Author Topic: Decency - is this foreign to the MA?  (Read 465 times)

Offline Sox62

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #15 on: January 01, 2002, 12:45:00 AM »
I find this insulting.I have flown with empty for almost eight years in Aw.(Relaxed and full realism)and I know he does not cheat.Neither do I.We have no respect for those who do(ex:MMX from Aw...).
 The thing is...not one person is backing you Pyemia...why is that?
 My guess is you whine on a regular basis.


[ 01-01-2002: Message edited by: Sox62 ]

Offline Pyemia

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #16 on: January 01, 2002, 01:49:00 AM »

I find this insulting.I have flown with empty for almost eight years in Aw.(Relaxed and full realism)and I know he does not cheat.Neither do I.We have no respect for those who do(ex:MMX from Aw...).
The thing is...not one person is backing you Pyemia...why is that?
My guess is you whine on a regular basis.

[ 01-01-2002: Message edited by: Sox62 ]

Oh btw?  

My guess is that you are biased.  Basing your judgement on how long you've flown with a particular person while disregarding the fact that you don't know me at all.  Your friend is a liar as he has proven with his post in this thread.  I can only imagine that those who associate with liars are liars themselves.  And lying can only be yet another form of cheating.  Untruths used to gain a benefit.



Offline JaCkNiFe

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #17 on: January 01, 2002, 02:48:00 AM »
oy... lets all go cry..... whine and flame.... we cant get along eh? fight it over..... go to the TA and fight it.... i will go.. see if he really does cheat.... if not then its over, if he does flame him.... i dont know ether of you so dont bring me into this..... And if you try to flame me.... what a sad person you are...
peace   :cool:   :cool:

Offline Fatty

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #18 on: January 01, 2002, 03:32:00 AM »
Like me said, excuses in MA are nothing new.

Offline Pyemia

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #19 on: January 01, 2002, 04:17:00 AM »
Fatty - what excuses would you be referring to?  As I stated in the first post, I was awarded the kill against Empty.  I was not killed by him.  This post is more about his pathetic behavior and has nothing to do with kills.  If I was interested in kills i'd fly with the FDB's vulching and running together like a big bunch of girls.

In the MA whether i'm vulched, HO'ed, killshootered or gangbanged I never complain.  I figure if you take off in the MA, you should expect to be killed.



Offline sling322

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #20 on: January 01, 2002, 05:23:00 AM »
Originally posted by Pyemia:
If I was interested in kills i'd fly with the FDB's vulching and running together like a big bunch of girls.

Now wait just a cotton pickin' minute there Zy-Pye....we never run together, vulch maybe, but not run.  Runnin' is fer them squads that fly that silver lookin' plane with the 5 and 1 in the name.   :D

Offline AKDejaVu

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2002, 12:16:00 PM »
This post is more about pathetic behavior and has nothing to do with kills.

The sad thing is that in both the MA and here you firmly believe your behavior is the more apropriate... or even more "decent".



Offline J_A_B

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #22 on: January 01, 2002, 01:21:00 PM »
"Taking advantage of someone experiencing technical problems with a game imo is Cheating."

This is where you are mistaken Zygote.  

If you're having a problem, don't expect the other guy to break off because you ask him to.  Indeed, I consider it pointless to even ask the enemy to do so.   Your problem is exactly that--YOUR problem, not the other guy's--so you shouldn't expect him to break off his fight because of your problem.

A few weeks ago I recall I entered a fight only discover my WEP was not functional (discovered later to be due to bad throttle calibration).  At that point I was more interested in figuring out the problem than in fighting and I tried to exit, but an LA7 (piloted by some Pyemia guy) shot me down.  Did I care?  Nope, and I certainly don't think he's a cheater because my WEP wasn't working.  From his perspective I'm sure he was just killing another runstang.   From my perspective, I had a problem and it messed up my flight.  

In this current case, you ended up getting a kill on the other guy despite a large problem.  Rather than be irritated that he was trying to shoot you, you should pat yourself on the back and remind him that he LOST to a guy with a single-digit FR.


Offline Zippatuh

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #23 on: January 01, 2002, 01:37:00 PM »
I read some of this but one thing caught me funny.

Taking advantage of someone else’s mechanical/technical problems is cheating?  If I see a smoker I shouldn’t shoot?  If you’re having “mechanical” problems land and fix ‘em.  I occasionally run into a problem where my FE stutters when I start firing.  When this happens I can’t hit chit, my FPS is crap, but re-logging takes care of the problem.


Offline Fatty

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #24 on: January 01, 2002, 01:42:00 PM »
You're right Zygote, I answered too hastily due to my hangover and did not give this topic its due.

This is an issue of the utmost importance, if we are not allowed to call timeout in the main arena, it may descend into nothing but an arena for killing.

I also think someone's check6.wav made me crash last week.  Is there any way I can get that death removed?

Offline Pyemia

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2002, 07:24:00 PM »
Ahh forget it, your all missing the point.  I could'nt give a flying #@#$ about dying and most of the time in AH i'm flying into sectors alone chasing big red bars.  Check my stats, I die alot, I don't complain.

But Empty and his girlfriend pizzed me off with their attitudes.  A lot of people on the internet feel they can say or do whatever they like simply because of their anonimity.  I disagree. Empty goes further by typing blatent lies, probably hoping that these will be accepted due to his long standing association with the multiplayer flight sim community.

I dislike rudeness and I dislike liars.  What else is their to say.  It seems decency is well and truly dead here in AH.  

JAB - if you had told me about your problem, seeing as it was technical, I would definitely have broken off.



Offline J_A_B

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Decency - is this foreign to the MA?
« Reply #26 on: January 01, 2002, 09:35:00 PM »
"JAB - if you had told me about your problem, seeing as it was technical, I would definitely have broken off."

And, in a reverse situation, I would break off too.    But we are the minority.   It's not that decency is dead, it's that decency as we know it never really existed to begin with online.  

As for lying/cheating......this is a slightly different issue and something that nobody except yourself or EMPTY knows the true answer to.