Author Topic: re-thinking La7 use.  (Read 3710 times)

Offline lazs2

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re-thinking La7 use.
« on: October 02, 2002, 08:19:37 AM »
Let's face it... It is part of the planeset and it is available to all in the arena.   If not for the P51, D9, tempest  and a few "perk" planes it would really stand out as a dweeb ride of choice but...

The arena has become a lot more "timid" lately (you know who you are).   I don't know if it is the newfound love of (cough) "strat" and "missuns"or the fact that the pizza map made people more aware of those lonely fights and how they turn out if you are in a slow plane a long way from home.

The new "strat" is simply gangbanging.  nothing more nothing less.   Motives matter not to me it is the result.   The result is that a horde of planes comes in and overewhelms a base with sheer numbers.   The More "timid" of the horde allow the suicide (is suicide typhie a bish initiation rite?)  flyers to kill themselves first so that their vultching is risk free...  boring, and flavored with very few kills but... risk free.

Now... If you take off from another base to "vultch the vultchers"  you have to pick a plane to do it in.   if you pick a spit or even a -1a you can swoop in and kill a couple but then...  yu face the long ride home with a conga line of fast and kill starved vultchers chasing you down.   They are the last of the group that was in the "missun" so... many are in 190's and 51's and have gotten to maybe take one or two half hearted B&Z shots at enemy planes in the last 10-20 minutes and are frantic to chase you down and get a risk free kill (the only kind they will attempt).

Sooo... I been upping in a lag once in a while in those situations.  very satisfying to hit the fat lazy vutchers in the lag..  sure, you can only get one or maybe two before you have to bug out but.... it is so gratifying to see the conga line of cowardly missun types peel off one by one as they realize that thier meal is escaping.

Offline Dowding (Work)

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2002, 08:27:53 AM »
Sooo... I been upping in a lag once in a while in those situations. very satisfying to hit the fat lazy vutchers in the lag..

What's a lag? We have the Lavochkin made La-7 and there is such a plane as the LaGG-3 but we don't have it as far as I know.

Offline Major_Hans

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2002, 08:38:23 AM »
Laz, why don't you just edit your message board persona to include the signature file to include this line.  It will save time.

"You all are idiots and suck so bad at playing this game right, but how come none of you morons seem to know this fact!?!"

More or less that is what you keep saying.

My opinion on the Lavochkin is that this game environment and the real life version of the plane won't EVER match each other, and the same can be said of all the planes in this game.  Add to that the differences between how planes are used in this game and how they are used in real life.

And specifically the La-7 which is an awesome low level dogfighter, which we spend 90% of our time playing at that altitude, of course the La-7 should is supposed to.

I've seen you argue how unrealistic this game is, but then again you come back and argue for moving fields closer together so we can have more dogfights quicker!?!

I am not sure what you want.


Offline lazs2

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2002, 08:49:06 AM »
sorry dowding... LA7... lag is just plain lazy on my part.

as for the major with the junior member..  I don't know what to tell ya.   I think I am consistent.   I want realistic flight models and gunnery and damage and....

I want good gameplay.   "realistic" gameplay seems kinda silly to me like giving myself rank or thinking that "winning the war" mattered.   Closer fields, or least more fields that were closer would promote more even fights and the use of earlier/mid war planes.   If you want only late war and gangbangs then by all means, keep the fields far apart and even draw new maps like the atrocious "pizza" map that spread out the fighting till everyone is hiding or ganbanging  and then.... wonder why everyone is logging off.   Look at a CV fight... lots of early planes engaging each other with fast and furious action.   till some dipshit sinks the cv or kills the FH's at the base.

Offline gofaster

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2002, 08:58:42 AM »
The LA-7 is a great interceptor.  The arena is overpopulated with them, but I try not to let that detract from the plane anyway.

Offline SC-Sp00k

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2002, 09:03:49 AM »
Whilst supporting 3 airforces using the entire plane set available, how can anyone cry foul on realism?

Not saying you do or dont Laz, but this topic comes up every 24 hours in some form or another on this BBS and it amazes me everytime.

Offline Turbot

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2002, 09:36:16 AM »
The La-7 has 26998 kills and has been killed 21276 times.  1.26 K/D

OK it's pretty much a killer - (as in it manages to kill more than it dies a little bit)  but what planes should La7 be afraid of?:

The N1K2 has 1317 kills and has been killed 1237 times against the La-7.  1.06 K/D vs La7 (1.25 K/D Overall)

The La-5FN has 301 kills and has been killed 284 times against the La-7. 1.05 KD vs. La7 (1.30 K/D Overall)

The Ki-61 has 119 kills and has been killed 112 times against the La-7.    1.06 K/D vs La7  (1.39 K/D overall)

The P-47-D25 has 221 kills and has been killed 203 times against the La-7.  1.08  K/D vs. La7   (1.38 K/D Overall)

The Fw 190A-5 has 445 kills and has been killed 357 times against the La-7.  1.25 K/D vs. La7   (1.56 K/D Overall)

