Your Aces High call sign? It's significance?
I was born and raised in Alaska and admire Alaskan Natives.
Your Aces High squad?
The Buccaneers.
Your name?
David D. Hall
Your age?
Your Email? Where do you live?
Tallmadge Ohio. (Near Akron)
Where else have you lived?
Colorado Springs CO, Woodland Park CO, Honolulu HI, Anchorage AK, Wasilla AK, Houston AK, Fairbanks AK, Homer/Anchor Point AK, Juneau AK, Cordova AK (Birthplace)
What do you do for a living?
I am a computer teacher at a Catholic K-8, 500 student, school in Cuyahoga Falls (the town next door to Tallmadge). I used to teach first grade in Colorado, and pretty much stumbled into this job a few months ago.
What is your marital/family status?
Blissfully married for 6 years. My wife and I have 2 Daughters. The oldest is three and named Svea (pronounced Svay-Ah, long a - short u sounds). She’s the funniest person I’ve ever met. Brigitta is 10 months old and just about to start walking. Being a dad is absolutely the coolest thing ever!
What schools have you attended? What degrees do you have?
Bachelor of Arts/Photography from the University of Anchorage AK, 1990. Associate of Science/Fire Science from the University of Hawaii (HCC) 1995. I am now about 90% finished with my Masters in Education from Regis University in Denver CO.
What are your hobbies?
AH junkie...Dang...I used to have a bunch of hobbies, but I have forgotten all about them ever since I started flying on-line!
What other flight sims have you been involved in? Your call sign and squad in that sim?
Warbirds, I started in spring of 97... I think? eskimo of the Buccaneers.
Do you have any other connection to aviation or WWII? My father-in-law flew stateside in WWII. He trained gunners for the Army Air Corps. He has time in the; AT-6, P-39, P-63, RP-63, AT-11, B-25, and B-17. The RP-63 was a stripped, armor plated P-63 that was used as a manned flying target. His job was to mock attack B-17's and receive friendly-fire! The bullets were 30 cal. powdered lead/bakelite plastic, and would disintegrate on contact with the hardened aluminum armor plating on the RP-63.
I was involved with a pretty amazing living history group in Colorado Springs called "Fantasy Flight". The two leaders of this group owned a C-45/AT-11 and two AT-6's. The members of Fantasy Flight maintain these old Warbirds and fly them to airshows throughout Colorado and other parts of the USA. Each of the 30+ members own at least one authentic WWII Army Air Force uniform that is worn to these airshows.
Other interesting things about yourself.
I own a Batmobile.