Author Topic: Alternative to Perk System?  (Read 699 times)

Offline xHaMmeRx

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #15 on: December 18, 2001, 09:23:00 PM »
Interesting proposition.  In general, I support a way to give new and low-time players access to perks on a fairly regular basis.  I think I'd rather see, however, a smaller number available.  Maybe 100 or so on a monthly basis that goes away at the end of the month, but keep the perks you earn.  This would keep the number of "excess" perks fairly low, but would still allow all to have a bit of fun with the "hot" rides. Of course, I don't mind the rolling planeset idea, either.  

Bottom line for me is I could support this, but I think the number of free perks is excessive.


Offline Toad

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #16 on: December 18, 2001, 10:00:00 PM »
I'd rather donate my perks to the needy.  ;)

Hey, HTC, can we set up a "gift" system to maybe reward a guy who clears your six? Or maybe a guy that shoots down a perpetual whiner or something?

You know, like throwing roses to the bullfighter type of deal.

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Offline lazs1

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2001, 08:38:00 AM »
So.. you either use your perk points or constantly face uber planes in inferior ones??  

no thanks.. keep the stigma that is 'perk jerk'.

Offline Sky Viper

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #18 on: December 19, 2001, 08:58:00 AM »
I'd rather see the whole idea go out the window.
The entire perk system causes prejudice flying in some and prevents the newbie dweebs from learning the value of the better planes.

BTW, the massive differences in oppinion that are always voiced on this subject should be a good indicator that something is wrong.  This is one VERY squeaky wheel.


Offline Eaglecz

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #19 on: December 19, 2001, 10:05:00 AM »
sounds very interesting TAC ... may be it could work in CT
MA is worst and worst day by day

Offline Tac

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2001, 11:18:00 AM »
I dont get it how its going to be worse than what we have now. Its 3 me262's a month only. If they blow it all on CHOGS (easy kills with the hordes of la7's and n1ks and spits out chog is now at its correct weight), then that's their prerogative, their choice. Most likely, people will fly the rank4 planes and the jets as they burn their given monthly perk points. Those who want to be able to fly more perk planes will have to work towards career points.. and if they use perk planes to get career points, they wont get many 'cause perk rides give very little point due to ENY/OBJ values.

"The entire perk system causes prejudice flying in some and prevents the newbie dweebs from learning the value of the better planes"

Yes, that's how it is now. With the Career system takes away the prejudice part AND allows them newbloods to learn the value of the perk planes by flying them. It does no good to a new guy to see perk planes in the sky and only be able to fly them in TA, DA or HtH arenas where the fighting is mighty different.

"So.. you either use your perk points or constantly face uber planes in inferior ones"

So.. you either fly your unperked late war planes or constantly face them in inferior non-perked non-late war planes. Hey, thats the MA now. How horrible isnt it? I guess it doesnt apply when its your rides eh? What you want as an alternative? Perk the uber la7, uber 51D, etc? Im all for it you know.

At least with this system EVERYONE has access to the perk planes. And you have a damn good chance of killing a 152,tempest and f4u4 with your La7 or P51D as well.

Toad:  :)  :)  :D

Offline lazs1

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #21 on: December 19, 2001, 02:32:00 PM »
I hate any kind of perk system but...

If we have to have one then let's stigmatize it as much as possible.. Make the wussy, loser of a perk jerk as obvious as possible.

Offline Tac

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #22 on: December 19, 2001, 02:49:00 PM »
"I hate any kind of perk system but..."

This is NOT a perk system. You, me , mr newbie all get access to perk rides. The only difference will be that if I want to fly a bit MORE perk rides than you can each month, i'll work towards upping my rank. By the end of a month I may have gotten up to rank 3.. got killed, to rank 2, got shot down again, etc. I only get discount of free use of a certain perk plane as long as I stay alive. And that is the hard part since you or mrnewbie can easily fly the same perk ride without any care in the world if you die in it or not.

Offline MrLars

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #23 on: December 19, 2001, 03:20:00 PM »
Originally posted by AKDejaVu:

The whole idea of establishing a "rank" system in the MA promotes elitism.  This isn't something that anyone can attain... it takes a certain level of patience and skill.


I flew in FA2 for a few months 2 years ago, the ranking system there really made the arenas an unenjoyable experience because of the eliteisim BS. Having your Handle and "Stars" show to the opposition inflight WAS kind of interesting and made for a lot of crying when a "General" <g> would get gangbanged..."You're just going after my stars", that's right, I am!
I think the system AH has now is good, not perfict but very good indeed...but then, I think I've only spent like 8 perks since it was put in place. The perked planes just don't interest me unless they are in my gunsight   ;)

Offline midnight Target

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2001, 04:28:00 PM »
It don't seem broke now. Why fix it?

Offline Tac

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2001, 09:14:00 PM »
Its not broke, its cracked

Offline lazs1

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2001, 09:19:00 AM »
tac... I don't care how "hard you work" to get an uber plane to fly against lesser planes... you flat out don't deserve it in a game that runs 24/7 with no set start and stop times and a variety of interests and skill sets being catered to.

The fewer perk planes in the arena the more it is basicaly fair.  I won't fly perk planes probly ever.... I don't enjoy em.. I would rather see early war planes.  All your system would do is create more of a lopsided and difficult arena for me while ensuring that early war planes cannot be succesfully introduced.   I think anyone (99%)who flys a perk plane is a sissy jerk.  They need to be pointed at and laughed at not hidden and given some lameo legitimacy.

Offline Nifty

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2001, 10:57:00 AM »
I like the gift system.  I have no desire to fly ANY perk plane we have right now.  I'd gladly give away my low amount of perks to someone that wanted them.

As for the system proposed...  Do you gain perks at all, or is the set amount all you get the entire month?  so if someone runs out of perk points, the only way they can fly a perk ride is to get rank high enough to fly perk rides for free?
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Zippatuh

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2001, 01:12:00 PM »
“.givefperks XXX flyerA”

“.givebperks XXX flyerB”

“.givevperks XXX flyerC”

After all the discussions I don’t see how the above can hurt anyone.  Can we at least get the option to give them away?


Offline Tac

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2001, 01:39:00 PM »
"I think anyone (99%)who flys a perk plane is a sissy jerk"

I think the same of those that fly only the non-perked uber war planes, but that's my opinion.

Now, with this system, imagine if the P-40 or early war planes are introduced. You would then most likely have the late war planes become part of the perked planeset. And with everyone having the same amount of perks at the start, you get an equitable chance at flying any plane you want, when you want. Until you run out of perks that is  :) .

"Do you gain perks at all, or is the set amount all you get the entire month? so if someone runs out of perk points, the only way they can fly a perk ride is to get rank high enough to fly perk rides for free?"

Correct. You only get a set amount of perk points to fly perk planes each month. If you run out of them, you can still work towards your rank points to get some perk rides for free. Yet, you must remember that you will ONLY have access to free perk rides as long as you dont get captured or killed while flying career sorties. Free perk rides would only be avaliable FOR career sorties (ye found a loophole there, thanks. Would be bad if somoeone reached rank 6 and not fly career sorties with 262's all the time, without the chance of losing his rank. loophole PLUGGED. Edited first post). If you do, you'll be back to rank 0.