Author Topic: Can we have a new arena?  (Read 2456 times)

Offline Shane

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« Reply #30 on: October 27, 2002, 03:57:14 PM »
Originally posted by eskimo2
The worst thing is that he does this to everyone, even newbies.  Countless times I have seen Shane insult players who's names I have never heard before.  
How much business has HTC lost to the likes of Shane?  
I know that several times regular players have left the CT because of him.
How much have CT numbers been at least slightly hurt by his attitude?
As amusing as Shane is to some of us, he is clearly bad business for HTC and the CT.


lmao... newbies...  lol...  total newbies aren't get as lame as you "vets"  they're still at the stage of "trying thier damnedest" and put out a hell of a lot more honest effort than you chumps. you won't see me popping off on a newbie, unless it's one you've suckered into mimicking your lameness.  ohh yeah, if you've never seen 'em before they must be "newbies"... maybe to the CT they are, but very seldom will a total newbie venture into what is often perceived, and quite incorrectly, a "elite" arena.

People left CT because of me? lololol to where? MA? roflmaopimp!!!!  TA?  lolololol - lord knows they need that.

 or maybe they don't like this particular setup as several have *posted* already.

and lol, people trying to "cool me"  there are a lot more who are trying to "lecture" me  from some supposed higher moral ground.

i love the way you're trying to go after the vox populi in conjunction with a deus ex machina plea.

lol @ common lamers like you - tools that blow hot air out their butts and think it's perfume.
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Offline Löwe

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« Reply #31 on: October 27, 2002, 05:02:58 PM »

I don't know why you have a need to bash and insult, and I really don't care.  Theres some reason you do it, be it to shock, pissoff, or just because you take joy in the fact you can get under peoples skin. Your a damn good stick in AH nonody can deny that.
The constant complaints and insults though do get old, now I'm sure your going to reply with a text nuke and insult me to max if possible, however I am going to try and reach you on this post.
I'm not trying to take a high moral ground, i'm hardly the person to do it. When you come on the text buffer claiming to all the world that everyone sans-Shane is a lamer, tard, or any of your usual barbs, you really only insult yourself. I don't know you personally, but I have reason to think your a teenager. Tard short for retarded, one of your favorite insults. Tell me whats more retarded, than a person who has a never ending need to insult, and disrupt, a whole on-line community just to somehow make him feel better about himself?
Lamer.........Hmm somebody who constantly complains that everyone else is doing something wrong, and not flying so he himself can enjoy the game, whats more lame than that?
Now you may not like us guys in the CT, thats fine, I'm not real sure  anybody in here cares if you like them or not. A lot of these guys in here I consider friends. Theres a lot of vets flying in here like in the rest of AH, we got guys currently serving in the military not only in the U.S. but other countries. When you come in here and refer to people as Tards and Lamers, you proof nothing except that your not in the same class with these people. Now I can't stop you, theres nothing I can do at all about the way you act or the names you call people. However you are not a man, you may make it someday, but your not there yet. Only a boy would take such delight in  constantly insulting people from the safety of his room where he doesnt have to face anyone eye to eye. Don't get me wrong I've had my fights as have most on this BBS. They are usually settled, once both sides figure out how stupid it is to get bent out of shape over a GAME. Thats what AH is a game, no matter how good you are or think you are, you still got to get up in the morning, go to work support your family, and look yourself in the mirror. Thats the real world, none of this AH crap means anything in the real world. many of us come here to escape the real crap, and enjoy ourselves if possible, we pay to play just like you. We don't consider ourselves elite or better than the MA crowd, we're here because we like the setups, and the atmosphere of the CT. Your hell raising robs some people of their enjoyment, maybe thats funny to you, but many of us don't find it funny at all. I don't know what your motivation is for all of the insults you offer so many people you come across in here. It gets old, and it's not amusing. Nobody thinks your clever, or funny. As you can see some think your insecure, I don't know what the reason is Shane. I do hope you reign it in a bit though, you might find people more willing to help you, listen to you, and fly with you. We came here to have a good time not to be harrassed by some guy who has nothing better to do.
Good Luck, I hope you get this sorted out.:rolleyes:

Offline Shane

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« Reply #32 on: October 27, 2002, 05:47:16 PM »
Originally posted by Löwe
Shane. balhblablalblahblahbalblablab lahblahblablabllah


i see you come here and in an attmept to get me to stop insulting lamers, you insult me.

lol.  my sig sums up everything nicely. read it.

here's your ticket, line for the circle jerk is ----->

« Last Edit: October 27, 2002, 05:55:06 PM by Shane »
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Offline Buzzbait

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« Reply #33 on: October 27, 2002, 06:17:27 PM »
Salute Shane

As a CT Staffer, and one who reads these boards very closely, I am kinda dissappointed that we now have our first post which is primarily characterized by personal attacks.

