Author Topic: Why have 4 varients of the Bf109?  (Read 1554 times)

Offline Urchin

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Why have 4 varients of the Bf109?
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2001, 07:14:00 PM »
Originally posted by R4M:
Bf109F4 . Turns like a dream (in the CT, first week, I was able to turn with a Spitfire V. The Spit turns closer, the 109 faster. With the current planeset the 109F4 is one of the bests TnBers around). Accelerates very well, Climbs very well is JUST A TAD SLOWER THAN A G2 (yeah right ,take a glance to the speed charts and you'll notice that the F4 is even as fast at certain altitudes). And it is HISTORICALLY IMPORTANT.

Bf109G2: Worse turner than F4. A bit faster than F4,but with a little difference. Accelerates and climbs quite comparable. Is  better at very high altitude. But IMO the loss of turnrate is not worth the minimal gain in speed and the very high altitude performances of the plane. But it is painted in finnish markings, and it also honors the HISTORIC role of the 109G2s.

Bf109G6: Is a terrible aircraft IMO, the worse of the 109s (and by far). Turns worse than the 109G10 (maybe turns a tad closer, but believe me that the G10 has better sustained turnrate), is slower than the 109G2. But hell, it has 30mm and 13mm.

And is as simple as that you CANT leave out of the planeset the MOST BUILT 109 SERIES OF THE WAR.

109G10 - Far from being the 2000hp "monster" they are selling to us, I think that this is a 1800hp-engined 109 wich is taking the place it should take the 109G14.

Whats the difference between a 109G10 and a 109G14?  I am no expert on German planes, that is why I ask.

We lack an emil.

Yes, but a 109E would probably get its bellybutton handed to it by every plane in this planeset.  I do believe that the 109F actually turned better than the E series, did it not?  The only nice thing about the E is the wing mounted cannon, but they only have 60 rounds per gun I think.  

We lack a K4 (the 109G10 is FAR FROM being the performer the K4 was -and the K4 was lighter and had WAY BETTER controls).

Again... whats the difference between a G10 and a K-series?  I've heard the K rolled much better at high speeds, but I believe the AH G-10 is as fast as the real life K-4 (and in any case, the 109 isn't the most manueverable plane anyway).

IMHO the only 109 wich could be out of place in AH is the 109G10. So if you want to get rid of it, and replace it with a G14, bringing an E-4 and a REAL K4 too, then I wont discuss the wisdom of that recomendation    :).

But never erase the 109F4 nor the G6.

BTW urchin I am quite sure you dont fly 109F4 too much    :) Because is a REAL beauty.

No, I haven't flown it much.  Orka was telling me it could turn as well as a spit at low speeds (I assume he meant below 50 mph, with both planes rolling in circles on the ground, since I haven't outturned a Spit yet at ANY speed in it), so I have been flying it a little lately.

BTW I would guess that you would throw the Fw190A8 too, isnt it? the D9 is better BnZ-er, the A5 is better E-fighter. Why to have the cumbersome, clumsy turning and relatively (in this planeset)slow Fw190A8?...

Because it has its place in this planeset. Because it was the most used 190A8 in Real life. And hell, because if you dont want it, I AM AS SURE AS HELL THAT I DO   ;) - and same goes for the 109s.

Not at all, the 190A8 brings stuff to the table that the 190A5 and the 190D9 cannot.  I believe that the extra ammo for the 20mm (or the twin 30mm if you swing that way) makes up for the minor loss in manueverability.

Why to design a  P47D25 and D30?. Throw the D25, is worse jabo!!! and to fight you have the D11 isnt it?.

The D25 has also the right to be in AH. And is GREAT to have it, even if ppl dont fly it much.

Good question, I hadn't even thought of the P-47s.  As far as I know the handling differences are extremely minor, this would also seem to be a waste of resources in my opinion.  Unless, of course, the only reason the three varients were included was for use in scenarios.

