Originally posted by ElLobo
"Namaste" recognizing the devinity within each of us.. Thou art god..I am god..all that groks is god. There is and never has been any seperaton from god, he, she is within us. This is the magical plane, all is sacred. No original sin! Never kicked from the garden! We're still in it if we just look around. Yahweh is an old arabian volcano god that just doesn't fit in my belief system. The bible is for the most part a practical book of rules and beliefs of the ancient Hebrew tribe. Some good things, some bad, read it. Then read all the other holy texts from all over the world. They are all similar, telling similar myths in different ways.
They are all similar? I disagree. For example.
Christianity says there is only 1 true, personal God.
Buddhism is pantheistic, that there is no personal God.
Islam says Jesus was merely a prophet and not the only way to God.
I see contradiction, not similarity.
Also, I find it ironic that you state "The bible is for the most part a practical book of rules and beliefs of the ancient Hebrew tribe."
Israel has never accepted Jesus as The Messiah.