The Netherlands experience already shows that the legalisation of Cannabis, increases Cannabis usage and does NOT effect Crime rate.
What message do you give to your kids in support of its legislation. You mention Alcohol and Cigarettes but their doing it now. Despite it being more harmful according to both sides of the arguement. Legalisation will do nothing in preventing their induction to its use. Instead of 2 evils, you willingly grant them 3.
You mention money spent on the War against Drugs. The officers in that Pro-legislation page, also bring it up. Better used in social reform and health. You take away the Criminal elements market by undercutting them in cost.
The Criminal element will adapt. They always do. Drug Crime is the Siamese twin of Property Crime. Dealers sell their drugs to Users who commit Property Crimes to pay for their Drugs. Well we cracked down on dealers by chasing the Recievers through Pawn Shops, Markets, Private sales. The dealers adapted. Instead of Cash for Drugs they now want Property. Now its a swap meet. Drugs for Property and the Dealers offload interstate to make it harder for Investigators to identify goods. Investigators adapt with trans-National Crime Policies and better co-operation between Police Forces and it goes on.
The big boys arent hoodlums with Metallica T-Shirts, Nike Shoes and a Hip Hop CD in hand. These guys are businessmen. Smart Business men who adapt to changing markets to stay ahead of the Law or to Circle around it. They have an Army of minions to sacrifice to the Cause. They do not fear Drug Legislation, let alone for a drug like Cannabis which is readily available on the Free Market in bountiful quantities. They will always have a Market and they can afford to sell it a lot cheaper for a lot longer than the Government can who sooner or later will charge you to maintain that legislation in the same way they charge you to fight the War on Drugs.
The Law does not win Wars. It wins battles. We win some, we lose some. We never give up. Thats why ill never agree to Cannabis legislation. Despite the Officers on that Pro-Cannabis page and their plea to the rest of us for support and Common Sense. You cannot afford to give in.
For those of you who smoke it or dont smoke it and think you know what your kids are up to everytime they walk out your door.
That is nothing more than a parental dream, no different to when the tables were reversed and you were a kid.
SW points out that life is about experimentation and living life to the full with new things. We have all thought that at sometime or another. If your kids are to young, their time will come to.
And out there, there is a Drug Dealer or a User, waiting to show them. The kids concern about legislation is not who gives it to them. They do not have the experience or wisdom of age to make lifes choices as you and I do. There are somethings in life where having a high intelligence Just isnt enough. Allow them access to that world with your permission and all they will care about, is that they can get it. A generation of Ozzy Osbournes.
How many will be there to feed you your mush in your old age and wipe your ar$e. If you open this door, it will open others that you will never be able to close.