Author Topic: Religious T-shirts  (Read 4089 times)

Offline Animal

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Religious T-shirts
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2002, 09:26:28 AM »
Many times they are insecure about themselves and their fate, so they wear these shirts to advertize their fate. Avoid them like the pleague, act like they dont exist. And it seems you yourself are insecure about your belief (and atheism IS a belief) so you are bothered by these shirts because you feel threatned that they are trying to somehow force you into sharing their faith.

I dont see how these shirts are worse than GAP and A/X shirts ;)

I used to be a die-hard atheist at your age, now I'm really agnostic. There is a big diference between the two.

I strongly believe that true spiritual people only need to wear a smile to show it.

Offline Airhead

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« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2002, 10:52:18 AM »
Originally posted by marauder
Hmmm, but in todays world if I were to wear something I like (a nude picture of Petra Verkaik for instance :D ) on a T-shirt, people would get on my case about it and demand I stop wearing it in public.. but something thats offensive(or not relevant) to non christians and atheists on a t-shirt is okay.  ...go figure:confused:

BTW: a post here + religion?!! eeeeeeeeeeek! run, run while you still can!:p

YOU are confused? I'm confused how you can equate wearing a t-shirt featuring a nude model or a profanity as the same as wearing a t-shirt that says "Jesus Saves." Well, actually I'm not that confused because religion has been under attack in America for years now, so I guess it figures Jesus could be considered obsene by some people in "today's world."

Another thing that confuses me is why some athiests would comment and initiate a religious debate with a stranger wearing a Jesus Saves T-Shirt. I wonder if Texace would debate someone wearing a t-shirt of a sports team he didn't like? Texace obviously isn't as secure in his athiesm as he might think he is or there would be no need to confront someone wearing a Christian themed T-Shirt.

It's one thing for nonbelievers to be nonbelievers, but it goes over the top when believers are confronted about thier beliefs and ridiculed- and insert Moslem, Christian, Hindu or whatever religion you want here. And to feel you have the right to wear a t-shirt that is truly offensive, graphic or obscene because someone is wearing a Jesus Saves t-shirt is just plain stupid. Find a real issue to get offended about.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2002, 11:00:06 AM »
Just wondering what comment an admitted atheist would have on a "Jesus Saves" shirt. Wouldn't have anything to do with the receiving the sermon, would it?

Offline Airhead

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« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2002, 11:08:57 AM »
Kieran, should I scan my Million Man March t-shirt and post it? Now THAT one is a real conversation starter:)

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2002, 11:20:26 AM »
Not really from me. I see all kinds of shirts. The ones I don't agree with, I ignore. I'm just wondering what comment resulted in a 20-minute sermon. As they say, there's another side to this story.

I suppose it is possible someone just out of the blue started talking religion- it certainly does happen- but the way Tex outlined this story it seemed more likely he did something to provoke the person. Did he know the person? Was the comment sarcastic? I just can't understand how someone who doesn't want to hear the word would invite discussion by inquiring innocently about a shirt, I guess.

Offline mrfish

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« Reply #20 on: November 10, 2002, 11:28:36 AM »
what's the big deal about a tee-shirt?

i've yet to even see one here in babylon- i guess it's the same attraction people get from having bumper-stickers (an attraction i don't understand btw) but it's just a conversation piece. i probably see more 'che guevare' tee shirts but i don't bother asking them if they're starting a revolution.

anyone from the eighties remember those awful george michael, wham, 'choose life!' shirts all the girls (and some guys i might add) were wearing? arrrggg it'd probably have the same effect on me.

i remember wearing 'sex-pistols' and 'the clash' tee shirts in highschool to try to assert my identity and set myself aside from the bee-bop herd i grew up around and as a general anti-statement, but these days i could care less what my clothes say -
i mean really, it's a little silly when you think about it.

i think it's about maturity - once you are sure of your identity you don't need to wear things to try to prompt a discussion on it.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #21 on: November 10, 2002, 11:32:34 AM »
I'd agree with that, Mr. Fish.

In fact, when I think about it, the most likely people to wear such T-Shirts would be young Christians or people who work with young Christians. It certainly would be considered an identity builder.

Offline Octavius

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« Reply #22 on: November 10, 2002, 11:34:01 AM »
Originally posted by Animal
Many times they are insecure about themselves and their fate, so they wear these shirts to advertize their fate. Avoid them like the pleague, act like they dont exist. And it seems you yourself are insecure about your belief (and atheism IS a belief) so you are bothered by these shirts because you feel threatned that they are trying to somehow force you into sharing their faith.