Why to have a C202?...hell it has peashooters!!!!. We have the C205, so why have a C202?...

Because it was one of the most used italian fighters in WWII, thats why.

Again, very good question.  For all the use that the c202 sees, it is a valid question to ask "Why did they bother putting this in the game?"  The fact that it was the most used Italian fighter of the war really doesn't hold any weight in my opinion, because this game isn't really based on history.  The N1K2 sure as HELL wasn't the most common Japanese airplane of the war, but it is in the game.  So performance must play some small role in deciding what plane goes in- so why not pick an Italian plane that might see some use?  (The Re. 2005 comes to mind [at least I think it was the 2005]).

Why to have a P51B?...the P51D is faster under 20k and has 2 MGs more!!!!

Because the P51B was the mustang wich WON the battle over europe, breaking the LW's backs, way before the P51D was there.

I wonder myself why the P-51B is in the game, but at least you have a half a chance of surviving in it, since it can outrun the N1K2 and the SpitIX, and stands a decent chance of turning with the LA7.

Why to have a Spit V, or a Spit I?...the IX and XIV were WAY better!!!! throw them!!!.

No, sir, both deserve a place the Hurri I, the Emil, the A6M2, the F4F, the...

If the .303 armed Spit I is put in the game, I'd wager that it will see less use than the C202.  There just isn't really any point in putting these planes in, because only suicidal maniacs will want to fly a 1940 plane in an arena where most of the other planes flying are from 1944-1945.  It just won't happen.  How many people fly the c202 as their 'main ride'?


[ 09-29-2001: Message edited by: R4M ]

Offline jpeg

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Why have 4 varients of the Bf109?
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2001, 07:20:00 PM »
The more the merrier, dont like one.. dont fly it  :)

A better thing to do would be to request just additional planes..not to remove current ones

Offline LtHans

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Why have 4 varients of the Bf109?
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2001, 07:34:00 PM »
It is quite simple.  They can do a varient in a fraction of the time that it takes to do a completely new aircraft.

Plus, I like alot of the varients.


Offline bloom25

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Why have 4 varients of the Bf109?
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2001, 07:40:00 PM »
Actually I very much like the trend I'm seeing with earlier war varients being added to AH.  (For example the Hurricanes and F4u-1.)  In a WW2 flight sim the more planes we've got from WW2 the better.  :)  I personally enjoy flying the older (or less competitive) planes because I feel they improve your skills more than the later war planes.  (You have to be REAL good in a F6f to beat a N1k on equal terms for example. )

As far as the 109f4 goes, I fear it more than the other 109s.  The reason is that when I'm flying against a 109 I assume I have a turn advantage against it.  If I'm facing an f4 I sometimes get tricked into turning with it, which plays to its strengths.  I rarely get killed by the 109g10 because it's so easy to avoid its attacks, as it can't roll, dive, or turn well if you dive to avoid it. I've even found that if you can trick the 109g10 into following you into a dive that its elevator response is so poor at high speeds you can pull up into it and get a quick shot as it tries to zoom away if you are flying a plane with good dive characteristics.  :D  Even managing 1 ping will often scare the 109 driver so badly he will try to split s at that point and then he is dead for sure.  (I could probably rtb and fly back to the area by the time the 109 rolls 180 degrees at 400 mph.  ;) )

Offline R4M

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Why have 4 varients of the Bf109?
« Reply #19 on: September 29, 2001, 07:59:00 PM »
Whats the difference between a 109G10 and a 109G14? I am no expert on German planes, that is why I ask.

The 109G14 was bassically a 109G6 with MW50 and all the stuff wich was added to the bassic 109G6 design as time passed by. G14 had better ailerons, modified tail, Galland canopy (wich the G6 we have shouldnt have), etc etc etc. The 109G14 was slightly slower than the 1800hp 109G10 I think we have.

