Author Topic: i hope this isnt what we are comming to.  (Read 1406 times)

Offline J_A_B

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i hope this isnt what we are comming to.
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2001, 10:13:00 PM »
I can sympathize with much of what "Chris" says.  Not all of it, but a lot of it.


Offline Citabria

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i hope this isnt what we are comming to.
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2001, 10:21:00 PM »
the frequency of gangbangs is a direct result of darbars and radar inflight.

your position is broadcast to all enemy aircraaft online at all times w darbars and when in range your exact position is given to all enemy aircraft.


remove inflight radar and sector darbars

Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline StSanta

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« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2001, 11:32:00 PM »
Hm, 9./JG 54 can usually find a few good several v2's or however many we're up. While gangbanging is not avoidable, it is possible to select fights that suit your temperament.

For a while on the old pre cv map, this was very doable. With the cv map, it's impossible, and with this mpa, although it is much to prefer compared to the cv map, the small front lines make those 1v1, 2v2, 2v3-4's more rare.

I must say that your ex squaddie probably didn't think his engagements through enough.

Von Santa
Staffelkapitän 9./JG 54 "Grünherz"
"If you return from a mission with a victory, but without your Rottenflieger, you have lost your battle."
- D. Hrabak, JG 54 "Grünherz"

Offline NHMadmax

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« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2001, 11:48:00 PM »
As for all the whinning thats true. But for the gangbangs as he put it well thats what happens in war you help you fellow country men out not just leave them to it. Be real if you want 1 on 1 go to the ladder or H2H or dueling areana. You can get 1 on 1 fights in MA. And i am always getting shot down gets to me for a bit then take off and start again. i thing of myself as a moving target for the other players must have a bigger Icon then every 1 else they all seem to make a beline for me. lol

[This message has been edited by NHMadmax (edited 05-02-2001).]

Offline Degas

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i hope this isnt what we are comming to.
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2001, 06:44:00 AM »
I think everyone has periods where they get disgusted, angry, or maybe even bored with the game.

Take a break.  If something that just happened to you sends your blood pressure through the roof, log off or do something different for a while.  Deep breaths and a scotch and soda work wonders for me.

I fly with a great bunch of guys in the evenings, U.S.  They can testify to the fact that I blow up, get discouraged, whatever.  Same thing happens with them.  We're not in a squad, we just enjoy flying together and learning from each other.

All in all, we spend more time ribbing each other, and getting ribbed, than screaming about the *insert cannon-equipped plane here* that just shot us down from 1.5K away, or the goon potato who didn't tell anyone they were waiting 1 minute from the base, while 3 others auger in or ditch in order to grab a goon to make sure you capture a base.

We all have our pet peeves.  You just gotta keep your perspective, and have some friends who understand when you blow a gasket.  Your buddies help get you over these rough spots, just like you help them  

Offline Vermillion

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« Reply #20 on: May 03, 2001, 07:11:00 AM »
Strange, when I flew AW (and Robert you were a squaddie of mine there for a very long time) gangbanging was as prevalent as it is here.

Hey, I like a good 1 v 1 as much as anyone else, don't get me wrong. But when you fly in a main arena, whether it is AW, FA, WB, or AH, I find the style all very similar.

Pack tactics and gangbangs.

Sorry to see Chris go, but he certainly flew a different AW than I did.

**MOL**, Men of Leisure

Offline Lephturn

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i hope this isnt what we are comming to.
« Reply #21 on: May 03, 2001, 08:59:00 AM »

What you really mean when you say "Gangbanging sucks" is "My SA sucks rocks and I hate when I get killed for it."  When I get killed by 5-1 odds, I can ALWAYS think back a bit in the fight to a time where I should have disengaged and grabbed E, or extended or checked the map at least.  Dying to being greatly outnumbered happens because you lose your SA, or you don't take the right steps to correct the situation when you are getting in a bad situation.  If you don't want to get "gang banged", don't fly into those situations.  It really is that simple.  The most you have to do to engage in the gangbangs is switch to an E fighter or something with some speed and fly it properly.  Then you can always work the furball, and extend and grab altitude when you need to and come back.

The radar works both ways.  It is just as much a tool for SA to help you avoid bad odds as it is for others to find you and gang up on you.  No inflight radar would just mean you couldn't find a fight easily, and that wouldn't be as much fun IMNSHO.  It would also mean you could fly into very lopsided odds without knowing about it, and get gangbanged with no way to avoid it.  Personally, I think taking away the in flight radar would make gang-banging ever worse.

The inflight radar is the BEST tool to AVOID getting gangbanged.  Just look at the damned thing from time to time.  If you see a tiny green bar in the sector you are entering, and a HUGE red bar, you are very outnumbered in that area.  If you are willing to fly into that situation, don't whine about getting gangbanged.  If you don't want to get ganged up on, the don't enter the area.  It's REALLY simple.

Do what I do.  Grab a BnZ bird, climb to 25k, and roll into that big blob of bad guys.  Pick off the top one or two, and extend back towards your base.  Sooner or later you'll drag a few to your side of the front, and the odds will even out or turn in your favour.  Failing that, just fly smart and pick an appropriate plane, and you can work around the top and edges of a large group of enemies without too much trouble.  Try it in the Pony, it excells at just this sort of work.  If your a Loosewaffle type, the D9 or G-10 will do the same.  

