuverable as a 'clean' one.

However, a Ju87 with flap extended should be a worthy opponent in a slow turnfight. In WB 2.77, it was possible to outturn spits IX with the cannon armed version (Ju87G).
Current ID: Romanov

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Offline Kieran

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« Reply #31 on: May 22, 2002, 07:25:19 AM »
Hey Hardcase-

Do you actually read or skim? I have been quite detailed about numerous points, and the joystick is only a minor point in comparison. I find it an oddity. No where, not anywhere in any of my posts here or anywhere, have I ever said my joystick problems = WWIIOL sux. In fact, if there's anything I believe to be a problem on my end, it IS the joystick issue, because no one else HAS talked about it.

I will say the other stuff I have talked about is true, right down to the community that was happy to see us go- of which YOU were one of the primary champions. You come in here with your condescending tone about people who don't like WWIIO, well, it doesn't cut it. You don't read what people are saying here any better than you did there, and you conveniently ignore the main points (valid points I might add) of their arguments and sum them up with a pithy and inaccurate observation.

There are people in WWIIO with class; Brasidius comes to mind. Then there are people with no class; you come to mind.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2002, 07:28:44 AM by Kieran »

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #32 on: May 22, 2002, 07:58:19 AM »

I personally have no probs with people who like any other game. What I don't like is a person to tell me there are no problems where I can clearly see them, as do many others. We have people that hit-and-run on this board, ignoring the most valid points of contention, or giving band-aid fixes to what are glaring problems. I don't expect WWIIO to be perfect; I also don't expect to be told it is by virtue of having every issue I have with it downplayed or denied.

Offline Jekyll

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« Reply #33 on: May 22, 2002, 08:30:33 AM »

Let's at least TRY to keep it civil :)  This is, after all, the AH bulletin board :)

Each to his own.  Doesn't seem to be any point in arguing about opinions .....

Some people love WW2OL ... some loath it.
Some people love Aces High ... some loath it.

There's no doubt that WW2OL has undergone serious problems over the past year.  Funny thing is, if it had been a free download originally (like Aces High) it would have been given more time to mature by the masses, instead of the understandable expectation by box buyers that 'Everything should work perfectly, right NOW'.

There are still people on this board whose opinion I respect ... the fact that they may or may not like the sim of my choice shouldn't affect that.

Of course, there are also always gonna be the idiots who take the extreme position either way .... "WW2OL RULEZ" or "WW2OL SUX".  But they are generally just noise ... easily filtered :)

BTW Keiran .. check your post on AGW re a possible fix for your joystick prob.  Best of luck, and hope it helps.

Now.. can we all just get back to our respective wars? ;)

Offline K West

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WWIIOL sux rocks...
« Reply #34 on: May 22, 2002, 08:35:20 AM »
Kieran, old HardCase here is a brown shirt for CRS. He can't hear you or anyone else who bring up any valid point(s) about the myriad of problems with Playnet/CRS and WWIIO.  IMO he's part of the problem as one of the executive "pHaN bois."  The corps of bat wielding WWIIOpsycophants who are ready to deflect any and all critisim in anyway, shape or form by any manner they see fit. Liberal use of word twisting, colorful metaphors, subject changing, beratement and out right creative invention are just a few of thier tools.  He is a Hatchling.

p.s. And he's called in reinforcements! ;) Hiya Jekyll.

 " Funny thing is, if it had been a free download originally (like Aces High) it would have been given more time to mature by the masses, instead of the understandable expectation by box buyers that 'Everything should work perfectly, right NOW'."

 The REAL funny thing is that CRS themselves delivered that high expectation to the masses with thier pre-release hype. They lied thru thier teeth. Several beta testers came out publicly to say just how bad it was. LUM the mad had a whole article or two. All dismissed as bull by the CRS guys.  The other funny thing is if the public had been given a free download or open beta then I'd bet WW2O not only still would have fallen flat on thier face like they did but but with folks having SEEN the turd of a program I'm sure they never have gotten back up as they'd not have had hardly as strong a sale of the boxes.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2002, 08:43:31 AM by K West »

Offline Nifty

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WWIIOL sux rocks...
« Reply #35 on: May 22, 2002, 09:06:42 AM »
Originally posted by deSelys
Besides, I've never had problems against stukas in WWIIOL....their hitting power is weak, and you have to sit for some time in front of their guns to receive substantial damage.

I agree that the biggest problem in WWIIOL is that the weight of fuel/ord isn't modelled yet. So a fully laden Stuka will be as maneuverable as a 'clean' one.