It just hasn't happened before.

Maybe you should think about this.

You obviously are a very good pilot.  You win more than your share of fights.

Why don't you try something:

Everytime you fight, win or lose, at the end of the fight, Salute.

Don't say anything else.

Now watch what happens.

People will start to compliment you on your skills.

You will start to hear lots of:

"Nice fight Shane"...  "GG Shane"....   "Hell of a fight Shane"....

Etc. etc.

People will start to post on these boards.

And do you know what they will say?

"That Shane, great guy, great stick"

Try it.   ;)

Offline Löwe

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« Reply #34 on: October 27, 2002, 06:22:51 PM »
LOL should have known better than to try and talk sense to you.
By the way, the signature you so proudly refer us to all the time, is two thirds other peoples quotes and thoughts.  Your arrogance is topped only by your ignorance. Have a good time playing the jerk off role while it last. Sooner or later people are going to quit trying to communicate with you, and just ignore you all together.

Offline Shane

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« Reply #35 on: October 27, 2002, 07:17:30 PM »
Well Buzz, looks like the true character of these CT dweebs is showing, eh?

as for your advice... well, let's just say i've seen others play in silence despite the lamness... does the lameness change? nope. do i need "compliments from others about my skills?"  hardly. do i need a faux from 3 guys who just jumped all over me? not really, but if that's their thing, so be it. it's not my thing, so be it.

so... i'll call a spade a spade, thank you very much. it's really very simple, if CT is a mini-MA, then they'll get a little mimi-MA right back.

no one, not one of the people in this thread has any privildge of trying to come from some higher moral ground. not even you, buzz, with your backhanded advice.  now i'd give it a lot more consideration had you also wagged your "staff" at these guys. did you? nope. so....

and now we come to another key concept and realization.

even in MA i don't give faux at most for a good fight i'll say "fun"  or throw out a smiley.  i will *not* ever give any lame gangbanging, refuse to try,  no-skill dweebs a salute... ever. no one will ever change my stance on that.  in the miraculous event some of these fellas meet *my* expectations and do godd... they'll get a "fun" or " :) " out of me.

play like MA, get some MA back. that simple. clear cut and dried. none of these people are as innocent as they're trying to make themselves appear to be, plenty of them try and insult me on ch1 (right before they, lololol, announce on ch 1 that they're gonna squelch me - now how lame is that? just do it! lol, like this is some jr. high school playground where you think peer pressure is going to have any effect.

and lowe... quotes by others in sigs is quite a standard practice. hell your own sig is a quote of someone or something, perhaps a motto. so again look at my sig... that explains how i come into the game, except those who don't show sportsmanship will receive no honor. WTFGAS YMMV.

having said this, i'll simply not respond to this thread any longer... it has been amusing and enlightening - almost as if a mirror was held up, but some people are too blind to see they're simply and  hypocrites. and whiners.  and a lot more personally insulting than merely being called a lamer dweeb in the context of the game.

lol @ common lamer dweebs.
Surrounded by suck and underwhelmed with mediocrity.
I'm always right, it just takes some poepl longer to come to that realization than others.
I'm not perfect, but I am closer to it than you are.
"...vox populi, vox dei..."  ~Alcuin ca. 798

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #36 on: October 27, 2002, 07:30:20 PM »
there was some stinky bait here, but I decided it was not appropriate.  sorry for the edit.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2002, 07:48:14 PM by ergRTC »

Offline daddog

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« Reply #37 on: October 27, 2002, 10:03:12 PM »
i'll simply not respond to this thread any longer
That is a good thing. :rolleyes:
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Offline JustJim

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« Reply #38 on: October 28, 2002, 12:51:23 AM »

