I fly just about everything, largely due to selecting planes based upon the need at the moment. P-51s, 109s, 190s, P-40, 110 and so on. However, I spend the majority of my time in two aircraft. Those are the FM-2/F4F-4 and SBD. Although the Wildcat is just about the slowest fighter in the planeset, it is nearly untouchable if flown correctly. I had a P-51 driver attempt to escape by diving. Well, guess what? I caught him..... Even though the Wildcat is a premier turnfighter, it is one of those planes that requires careful energy management. This is a great plane for noobs. Once you master the FM-2, you can fly anything well, from Zeke through 109G-10.
As to the SBD, this is a real sweetheart. Pinpoint bombing, sterling maneuverability. I took one up in the CT over the weekend, bombing Luftwaffe airfields and embarrassing quite a few 109E and 110C drivers. I lost one, probably due to overstressing it. However, there seems to be a bug in the flight model. Pull hard on the stick at speed and you dump straight to the tower. Wings don't come off, no groaning, it just dumps to the tower and tells you that you have died. No chance to bail out... Nothing. That's what got my SBD in the CT. The Luftweenies (those that survived) were too busy running to be a threat....

Dedalu and I were thoroughly enjoying ourselves.
Anyway, for fun and excitement, take a Dauntless up to 25k and go hunting for high flying P-51s. It's a hoot. Got a Mustang and B-26 with it yesterday, both up around 18k. Part of the fun is watching the panic set in when they find themselves beset by a rediculously fast moving divebomber up where they thought they were safe from dorks like me.

I can't promise that you will win most of the fights doing this (lol), but I can promise that you will have a lot of fun and scare the bejesus out of some folks. Just remember to score flight as a bomber. One more thing, be prepared for a long climbout. At 25k climb rate is just 500 ft/minute. Occasionally doing something wacky helps keep the game from becoming boring.
Hmm... Sorry for the long reply. It's becoming my trademark.
My regards,