Author Topic: How about a Rolling Plane Set?  (Read 1171 times)

Offline poopster

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #75 on: August 18, 2002, 07:17:32 PM »
In RPS you ALWAYS have an UBER not matter what....

That is a trueism.

The difference is in an RPS you'll have for example..

Day 1-2-3

Spit 1's, Zeke 2's, 109E's out the gate. No F4F's or P40's, it's too early yet. Remember this is a RPS.

So you'll have an entire arena with 75% of the planes being Emils. The Uber plane of it's day.

Day 4 the Franz and the P40 enter...

Then 75% of the arena are in 109F's...

Just wait until the 190 comes around :D With a RPS it's day in the sun lasts nearly a WEEK :eek: ( hehe I was a 190 jock, didn't bother with the first week...SUNDAY was the day ) You'll see more 190's then you've EVER seen around here :D

If you haven't done an RPS on a tour basis before, it sounds like nirvana. Great choices/variety etc. etc. But it becomes a 3 or 4 plane arena.

Quite a few planes are regularly flown on a daily basis around here. Look at the popularity of the FM2 and Wildcat for example.

You limit choice with a RPS, and if you think there's too many La7's or Nikys about. You haven't seen the 190 or Pony hordes that are an extention of an RPS.

Not to mention the diehard single plane lovers that don't bother to fly until there ride comes available.

Think about it. The P51D was only available for 4 days out of a 21 day tour.

Any pony pilots out there ??

While were at it, any 38, D9 or 47D pilots out there.

You get one week out of four too :D

Corsair, F6F and Spit IX pilots have it made. They get to fly their rides for HALF the tour :eek:

The tour here is a month long...

Sounds great doesn't it ??

« Last Edit: August 18, 2002, 07:37:54 PM by poopster »

Offline Wotan

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #76 on: August 18, 2002, 10:19:54 PM »
AGW RPS Thread

this is the very thing that would be argued over if ah had an rps

Offline SKurj

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #77 on: August 18, 2002, 11:43:00 PM »

Player comes home and tries to click his F4f... oh wait a minute its not available for another 2 weeks..he logs or... once again has to fly something he doesn't want to....

Where as now the player who clicks the early war rides knows what he is gettin himself into before he clicks it.   If its his favourite ride he knows how to deal with the uber rides...  He shoots em down...

If ya can't dodge any of those uber rides u listed in the early war planes with relative ease the majority of the time... that early war ride ain't your favourite cuz u doin it wrong +)

« Last Edit: August 18, 2002, 11:45:19 PM by SKurj »

Offline SKurj

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #78 on: August 18, 2002, 11:50:10 PM »
HEY... even that RPS has 'UBER' rides that dominate... who woulda figured...


Offline SKurj

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #79 on: August 18, 2002, 11:55:03 PM »
Hey Thrawn.. wandering off-topic abit.. but

I have never found anything but silence over the comms in ww2ol...  

Solo players in ww2ol are left out in the cold.  I got sick of flying 20-30 mins to find a fight EVERY time i played that thing...

Though the tank game is good, the comms system sucks for non-squad players


Offline Czpetr

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #80 on: August 19, 2002, 02:05:08 AM »
Personally I should be happy with RPS. I had no problem in Warbirds with it. It gave me an immersion of pilot career from beginning of WWII to its end which I miss in AH.
But the fact is that RPS in AH main arena would make unhappy many people. Probably more unhappy than happy as I see the responses so It would not be a good idea from commercial point of view. Instead of making RPS in main arena - how about to transform CT arena (unfortunately not very succesful) into "second" main arena with RPS and two sided split (Axis, Allied) ? It would make happy both, the RPS lovers and CT lovers too as they will get almost the same as CT - arena with historic matchup :)
Wouldn`t it be worth to try it?


Offline Puke

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #81 on: August 19, 2002, 03:16:37 AM »
Skurj:  If ya can't dodge any of those uber rides u listed in the early war planes with relative ease the majority of the time... that early war ride ain't your favourite cuz u doin it wrong +)

Not everyone gets more than 1,000 kills for a tour.  That equates to a lot of stick time which equates to experience.  I'm sure you can handle yourself in an F4F-4 in the arena pretty well, but not most players.  Most definitely can't take one deep into enemy territory.

To be honest, what I'd like to see is a graduated perk plan.  To each his own.  But I definitely do NOT want to see Axis vs Allies.  What's sorta funny, I basically have come to fly one aircraft the past couple months but I'm okay with an RPS.

And it's not really about an aircraft being uber in the arena.  At least not for me.  It's about letting some early-war aircraft have some parity for a short time.  An A6M2 or 109E being uber is definitely not the same as when an LA7 or ME262 is uber.  


