Author Topic: Htc  (Read 1519 times)

Offline Flossy

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« Reply #30 on: December 07, 2002, 04:09:19 PM »
Originally posted by mipoikel
Why didnt you ask him to go rooks. Or are you asking every newbie to come bishop. That helps a lot for numbers thing...
We wanted Stamper to be Bishops so that he could join our squad - the Krait Squadron....   :D  Of course I don't ask every newbie to be Bishop!  :p
Flossy {The Few}
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« Reply #31 on: December 07, 2002, 04:11:18 PM »
Originally posted by Apar
Flossy, it reads:

......I'm not sure that that is still the case....

But thx for sharing that it isn't anymore, :)
OK, sorry I missed that.... I think it was because I have seen so many people here say the same thing recently.  ;)
Flossy {The Few}
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Offline Doyle

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« Reply #32 on: December 07, 2002, 05:51:13 PM »





Offline DOODY

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poor rook leadership wins (nothing) again!
« Reply #33 on: December 09, 2002, 11:53:04 AM »
Originally posted by moot
Ignore field numbers and country placement, and P14 is green.

C20 was free.
C13 was taken to safety about that far, closer south actually.
Why is C20 less interesting here?
C13 would certainly have been given over had a good reason been proposed.

TY- for saving that map.  It's clear to me that the priority of some was to hide the boat so the enemy wouldn’t take it.  I have a few comments that might make u wonder why they might do that.

1. W/ c20 on top of A11, where will enemy fighter's up to get a cap on 10 while 14 is taken by m3's?!?!? Oh yeah.. Rook leadership doesn’t encourage defending their fields, especially when it’s on their main island and directly in line with our advancing forces right? 14 was capped purely by the nature of its location and our advance, but no one sees that.. "HIDE THE BOAT"(and make it useless).

2. w/ A10 rolling troops to 11 and C20 parked in front of it, V3 attacking a4 and C13 (by now) s of A10, what exactly was the bish threat? The only real threat was A15 and it’s seated to advance on A11, not A10. Bish are still restricted to GV assault on 14(which has cap from 10 and local GV defense), but again "HIDE THE BOAT"(and make it useless)

3. With the high probability of a jabo mission @ C20, MW thought it wise to cap it while rook forces invaded. W C13 in the area, a lost TG-20 would be redirected directly into 11 to get ack and LVT assaults in close. This would detain all bish @ 11 to a 10-mile radius while c13 moved south to provide air support, still giving us advantage @ 11 and securing the fight. But " HIDE THE BOAT" ( and make it useless)

As I see it, the low tactical knowledge of the rook leadership has seriously disrupted any hope the rooks have of consistent victory. It seems they are limited to overwhelming headcount wins on Sunday nights. I don’t blame the average rook, they see the high ranks making decisions and assume its because they know something the regular guys doesn’t, this is simply not the case. It seems to me the rook leadership has achieved high rank watching other rooks die while they vulch. Make no mistake rooks, your leaders are not using strategy to win, they are using pawns, and not winning nearly often enough.
As for the matter of the boats specifically, this isn’t the first time MW has had problems using CV's. I personally have seen as many as 4 CV's hiding in the corner of the map for days at a time.  This bothers me because I remember being a newbie and the boats were the coolest thing about the game. It saddens me that rooks (and rooks alone) hide the boats simply because the person in charge doesn’t know how or when  to use them. I assure you that I have NEVER seen a boat hidden in knightland, or in bishland(although I wasn’t bish for long).

I did see a rook leader use a boat once, He took it from me because he planned to chase a p47 raid to A9 with it, I reminded him that planes are a lot faster than boats and he probably wouldn’t catch them. But that didn’t matter, “if I want the boat, I need to get my rank up”, he said, and move the boat north away from 10 where the bish had set up shop. 30 mins later, and 25 miles north, bish held out @ 10 until he logged and I sent the boat south. 20 min after that 10 was captured.

 There are times when a boat should be moved away from a fight, these examples are clearly not them. Poor planning, strategy and zero respect for others is rampant in rookland, and until rooks as a nation face that, they will continue to lose 6 nights a week. And as the other nations discover new ways to dispatch the RJO,( as we almost did last night) rookland  grows closer to VOD each day. (VOD=Valley of dweebs)

 Again I stress to rooks that as a whole, you’re a great bunch of guys, but your leaders are doing nothing to encourage teamwork and even less to promote tactical success. This is evident in the 5 hour vulchathon @ a10 that very day, because no one wanted to take 14. ("we will just lose it again")

Offline Turbot

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« Reply #34 on: December 09, 2002, 12:32:12 PM »
lil' generals and their constant caps lock on "orders" piss me off.  "Team work" does not equal screaming for people to do what you want them to do. - and whining if(when) they don't.

