as a kid i was regailed with far too many horror stories of what japan and the japanese were like.. three close friends of the family were japanese pow's.. and they did not mice words, even around us little kids on the subject of the japanese.
as an adult, i learned to take what those old guys said with a grain of salt.. and also learned to check for other sources on items of intrest... and the japanese nationalistic culture of then, and even now is something that ought to be of extreme intrest to anyone wondering whats in store for us tomorrow.
As far as i am aware there exists nowhere on this planet a more racist, intolerant and hateful towards outsiders society than japan's. A fair term to describe their attutude towards racial impurity is 'rabid'.
Stalin and his purges, hitler, and his final solution, horrifying and shocking as they were and still are, both become mere human condition arberations in comparision to japan's 1000 year tradtion of racial hedgemony.
They, as a nation; have yet to apologise for their hideous and unforgivable treatment of prisoners of war.. their abject and disgusting treatment of the koreans (still ongoing) chinese and other asian cultures. Their souls were laid bare for the world to see in nanking.. their crimes in the phillipines, hong kong, singapore, manchuria, mainland china, taiwan and every god-damned place these vermin occupied during the war is without doubt the most repugnant disgusting episode in modern history.
frankly, japan should have never been allowed to reconstitute it's soverginity. If you don't think those lil rat bastards don't still consider all other people on this planet inferior to them, i invite you to live there for a year or two.. or work for a japanese run company. Ask a Japanese government official to explain Nanking.. or Baatan.
An old guy I happen to respect, who saw first hand some of what they did.. said it like this.. "No nation in this world more deserved an atomic pasting.. and it's a gawd-damned shame they didn't keep right on pasting that stinking place with every freakin fissionable substance we could come up with till even the cockroaches cried 'uncle'."
I have yet to discover one freakin shred of evidence that his opinion; or mine, is unjustified.