Offline robsan

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #82 on: August 19, 2002, 06:33:34 AM »
The F4F-4 has 637 kills and has been killed 739 times.
- 102 for the F4F-4

The La-7 has 10803 kills and has been killed 8655 times.
+ 2148 for the La-7

I guess Skurji is the only one who knows how to dodge... :D

Why do I fly the Me109G-2? I really don't know.. I mean...
the great thing about the MA is that you can fly any
plane ya want (be sure to practice dodging offline though)
so why not give in and fly the La-7?

Think about it - some guy comes home from 8 hours of work,
logs in to have some fun in his always available fav ride,
why not just shoot him down in a La-7?

btw, Puke's posts were spot-on as far as I'm concerned...
"we already have an RPS, but as long as you stick to the late-
war planes you probably won't notice..."

Offline FT_Animal

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #83 on: August 19, 2002, 06:47:02 AM »
>I guess AH is for the *ME Generation* - and to hell with >everyone else. :(

I like this guy's thinking. I also like that he said that, because it's prolly true.

<< Sick to death of the "ME Generation"

OTOH, I saw RPS *DESTROY* an Axis -vs- Allies arena in AW.

If you're gonna try this I highly advise NOT trying in the MA. It really doesn't go over as well as the *theory* says it will.

Aney up boys, my bets on the table.

Animal (AWFT)

Originally posted by beet1e
Gentlemen!  You are wimps!  

You should not be thinking about how it would affect *you personally*, but of the AH populace as a whole. But then again I guess AH is for the *ME Generation* - and to hell with everyone else. :(

An RPS would not destroy the game. In WB, it was not the RPS that did that, but the WW2A combined with an idiotic RPS. And that was why I left WB myself. OK, I don't care if we have Spit v Spit fights, or 190 v 190. By allowing each side the same planes, at least we wont have an arena imbalance. In WB, Doofus-Dweebius would switch to whichever side had the best plane - strongest, fastest, most powerful guns etc. An RPS would not cause that.

Offline FT_Animal

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #84 on: August 19, 2002, 06:48:58 AM »


Originally posted by Otto
"Selfish is the word others use when they can't get you to do what they want"

Offline lazs2

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #85 on: August 19, 2002, 08:13:54 AM »
stickman... there probly are more than the 10-30 guys that haunt the CT that would be interested in an "historical" RPS..  And... I agree.. seperate arenas don't work.. People go where the crowd and the fun is.  

HTC could close down the main and leave only the CT with an "historical" RPS and the ct numbers would jump to... oh... maybe a hundred or so.   maybe AH could work it's way up to the huge numbers that WB attracts..  maybe without half of em being comped accounts like WB even.

yeah, with an RPS AH might become just like WB.... desserted.

Offline robsan

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #86 on: August 19, 2002, 11:49:44 AM »
MA has an RPS - it's just stuck at 1945

Lasz2, I fly CT, I don't haunt it - 10 to 30 people are more than enough to ensure my type of fun.

"people go where the crowd and the fun is?", sure, people also buy way more Britney Spears CD's
than they buy Spock's Beard CD's... MA is mainstream. If we need the MA so that HTC gets
money from you so that I can fly in the CT, so be it.
I'm not all to interested as to what you do in the MA, but I'm even less interested in what you
think that CTlers think, thank you.

Offline beet1e

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #87 on: August 19, 2002, 12:15:29 PM »
OK, so no RPS. But Lazs's idea about having a small area of pizza from which only early war planes can take off is the best alternative I've heard. This was tried in WB (Generations arena), and for example the Japanese planes could take off only from a couple of airfields in the middle. Thing is, we did get other Axis planes flying all the way over rather than flying a zeke. LOL - I don't blame them.

Oh well, I don't feel so bad. I killed a LA7 from my 190A5 today, and all's well in the world. :D

Offline lazs2

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #88 on: August 19, 2002, 12:43:36 PM »
well beetle.. I would go further than the wb idea of making only certain planes available at central fields as it would simply make those planes not viable after the central fields were captured or, as you say, whjen someone wants to fly a sector or so into them with a later war plane.

No... I would have more seperation... several sectors and a 40k mountain range say (very possible in the new larger maps).   I would also want sepeate resets for the early war area.   The point being that everyone could log on at any time 24/7 and fly the plane of thheir choice in an atmosphere of variety, parity and choice.

robosan... not only do I not care what ct players think but it appears that no one else does either... heck... even ct players don't care what ct players think.. look at the ct BB.

Offline J_A_B

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How about a Rolling Plane Set?
« Reply #89 on: August 19, 2002, 01:41:10 PM »
"seperate arenas don't work.. People go where the crowd and the fun is. "


Lazs, you're flat out wrong about that.  Seaprate arenas DO work, and work well.  That isn't theory, that's fact as proven by over 10 years of use in AW.  Now I won't claim they're always the best solution, and they're certainly not the ONLY solution (your area idea might work perfectly well too), but having separate arenas is indeed a viable solution to several of AH's problems and one which I support.  

Now I can see where you might have gotten the impression you have--AH's alternate arenas are laughable at best--but done properly such a system DOES work.