Offline Dead Man Flying

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« Reply #35 on: December 09, 2002, 12:36:26 PM »
Am I the only one whose eyes glazed over at Doody's strategic mumbo-jumbo?

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline Charon

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« Reply #36 on: December 09, 2002, 12:49:59 PM »
OMG. From now on, when my wife says, "I'm going to watch my soap operas..." I'll just have to say, "I'm going to go play mine."


Offline Grizzly

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« Reply #37 on: December 09, 2002, 02:39:18 PM »
Are the Rook numbers low because players don't llike playing on that team, or do players not like playing on the Rook team because the numbers are low?

I say it's all Hitech's fault. He chose to add the "pork the arena and screw up the fun for the smallest team" incentive in AH.

The reality is:

* not all players care to participate in the capture the arena game

* a singular objective can encourage two teams to unite against the third

* a built in arena objective has a limting affect on tactics and game play (the quickest way to capture a base is to avoid combat and use massive assault)

* as long as there is an arena objective in the game, there will be fighting over tactics... many chiefs with only one war

* players will always migrate to the strongest side... assured imbalance

* if there was not an arena objective, an imbalance of numbers would not be as important

* it's fun to gang, but not to be ganged... resulting in half (or more) of the customers not enjoying AH (IMHO, unhappy customers = bad business decision)

Certainly I'm not in a position to tell HTC what to do, but the community might.

Offline AKIron

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« Reply #38 on: December 09, 2002, 04:37:20 PM »
Originally posted by Apar
Nah Rude, the worst kind is the Whine about Whiners types, ;)

Nah, it's whining about whining about whiners. :p
Here we put salt on Margaritas, not sidewalks.

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« Reply #39 on: December 09, 2002, 05:23:59 PM »
Every country gets ganged at one time of day or another. Here is a remedy its a very simple thing too let me explain. Country #1 wins reset Country #2 and #3 now gang #1 untill #2 or #3 wins reset. Now the 2 losing countrys gang the winning country untill one or the other wins. Rinse and repeat.

  Ok now the real world country #1 hates country #3 country #3 hates country #2 country #2 hates country #1.  LOL sounds like the middle east.

 None of the 3 will follow the plan cause we hate them. Too blind to see too rapped up in thier own petty roadkill to try and work for a better plan for all. You see it every day in every aspect of life the guy on the hiway with his turn signal on that you wont let in cause he would be in front of you. The other guy on the hiway that cut you off so he could get to the next stop light 10 seconds before you. Like the 10 seconds he saved was worth killing you over.

  We cant help it its our nature! We are like a river allways seeking the path of the least resistance.
Army of Das Muppets     
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Offline midnight Target

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« Reply #40 on: December 09, 2002, 05:33:04 PM »
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying
Am I the only one whose eyes glazed over at Doody's strategic mumbo-jumbo?

-- Todd/Leviathn

Naw, wake me when it gets interesting.

Offline JB42

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« Reply #41 on: December 09, 2002, 06:22:07 PM »
Let me tell a short story about a one-legged man who dreamed of being a track star. AIN"T GONNA HAPPEN. end of story.

My point is this, as a rook you have to know your going to be outnumbered 90% of the time. Thats the lot we are dealt.
The problem is what the Rooks do with their limited numbers. We can't control the numbers against us, but we can control the what we do with the numbers we have. I'm finding it more and more that the Rooks as a whole do some of the lamest things when the tide of the battle shifts a different direction. That's what's frustrating the squads that came from other countries.

I'm certain that at the Alamo there was some sort of organization amongst them and I'm sure that a small group of the defenders didn't go off gopher hunting instead of sticking to the battle plan. That's the fundamental difference. We rooks need to starting working together for the big picture and we don't. Until we get our heads out of our "I'll do what I want to do" hole, we are doomed to be outnumbered.
" The only thing upping from the CV are lifejackets." - JB15

" Does this Pony make my butt look fat?" - JB11

" I'd rather shoot down 1 Spit in a 109 than 10 109s in a Spit." - JB42

Offline Apar

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« Reply #42 on: December 10, 2002, 02:31:01 AM »

Are the Rook numbers low because players don't llike playing on that team, or do players not like playing on the Rook team because the numbers are low?