I dont see how these shirts are worse than GAP and A/X shirts ;)

I used to be a die-hard atheist at your age, now I'm really agnostic. There is a big diference between the two.

I strongly believe that true spiritual people only need to wear a smile to show it.

Animal we could be brothers.  

A handful of my friends have gone that route and they also tried getting me into the cult as well.  The general hypocrisy coming out of their mouths is so strong it I often find myself gagging.  

I don't hang out with them as much as I used to.  A few years ago a good friend of mine in particular was extremely insecure of himself and eventually became quite depressed.  I couldn't relate, I've never been in that position and he never said anything about it (to me, anyway.  I think he viewed our friendship as a competition actually) He found others like him at his place of worship (an Assembly of God), they banded together, joined the "cult" and haven't been the same ever since.  They completely block out everything 'negative' in their eyes without even thinking about confronting them.  They are THAT insecure that they hold on to their book and, as SOB said, their imaginary being in the sky, with dear life..  

Texace, listen to Master Animal, he knows what he speaks :)  Agnostic is the perfect word to describe myself.  Not absolutely closed to the existance of a supreme being... but I certainly can live my life without one.
ag·nos·tic  n.

1.  One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.
2.  One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.
3.  One who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.

I've been a Lutheran for all my life until recently.  My FRIENDS who joined the cult actually turned me off.  One of them got out just before he was sucked in.  We often find ourselves talking about it... the contradictions, the hypocrisy, and how they could have turned out if they hadn't been 'reborn.'

oct out.
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Offline SOB

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« Reply #23 on: November 10, 2002, 12:44:36 PM »
Marauder, rest assured that I would never harass you for wearing a t-shirt with a nude Petra Verkaik on it.  Unless you consider me following you around and staring at your t-shirt with a strange grin on my face harassing.  :D
Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline K98k

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« Reply #24 on: November 10, 2002, 12:50:14 PM »

pretty good sites for anyone wanting to do some reading themselves.

after you're done I recommend reading the bible yourself see if what is said is true.  That goes for anyone already attending a church, crack open your bible see if what was said is true, see if what was said is even in it!  

God gave us everything including a measure of faith and a will to make a decision.

Last time Jesus came into this world it was as our saviour, next time He's coming he's here to judge and His decision will be final.  no such thing as overtime and there will be no appeals.

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Religious T-shirts
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2002, 01:11:21 PM »
Spare a thought for me, an Irish atheist (you did'nt think there was such a thing).For the past 17 years my parents have made me go to church, but i've seen the light. I realized that the whole god thing was a tad far fetched. Listening to some child abuser telling you how to live your life, screw that .Now i just refuse to go and shout insults.

Offline Curval

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« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2002, 01:24:07 PM »
Originally posted by Animal
I strongly believe that true spiritual people only need to wear a smile to show it.

Whoa Animal...well frigging said man!

I agree and strongly believe that the irony in advertising one's "piety" is that it basically boils down to pride and vanity.  Two sins that have been labellled as those of the seven deadly variety.

Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain

Offline Leslie

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« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2002, 02:06:37 PM »
Originally posted by loser
If this is the texace im thinking of, he is old enough to be my dad by more than a few years.

Besides, i didn't know you had to be "x" age before you can make such a decision.

If that is the case Loser, then I am a fool.  I did enjoy Marauder's post though.  At least some good came from this discussion.:D


Offline fd ski

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« Reply #28 on: November 10, 2002, 03:17:46 PM »
Jesus saves .....

.... and Manchester United still leads 1:0 !!!

Offline mrfish

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« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2002, 03:27:11 PM »
it's a shame to see the pro-religious side so under-represented since there are a drove of believers out there! i think if your religion is going to survive you should be out there making some strong points. it would probably focus your cause and bring out the smartest people - many of us only seem to get the duds.

nevertheless i love this topic ;) - people looked out into the sky and got scared back when that tribe in israel wrote this hooey -

it's just their old school laws with an unprovable unassailable authority added for artificial legitmacy-  i don't have that fear of the void because it isn't any void we were just new -i just see a big system of particles and forces which is way more awe-inspiring than some god who lives 'in' space...

if i called the universe itself and everything in it a 'god', who'd ever be able to say it wasn't. what's the god criterion again?

it makes a lot more sense anyway, i can see it and prove it and it isn't encouraging me or chiding me. newton knew the truth about it but so did einstein even though they had different approaches- it just gets more complex not necessarily wrong, it's more natural and perfect and elegant than the father god i say.