Yes, but a 109E would probably get its bellybutton handed to it by every plane in this planeset. I do believe that the 109F actually turned better than the E series, did it not? The only nice thing about the E is the wing mounted cannon, but they only have 60 rounds per gun I think.

the E turned closer than the F. I'm not sure about sustained turnrates, but I would think that the emil was not far behind the Franz... the Emil turned quite well, be sure of it.

But once again is not about the MA usage. we have a CT, we have scenarios. WE NEED THAT PLANE to recreate certain scenarios (BoB, early russia, 1941-1942 Africa Korps scenarios...)

Again... whats the difference between a G10 and a K-series? I've heard the K rolled much better at high speeds, but I believe the AH G-10 is as fast as the real life K-4 (and in any case, the 109 isn't the most manueverable plane anyway).

The 109K4 was lighter than the G10, had way better control surfaces for high speed fighting, and a retractable tailwheel.

And IMO AH's G10 is NOT comparable to a K-4.
The K-4 fully loaded climbrate at sea level was around 5200fpm IIRC (you might want to Ask supongo about that, he has a REAL collection of magnific books about the 109), and the plane was just 75-100kg lighter than the G10 at take off weight. The K-4 had a Daimler Benz DB605D engine rated at 2000hp, the same we are supposed to have in the 109G10 of Aces High.

Now take a look at the G10's charts in the HTC's main page. AH's 109G10 has little more than 4700fpm climbrate at sea level. With the same power, a plane just 3% heavier shouldnt lose so much climb and acceleration (is a loss of more than 10%) .

The 109G10 is listed in the HTC webpage as reaching 450mph TAS at 25K more or less. I have never tested it, but some people who has, has told me they never go over 440mph. Wich matches the top speed of a DB605ASM engined 109G10, not the DB605D we are supposed to have. But as I havent tested this one first-hand I just can tell what I was told.

What I can say is that the 109K4 could reach 375mph at sea level and the one in AH is good only for around 365mph. Again, something to think about.

I think we have the 1800hp-engined 109G10. not the 2000hp some people around here say.

In other words ,we lack the K-4   ;)

No, I haven't flown it much. Orka was telling me it could turn as well as a spit at low speeds

It can. the spit turns closer. The F4 turns faster. Is not difficult to outturn a Spitfire IX in an stall fight with a 109F4. You just have to avoid turning inside him except when you have the shot guaranteed   :)

[ 09-29-2001: Message edited by: R4M ]

Offline Buzzbait

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Why have 4 varients of the Bf109?
« Reply #20 on: September 29, 2001, 08:02:00 PM »

Personally, I think there should be more variants of the 109.

The one most needed is the G6 with methanol injection.  (DB605AM engine)

The existing G10 is very close to a K4.

Maybe a more interesting variant would be the K6.

This was armed with two pod mounted Mk103 30mm wing cannon as well as the standard 30mm through the prop hub and twin 13mm in the cowling.  The Mk103 is not the standard low velocity Mk108 30mm, but a high velocity, very accurate weapon.  This plane would be the ultimate bomber nightmare.

The K6 had the usual good 109 climb and a top speed of 440mph.

But I would put these variants behind the requirement for a P-38J, a Razorback P-47D with Paddle blade props, and Spitfire IX LF.

Offline Bluedog

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Why have 4 varients of the Bf109?
« Reply #21 on: September 29, 2001, 10:26:00 PM »
I agree with grunherz, The G6 is the best fighter in the game in my opinion. Fly it to it's strenghths, and all you have to fear are other 109s, cons you never see, and your own stupidity. Granted, it does take a small amount of time to 'get used to' those strengths.
I get a laugh every time some fool in a N1k HOs me, not realising they are facing 2x20mm, 1x30mm and 2x 13mm.......or if they do realise it, they seem to ignore the fact.
A little gunsight zoom ( a dweeby cheat trick that I cant get out of the habit of using ) carefull aim, a quick burst of cannon and a well timed rollout, and the HO'ing con becomes another statistic  ;)
IMHO the 109s greatest strength is stability in a stall, and what I call 'recoverability' from a stall, using trim and carefull elevater and rudder, it is possible to make a 109 climb straight up, come to an almost complete stop, flip end for end and come straight back down into a following con....your classic Hammerhead I s'pose.
Rolling scissors works great in a Gustav Six too.