I Have Never Since My Days In Grade School Seen Such A Little Pig-Tailed, Snot Nosed, Shin Kicking, Schoolyard Little Trouble Making squeak Like You.
WTF Is Your Major Malfunction, If Pising People Off Gives You Your Jollies You Must Be Sitting In The Worlds Largest Self Made Splooge Depository Known To Man.
Just About Every Thread On This Bulliten Board Has The Putred Stench Of Your Schoolyard Comments, Is This How You Get Your Rocks Off ??
Whats The Deal ?  I Dont Get Why You Insist On Getting Under Everyones Skin, Do You Live Near High Voltage Power Lines Or Something.
I Have Delt With People Like You In My Everday Life And I Feel Sorry For You fediddleers.
There Are Much Better Ways To Get The Attention You Seem To Thrive On, Maybe Try It In A Positive Way For toejams And Giggles.
For The Love Of Pete Enough Is Enough Already.
And Before You Go Alt+Tabbin To Look Up My Scores Blah Blah Blah, I Dont Give A Flyin Fek How I Score, What My Rank Is, How Many Kills I Get Or What Not.
I Go Out There And I Try And Do What Is Needed For The Better Of The Team, Which Can Be Diving Into A Horde And Hope They Chase My bellybutton Away From The More Skilled Pilots So They Can Accomplish What Was Set Out To Do.
Call Me A Dweeb I Dont Care I Do What I Can With What I HAve To Work With.
So Come On Lets Try To Not Be As      
 LAME As You Accuse Everyone Of Being, Because I'll Tell Ya What Pal Your Actions Make You King Of The Ring In Lameness.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2002, 01:10:19 AM by JustJim »

Offline Ack-Ack

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« Reply #39 on: October 28, 2002, 06:57:05 AM »
Why don't you girls go to the TA, learn how to fight so you can shoot down Shane instead of posting whiney little threads like ergRTC did?  

Show some testical fortitude and let your bullets to the talking instead of whining how mean Shane is to the little kiddies in the CT.

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Offline -Concho-

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« Reply #40 on: October 28, 2002, 07:25:42 AM »
LMAO Jim  :)

Nice Tat also......

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #41 on: October 28, 2002, 07:41:37 AM »
Ack ack, I think you missed the point.  If we didnt shoot him down there wouldnt be a problem.  Thing is, we cant help it, then he starts whining and bad mouthing people.  That is all.  We are all just sick of his crying, and as eskimo said, it cant be good advertising for HTC as well.  Calling newbies tards and telling them to go to the TA and such is not good for anybody.

Offline Sabre

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« Reply #42 on: October 28, 2002, 09:28:36 AM »
no tardlet, what you fail to understand is simply that being lame will get you called lame by me.

I just got to ask...Why?  Whether you definition of "lame" matches everyone or even most everyone else's, why?
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Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #43 on: October 28, 2002, 11:23:33 AM »
Heh heh.  Well, you have to admit that Shane has become an event in his own right.  Looks like everyone else is kicking in some opinion, so I'll add mine.

I suspect that the CT is now a victim of its own reputation.  For various reasons, it is expected by many be a place where you don't have an emphasis on "The War," and where one can find a certain degree of World War I chivalry.  So I can understand why someone would be surprised, in a bad way, to find ganging, landgrabbing, vulching, that sort of thing, in the CT.  I am also disappointed when I see it.  FWIW, I have noticed an increase in this sort of thing, even among people I would consider to be long-time CT denizens.  Perhaps, as the numbers rise and more people visit from the MA, we're losing our focus.  At any rate, I think Shane is just giving voice to what many of us feel but don't express.

On the other hand, I have yet to figure out what pleasure can be gained from being so unpleasant about it.  The utility of the complaint itself is lost in the reaction to the way the message is delivered.  Just look at this thread.  So far as I can tell, this is the first post, other than Shane's, to mention the substance of his complaints.  Everyone is focused on the way the complaints are rendered.  

All of which is to say that this is leading us the wrong way, and that, if the trend (on BOTH sides) continues, we WILL end up as just another MA, with a median emotional age of 12.  I don't like that prospect very much.

- oldman

Offline ergRTC

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« Reply #44 on: October 28, 2002, 11:39:27 AM »
I wondered where you were hiding.

I just dont see the ganging, land grabbing, or vulching oldman.  I do see good fights, and people having a good time though.  I dont think shanes excuses deserve any kind of real consideration.  

I dont think 'ganging' exists for someone that is careful.  If i get low and slow with an opponent, I know that I am dead if any enemy with alt comes in.  I will ask friendlies if they need help on an enemy, then will assist as needed.  That is called teamwork.  When I am on the bad side of that deal, I know it was my decision, and that I had set myself up for it.  I think thats called being responsible for your own actions.

There have been many new faces recently, but I have not seen this kind of disrespect from any of them.  No matter what they are doing.  

If somebody calls out for a major land grab, I will tell them it is not necessarily 'kosher' in the CT, but I am not about to deride them or tell them to stop (I will tell them that resets tend to hose the arena though).

CT is a good place to fly long range bomber missions, intercept them, dogfight, improve your skills, try to fight with real ww2 tactics (yes that means superior numbers, teamwork or ganging as some refer to it, and good planning with wingmen).  It is all the better that most of the community is civil, well mannered, and appreciate the kind of combat we see in here.