Laz, why don't you just edit your message board persona to include the signature file to include this line. It will save time.
"You all are idiots and suck so bad at playing this game right, but how come none of you morons seem to know this fact!?!"
More or less that is what you keep saying.
My opinion on the Lavochkin is that this game environment and the real life version of the plane won't EVER match each other, and the same can be said of all the planes in this game. Add to that the differences between how planes are used in this game and how they are used in real life.
And specifically the La-7 which is an awesome low level dogfighter, which we spend 90% of our time playing at that altitude, of course the La-7 should is supposed to.
I've seen you argue how unrealistic this game is, but then again you come back and argue for moving fields closer together so we can have more dogfights quicker!?!
I am not sure what you want.