Julle the doctor Gebbels your teacher? If you read the textbooks on a history (anyone) instead of nazis propagation, knew, that by first in Lviv have come Ukrainian nazis Stepan Bander. It they suited mass murder in cities, at approval of Germany. Only when Bander has proclaimed independence of Ukraine, germans have lost to him interest and have arrested. However in 1944 him have let out from prison, that he has organized struggle with advanced Red Army
As to Caucasuses, and chechen`s (which you wrongly name "Balkar"), they mass cooperated with nazis, they suited attacks on wax of Red army, on trains, on warehouses. One of gangs was headed by the Chechen public prosecutor Mayrbek Sharipov, other gang was headed by the regional chief NKVD Hasan Israilov. All gangs actively cooperated with nazis, 2/3 divisions " of Brandenburg - 800 " were on Caucasus in these gangs.
By the decision GKO USSR number 5074 from July 31, 1944 the Chechen republic was disbanded, and inhabitants resettlement in Kazakhstan and Kirghizia. In In this document was written, that for resettlement to ensure warm train`s, items of a meal on a road, on everyone a train 1 doctor and 2 medical sisters. For delivery to places of residing 1600 automobiles, 57 000 horse transports, 103 tractors were given.
July 28, 1945 Advice of the National Commissioners USSR has accepted the law on which all people resettlement from Caucasuses are exempted from the agricultural tax, from obligatory deliveries of products to the state, from surtax and other taxes.