The 109G6 CAN turn well, it CAN maintain enough speed to run if needed, it accelerates nicely, handles great at low speed,climbs great, packs a decent punch and can roll with the best of them.
It just isnt the 'easiest' plane to do ANYTHING in, takes time and practice to figure out what not to do.
Also, having a fairly slender fusalage, the 109s seem to be a fairly small, and hard target to hit, especially while rolling.

[Kenny Rogers voice....]  " Ya gotta know when to hold up, know when to fold up, know when to walk away, know when to run....."

<S> Blue  :)

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Why have 4 varients of the Bf109?
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2001, 10:53:00 PM »
ya the 109G6 is my favorite fight.  Get's you good points and has excellent strengths if you exploit them.  It's great at BnZ fighting.  I love to get alt and the swoop in take shots with the 30MM and zoom back up usually straight up.  I never fly with gondolas though unless it's against bombers, it makes you turn and climb worse and i never need the extra firepower 1 30MM hit and the guys usally down.  Also it's not a scramble fighter, you pretty much need an alt advantage.  I usally use the Yak-9U when my base is under attack since it's kinda like a 109 but it can turn.

Offline Apar1

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Why have 4 varients of the Bf109?
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2001, 06:22:00 AM »

109g6 best 109 in AH. I flew em all long time. Best results in g6.


  • Parolee
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Why have 4 varients of the Bf109?
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2001, 07:16:00 AM »
A bit off-topic but I find the G6 extremelly difficult to maneouvre (specially rolling) or accelerate in a 100% fuel configuration, anything but an average stall turner. And less than 100% fuel gives it a too small combat radious.
So, why you find G6 better than G10?

[ 09-30-2001: Message edited by: MANDOBLE ]


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Why have 4 varients of the Bf109?
« Reply #25 on: September 30, 2001, 07:42:00 AM »
It turns and handles much better and is more surviable if you get caught by La7s or such. Ive not found the speed and climb loss compared to G10 that much of a problem If you fly correctly.

Offline Eaglecz

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Why have 4 varients of the Bf109?
« Reply #26 on: September 30, 2001, 08:00:00 AM »
naaa 109s are kewl do not flame them  :D
F4 was my favorit 109 in CT, was cool fighter versus spitIX,V

Offline Apar1

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Why have 4 varients of the Bf109?
« Reply #27 on: September 30, 2001, 08:07:00 AM »
109g6 is not the easiest 109 to fly, not in terms of handling and stall recovery (it does that very well) but more in terms of getting the most out of the plane.
I flew 109 allot (all models) and prefer the 109g6. In my opinion it outperforms the 109g2 in combat. I had best results in 109g6.
Flew it 3 tours as only choise of plane and was surprised what U can do with it.


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Why have 4 varients of the Bf109?
« Reply #28 on: September 30, 2001, 09:17:00 AM »
Prolly the single most important element of G6 flying is your aim with the 30mm. Its hard to describe without sounding kooky or wierd but 30mm aiming is more mental than physical. You dont aim using the gunsight, rather you point the plane and fire, you either know it will hit or you take a risk it wont. Thats why 30mm aim is lost so quickly if you fly other planes even for a few days. If you have that "30mm feel" its an amazing weapon, rather easily capable of consistent 400yd high deflection snapshots. My best was against a P51 at about 650yds intial diagonal distance when I fired. He was coming from my left at 90degrees chasing a frendly. I fired a burst of 2 30mm shells and he exploded.

Offline hazed-

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Why have 4 varients of the Bf109?
« Reply #29 on: September 30, 2001, 09:59:00 AM »
keep all 109s please....just add more  :)