Morbid-How do you know I didn't(I would not presume to, actually)?
Let's not stray too far from the topic:
Will HTC pull in enough paying customers to break even?
It is obvious that HTC thinks one of 2 things:
1. The game is ready for pay-to-play(Not!)
2. They need money(A given).
WB, in what, 5 years, only managed about 3000 paying accounts, most at minimum rate, and that as the only game in it's league.
HTC needs some good reasons for people to pay. As is, it has none, except for a very small percentage of the total amount of hardcore simmers who fly immense amounts of time.
This small percentage, plus the small percentage of persons who just plain Hate iEN and/or cannot get a good connect do not equal the requisite breakeven point, in my own, uninformed opinion.
I want them to do something different, to build on what they have, to offer something that will make people stand up and say: Damn! Take my money, instead of: Well, this is pretty good, maybe I will wait and see.