Author Topic: Recording a flight  (Read 317 times)

Offline Gloves

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Recording a flight
« on: August 28, 2002, 09:11:20 AM »
I know that you record a flight by using ALT-R, but I have no clue how to save this or view what I have recorded.

I guess this is a 2 part question:

1)  How do you save what you have recorded?

2)  How do you view it?

I couldn't find anything in the help file on this.



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Recording a flight
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2002, 09:46:41 AM »
You're quite right; Alt-R is the film toggle. When recording; you'll see a red letter "R" in the top left hand corner of the screen.

The recorder will run until you turn it off again (with Alt-R again); so if you're not carefull you'll record a whole evening; including your time in the tower; and end up with a 10 Mb film!

There's two ways to view your film.

1) When you first start AH; there's four buttons along the bottom of the clip board: Online; Offline; Head to Head (H2H) and film. Clicking on film will bring you to AH's inbuilt vilm viewer.

2) Check your start/programmes/games/AH map on the start menu (or where ever you installed to); you should find a seperate icon for the film editor; which is a seperate program automaticaly installed along with AH; and which will allow you to view films; edit films; and convert films to ordinary AVI files which any media viewer (such as Windows media player or Real player) can view.

The main differences between the two ways of viewing films are that the inbuilt film viewer shows the film full screen; and the speed control is a bit better allowing more accurate screen shots (alt-S) of _exactly_ the moment the NMA pops; while the seperate film editor shows you much more information regarding other planes in flight; not just yours. In fact; you can even jump into the NMA's or a wingman's cockpit while watching the film and see exactly what they saw (a usefull learning experience).

Offline dfl8rms

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Recording a flight
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2002, 10:12:04 AM »
The latest release also updated Windows registry to allow double clicking on the film files (located under the HTC\Aces High\films) directory.  The release associated ".ahf" with the stand alone film viewer.

If I remember correctly, the clipboard has a button that allows the renaming of film files while playing AH.  I will have to check that out next time, I'm playing.  The default name is to increment by one, just like the screenshots do.

Offline Gloves

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Recording a flight
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2002, 05:46:50 PM »
Thanks for the info!!!

It's much appreciated.  :)


Offline Gloves

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Recording a flight
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2002, 08:07:16 AM »
I've been viewing films and one thing I'm not able to see is the gunner position of an Ostwind.  Is there a way to see what the gunner sees?