The Fw 190D-9 has 857 kills and has been killed 618 times against the La-7.   1.39   K/D vs. La7 (expected this one to be better)  (1.75 K/D Overall )

The Spitfire Mk XIV has 32 kills and has been killed 22 times against the La-7.  1.45 K/D vs. La7  (1.81 K/D Overall)

The F4U-1C has 430 kills and has been killed 209 times against the La-7.   2.05 K/D vs. La7  (2.65 K/D Overall)

The F4U-4 has 57 kills and has been killed 20 times against the La-7.  2.85 K/D  vs. La7  (2.18 K/D overall)

The Ta 152H has 55 kills and has been killed 15 times against the La-7.  3.67 K/D vs. La7 !!!    (2.76 K/D overall) (this one surprised me)

The Tempest has 90 kills and has been killed 21 times against the La-7.  4.29 K/D  vs. La7 (5.27 K/D overall)

« Last Edit: October 02, 2002, 10:45:33 AM by Turbot »

Offline Tilt

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Re: re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2002, 09:46:16 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
The result is that a horde of planes comes in and overewhelms a base with sheer numbers.   The More "timid" of the horde allow the suicide (is suicide typhie a bish initiation rite?)  

Zone limits would prevent this ....... at least a horde would have to up from more than one base..........

What you describe could also be accomplished with a light tiffie or a 51..........
Ludere Vincere

Offline Ghosth

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2002, 09:57:43 AM »
Laz is too lazy to edit his sig file. He likes his fights handed to him on a platter but hey thats ok. He's really a nice guy under it all.

And he's right, the La7 is a nice plane to get 1 or 2 kills in out of huge pile of enemy's.

After all who knows even laz may learn some day that if you work a little harder for it, it just makes it that much sweeter in the end. :)

He is right about the bish tiffy hordes & gangbanging. It used to be that 3 or 4 good pilots could "finesse" a field. That got a LOT harder to do for several reasons.

Just keep on loving the lag Laz, russian planes rule and everyone else is just jealous.

Offline JoeDirt

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2002, 10:01:04 AM »
i get more kills in the sucky plane (spit mk 1) than in the better planes for some reason:confused:

Offline Tilt

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2002, 10:04:43 AM »
Originally posted by Turbot
The La-7 has 26998 kills and has been killed 21276 times.  1.26 K/D

OK it's pretty much a killer - (as in it manages to kill more than it dies a little bit)  but what planes should La7 be afraid of?:

Lies, damn lies and statistics

Infact from the same stats any plane beginning with P- (barring a few P-47 sub types) should be wary of the La-7

but then from the same stats the La 5FN is one the La7 should be wary of..........(when really its the La5FN pilot the la 7 pilot should be wary of........same goes for respect for the average 202 pilot)

N1K2's rule it seems.........
Ludere Vincere

Offline Yeager

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2002, 10:07:38 AM »
As far as I can tell its a dweeby dweeby game.  Once youve got that figured out its just fun.  Thats all.......
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline Wlfgng

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2002, 10:17:29 AM »
Closer fields, or least more fields that were closer would promote more even fights and the use of earlier/mid war planes.

I blelieved this was true until I created a terrain with closer fields.  I've been running it in the H2H arena and lo and behold.. vulch fest.
The only difference is that the vulchers take down the AA first then the vulch proceeds.

I solved the La7 problem however.. by creating a high-alt terrain but then there are the 'other' uber rides.

let's face it, as long as there are performance differences between AC, each having it's own 'prime' altitude, there will be cries of 'uber' this and that.

Offline Turbot

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2002, 10:20:57 AM »
Originally posted by Tilt

Lies, damn lies and statistics

Infact from the same stats any plane beginning with P- (barring a few P-47 sub types) should be wary of the La-7

but then from the same stats the La 5FN is one the La7 should be wary of..........(when really its the La5FN pilot the la 7 pilot should be wary of........same goes for respect for the average 202 pilot)

N1K2's rule it seems.........

The N1K2 has 1317 kills and has been killed 1237 times against the La-7.  1.06 K/D vs La7 (1.25 K/D Overall)

The La-5FN has 301 kills and has been killed 284 times against the La-7.  1.05 KD vs. La7    (1.30 K/D Overall)

The C.202 has 34 kills and has been killed 63 times against the La-7.  0.53 K/D vs La7  (0.70 K/D Overall)
« Last Edit: October 02, 2002, 10:44:57 AM by Turbot »

Offline AKSWulfe

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re-thinking La7 use.
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2002, 10:46:32 AM »
Turbot- more newbies and otherwise less abled people use the La7 as opposed to some of the more difficult planes to fly...

It's got high speed, 3 cannons in the nose (no need for convergence), can turn if it needs to and climbs very quickly.

It's got it all in a nice lil durable package.

I've always been of the opinion that the uber-good late war birds need a small perk value placed on them... for nothing else, to slow down the arena and bring back parity.

More mid-war rides will be used. People can still fly the late war rides, and the early war rides won't be outclassed by 99% of the arena, instead only 40% of the arena.

but I wouldn't wanna take away anyone's only means to get a kill, that just isn't nice.