I say it's all Hitech's fault. He chose to add the "pork the arena and screw up the fun for the smallest team" incentive in AH.

The reality is:

* not all players care to participate in the capture the arena game

* a singular objective can encourage two teams to unite against the third

* a built in arena objective has a limting affect on tactics and game play (the quickest way to capture a base is to avoid combat and use massive assault)

* as long as there is an arena objective in the game, there will be fighting over tactics... many chiefs with only one war

* players will always migrate to the strongest side... assured imbalance

* if there was not an arena objective, an imbalance of numbers would not be as important

* it's fun to gang, but not to be ganged... resulting in half (or more) of the customers not enjoying AH (IMHO, unhappy customers = bad business decision)

Certainly I'm not in a position to tell HTC what to do, but the community might.

My thoughts as well Grizzly,  :(

Offline Pepe

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« Reply #43 on: December 10, 2002, 04:38:18 AM »
OK. I I think it's enough of numbers/money threads. So, I will leave for a moment my current Bish-Bashing attitude, and answer on a more serious mood, just to state my position on this particular issue, and try to move on to another important issues to be looked into (i.e. Damage Model). I know, I know, mostly nobody cares, but being a Rook develops some strange behaviours...  ;)

It all boils down to fun, on our side (players).

It all boils down to money, on Htc side.

On our side, there are people that have fun in gangbanging/vulching defenseless planes. There are people who find fun in engaging terrible odds, or even taking off from capped fields. There are ones who only have fun in huge permanent furballs, while others will only fly for landgrabbing. Some people will be frustrated (some VERY frustrated ;)) if someone kills them, while other ones won't care at all for one virtual death more or less. But there is one common nexus between all of us. When we say goodbye, we usually do it with a smile in our face, and we plan to come back next nite for more. That's what keep this game going.

On Htc. side, I won't deny a certain degree of passion in them. But numbers are just tyrannic partners. Whatever his conception of this game might be, he has to stick with players' preferences. He minght have the *absolute* best in WWII simulation, if he does not meet players', he won't be in business for long.

So, at the end, it's an embedded equilibrium. Rooks can be overwhelmed night after night (or Bish, or Knits), as long as there are enough Rooks having fun with that to make other countries' life fun. When this broke, and not enough Rooks have fun, the whole thing breaks up. That's why Htc. is thinking on side balancing. Being the underdog is not easy, and can get frustrating fast. If one whole side gets frustrated, either you make it appealing, or you change the system.

Everything has been said, and a lot of times. I think it's time to move to the next BBS flamefest and leave this horse alone. Htc. has to take care of it, and, if we are to trust his words, they are doing it.

Just my two cents.

to Bishes at A18!.  Pipz, Anton and Hajo come to mind...nice fites  :) .... Pity the rest of your contry suck that bad as to manage a 30 min vulch on A29 to retain it only 5 minutes against inferior numbers. Hmmmm.....being a lemming mother has to be the saddest of all jobs. All this slaughters  :D


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« Reply #44 on: December 10, 2002, 09:22:19 AM »
Originally posted by Sachs
Cry me a river MW.  So you couldn't use the boat so you whine and run to the knits.  Good riddance.  

 Get yor rank up and then maybe you can have your little cv back.  Fuggin baby, glad your squad is gone.  


Exactly why i left the rooks...and my squad that was rooks.

too many INDIVIDUAL players(cherry pickers)....hmm..pepe comes to mind:eek:

Then the one's that wanna fight ina team go knights or Bishops....then you WHINE about having to deal with numbers....your dealing with folks that wanna fight as a team instead of INDIVIDUALS...but yet you expect 1on1's.

the CORE mentality of Rooks is to fight....not land grab...but you dipchits haven't gotten the picture yet.....YOUR FIGHTING 2 TEAMS THAT WANNA LAND change your freakin vision of the game and get with the PROGRAM....

instead you got morons like sachs puttin down a squad that tried to help em or not MW is a big squad and helps any side its on:mad:

no pity for did this to yourselves...keep chasin the people away...Bishop an Knights will welcome them.