That wasn't the case last time I tried the game.  Every time I got hit ONCE in WWIIOL in my Hurri I, it went through the pilot.  So here's how fighting was for me.  I'd have to pepper the hell out of a bandit to down him, and try not to take one single ping.  If I did, screen went red and that was all she wrote.  Now, that was fun, because it was very challenging to keep a 7 combat rating (straight K/D, not K/D+1 like in AH).  Think I was 28kills 4 deaths in the Hurri I during the "come try WWIIOL again if you bought the box" a few months ago.

That's why Stukas can stick with Hurris and why I squeaked about it on our Mongrel BBS.  That Stuka that was turning with me was a fresh Stuka on the way to its target.  I had been flying for 15-20 mins and expelled prolly 20-35% of my ammo.  I should have been able to fly rings around him.  Nope, he was as nimble as a Stuka bingo ammo, fuel, and ordnance.  

A slow, clean Stuka can turn pretty darn tight.   Maybe not inside a Hurricane at comparable E states, but definitely close enough to turn with it.  The stories you hear about the Stukas getting wiped out in the Channel Fight in the BoB were with the Hurris and Spits meeting the Stukas nearly fully laden before they dropped on their shipping targets.

A C47 will "outturn" a Yak if the Yak is coming in with tons of E.  Outturn probably means "I got the Yak to overshoot."  A P-51D outturned my Spitfire V yesterday or the day before in AH.  That's because I came in pretty dang fast to try and catch him, but he was slower than I thought.  So he was turning about 275-300mph which is prolly close to the Pony's cornering speed, and I was barrelling in at near 450mph, which ain't good for manuevering a Spitfire.  ;)  Now given the C47 situation, the Yak probably was a bit faster and went for the guns solution and just overshot.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Mighty1

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WWIIOL sux rocks...
« Reply #36 on: May 22, 2002, 09:07:31 AM »
Hmm I see Hardcase posted something but all I can read is "Blah Blah Blah!".

Oh wait I still have my CRS roadkill repellant on.
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline deSelys

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« Reply #37 on: May 22, 2002, 10:39:00 AM »
Nifty I havn't anything against you, m8: please keep squeaking on our BBS ;)

But about the C47, I rest my case (although I'm not whining about it): I went into a slow low turnfight against a goon in a P38 (with less than 50% fuel, and combat flaps extended)...and he outturned me. I had to extend, climb a bit and come back to get him. It may be right or wrong, I honestly don't know.

About the free download: am I the only one who was able to download the game and test it for free during 15 days? I would never have bought the game from the US and have it shipped to Europe without a free trial. I'll look on the website and check  if the free trial is still available.

KG45: 1.5 Ghz and a 32 megs vid card should be more than enough to play at 800x600...although I would go for 512 Megs ram. I play on a PIII 866 Mhz, 512 RAM, GeForce II MX 200 vid card (win98 SE) without problems. Not as fluid as AH in the air, but definitely playable. Of course, I stop every other application while I play, and I try to keep my system as clean as possible.

Edit: mmm....the free trial period seems to over. I'm not sure they are making the right decision by limiting it. (article)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2002, 10:43:07 AM by deSelys »
Current ID: Romanov

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Offline KG45

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WWIIOL sux rocks...
« Reply #38 on: May 22, 2002, 11:24:03 AM »
ya know, I wouldn't have bothered to start this thread, except for some fanboy coming over here to suggest  that WWIIOL is

>>one of the most intense games ever made that take from moments of Sheer terror to Sheer excitment<<

it's not, not even close.

if someone likes it over there, fine. I followed my squad of 2 years from AW to WWIIOL, and it wasn't easy to leave them, but I don't slam them over their decisions to stay.

my list of quibbles was way too long to go into in my original post, i just stated my major gripes.  some of it was small, but it all added up to turn me off to the experience.

AH has it's faults, but not being fun isn't one of them.
all you fascists, you're bound to lose...

Offline deSelys

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« Reply #39 on: May 22, 2002, 11:33:30 AM »
Originally posted by KG45

AH has it's faults, but not being fun isn't one of them.

I agree 100% ;)

Current ID: Romanov

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Offline hawk220

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WWIIOL sux rocks...
« Reply #40 on: May 22, 2002, 11:49:22 AM »
oh my goodness.. comparing the gameplay of WWscrew online and AH? puleeze..did anyone ever get over 10 FPS in ww2ol? (forget trying to fly anything) I heard the odd person brag about getting into the 40s but I think that was all BS.. I was psyched when I got my copy that fateful June 6...told all my buds and helped instigate the process of moving our squad from AW cause the game looked so groovin...then the turd hit the bowl.. I've not been to WW2 since the 1.50 patch..but I can't imagine gameplay anybetter..hell it took, what, 6 months to get the german rifle to shoot straight? I dont know what was more frustrating...the bent barrels on the german weapons or the dogfighting B17s of AW.

on a semi-related note.. did they ever consider an infantry element in AH?


Offline Tac

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WWIIOL sux rocks...
« Reply #41 on: May 22, 2002, 12:26:29 PM »
I got 37fps in WW2OL, on highest res and detail.

Gforce 3 64 meg , 512 ram, 1.4ghz.

I found the main problem with the game's fps was that you needed to set  windows res and colors to the same as you used in-game. Otherwise your fps would go to hell. If I had my desktop set to 16 bit color, 800X600 and the game set to 32 bit 1024X762.. fps would be like 12. Set desktop to 1024X762 32 bit.. wham, 32 fps. Weird.

In AH a goon will out-turn anything but the nimble japanese turners and spitV. But it will bleed E so badly that it wont be able to keep turning for very long, it will have to unload at some point..and die.

However, in WW2OL, a blen and stuka can turn with a fighter and follow it in vertical manouvers almost eternally. How a stuka, fully loaded and gassed can loop with a hurricane, turn with a hurricane and in many cases, chase it for a little while AND shoot it down with 2 little MG's with a burst is outright moronic. I've made 109E's RUN home after dogfighting with them in my blen.

Hawk: If HTC ever puts in infantry, im quite sure it will beat WW2OL's by a factor of a magnitude.

I don't like the WW2OL terrain.. mainly because in order to keep fps high they use very few shades of colors and low polygons (or whatchamacallit). It translates into extremely poor visibility, into infantry and tanks being very easy to spot, even when behind cover (just increase contrast on your monitor and allied/axis infantry just stand out behind walls and trees). The terrain is also not well planned. One of the things that people have suggested is that CRS put tall grass ALL OVER the terrain except the terrain a mile or 2 away from towns or bases. The lawn in france wasn't mowed 24/7 , and tall grass provides excellent visual cover for infantry , vehicles and AT guns. In short, it'd make the infantry highly survivable. But typical CRS, they didnt dare make the infantry useful, or their tank quake fanboys would cease getting their 50+ inf kills per sortie.

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #42 on: May 22, 2002, 12:56:49 PM »
Originally posted by KG45
ya know, I wouldn't have bothered to start this thread, except for some fanboy coming over here to suggest  that WWIIOL is

>>one of the most intense games ever made that take from moments of Sheer terror to Sheer excitment<<

it's not, not even close.
I believe the likes of GPL and NASCAR hold that title.  Really.. I've never had a bigger adrenelin rush on-line than by playing NASCAR.


Offline Wotan

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« Reply #43 on: May 22, 2002, 01:02:39 PM »
In his autobiography, Hans-Ulrich Rudel recalls how his Ju 87 once came under attack from an excellent La-5 pilot:

"I just can't understand how he manages to follow my sharp turns in his fighter aircraft," wrote Rudel. Rudel started preparing himself for the final end, as he suddenly heard his rear-gunner, Stabsarzt Ernst Gadermann, cry over the R/T: "Got the Lag!" Rudel continues: "Was he shot down by Gadermann, or did he go down because of the backwash from my engine during these tight turns? It doesn't matter. My headphones suddenly exploded in confused screams from the Russian radio; the Russians have observed what happened and something special seems to have happened... From the Russian radio-messages, we discover that this was a very famous Soviet fighter pilot, more than once appointed as Hero of the Soviet Union."

Lev Shestakov & Hans-Ulrich Rudel

Offline Sabre

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« Reply #44 on: May 22, 2002, 01:22:28 PM »
Originally posted by hawk220

on a semi-related note.. did they ever consider an infantry element in AH?

JG52 [/B]

Yes, HTC plans to introduce a FPS element in the future.  It will involve dropping an infantry spawn point on a field from a C-47, instead of the drunks we have now.  The map room will be come a full-blown underground bunker complex (a.k.a. the latest Wolfenstien release), with the owning country's troop spawn point being inside it somewhere.  Then the attacking players spawn as infantry at their temporary spawn point and rush the bunker.  Room to room fighting will occur until either the temporary spawn point dissappears and the attacking troops are killed, or the attacking troops overwhelm the bunker defenders and capture the command center (or a radio room...whatever).
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