It's a mega-player game guys.  There will always be situations where you are heavily out numbered, it's part of the game.  The trick is to either avoid those situations or deal with them and do the best you can.  We have to tools to do it.

Sean "Lephturn" Conrad - Aces High Chief Trainer

A proud member of the mighty Flying Pigs

Check out Lephturn's Aerodrome for AH articles and training info!

Offline Ripsnort

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i hope this isnt what we are comming to.
« Reply #22 on: May 03, 2001, 09:02:00 AM »
Sean, I see you steered clear of his BBS comments.  

Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #23 on: May 03, 2001, 09:10:00 AM »
Oh and BTW, it seems to me that DmdCM's real problem is his attitude.  I play the same game, and get nothing but relaxation and fun from it the vast majority of the time.  I get nothing but kind words and respect from the vast majority of the AH players online and on this BBS.  It isn't always that way, and sometimes I get pissed too, but the problem when that happens is always MY attitude, not the game or the community.

I type "Hey folks!" almost everytime I enter the arena, and I'm always given a "Hey Leph!" by lots of folks in the game.  It's extremelly rare for me to be on the receiving end of any insults online or in this BBS.  Even on the odd occasion that this has happened, I've normally done or said something to contribute to pissing a guy off.  There are always a very few vocal amazinhunks, but that's life for ya.  

Sean "Lephturn" Conrad - Aces High Chief Trainer

A proud member of the mighty Flying Pigs

Check out Lephturn's Aerodrome for AH articles and training info!

Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #24 on: May 03, 2001, 09:13:00 AM »

Not sure what ya mean Rip?

Erm... ok well I just put that second message on before I saw yours.  That cover it?

Sean "Lephturn" Conrad - Aces High Chief Trainer

A proud member of the mighty Flying Pigs

Check out Lephturn's Aerodrome for AH articles and training info!

Offline Ripsnort

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i hope this isnt what we are comming to.
« Reply #25 on: May 03, 2001, 09:30:00 AM »

Offline BlauK

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i hope this isnt what we are comming to.
« Reply #26 on: May 03, 2001, 09:45:00 AM »
IMO the Quake furballs and HOs in AH are caused by the lack of respect for one's own life!!!

A suggestion:

If you die:
-no kills recorded for you on that sortie
-no points recorded for you on that sortie

If you bail out:
-kills recorded
-no points

If you ditch:
-kills recorded
-1/2 of the points recorded

ONLY if you land the sortie:
-kills recorded
-points recorded

How many recless HOs would we see? How many times would 5 guys blow their alt to dive after a single enemy at low? How much more AH would be a sim and how much less AerialQuake? This would give a new meaning on shooting the chutes as well  

  BlauKreuz - Lentolaivue 34      

Offline anRky

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« Reply #27 on: May 03, 2001, 09:51:00 AM »
Lephturn, I strongly agree with your comments, except for one thing.  I find your method for dealing with gangbanging very boring.  It's either stay away from the gangbang, and not fight, or spend most of my time trying to get in position, make a few passes with a kill or two if I find the enemy sleeping, then run away.  Also very boring IMO.  It's more fun for me just to dive into the gangbang and try to make myself a difficult target.  Last night, when the Knights were down to one base, I found it more fun just to stay around the base, and practice my gunnery shooting friendly planes.

So, yes, I find the MA very frustrating or boring, depending on how I try to deal with it.  
Friday night snapshots are great, but it's just one flight a week.  Same with Hostile Shores (or any scenario I'm able to attend).  Monday night furball fever is some of the most intense fun I've had in AH.  The rest of the time I spend in AH is just burning me out.  



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i hope this isnt what we are comming to.
« Reply #28 on: May 03, 2001, 09:53:00 AM »
The gangbanging is the result of the crappy strat/fighter hanger closures as is the bad attitiudes.  

If a field is still open but "you are unable to take off from this field".... duh.... gangbang.  No matter what the "dar" says... you have no idea what you will find when you get to a field... probly you just wasted a tank of gas and are so bored that you gangbang or.... you find nothing but osties or... you fly two sectors and end up arriving at a field defended by 10 guys butr the 10 green guys are spread over two sectors...

Also.... when a guy burns a whole tank or two of fuel and gets no action... dying is even more unpleasant and any real or imagined disadvantage is magnified.  

contrast this with the fields where no one kills the FH for a while.... the fighters congregate and the numbers even out... everyone is busy and doesn't have time to complain.

Offline Nifty

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i hope this isnt what we are comming to.
« Reply #29 on: May 03, 2001, 11:37:00 AM »
Originally posted by BlauK:
IMO the Quake furballs and HOs in AH are caused by the lack of respect for one's own life!!!

A suggestion:

If you die:
-no kills recorded for you on that sortie
-no points recorded for you on that sortie

If you bail out:
-kills recorded
-no points

If you ditch:
-kills recorded
-1/2 of the points recorded

ONLY if you land the sortie:
-kills recorded
-points recorded

How many recless HOs would we see? How many times would 5 guys blow their alt to dive after a single enemy at low? How much more AH would be a sim and how much less AerialQuake? This would give a new meaning on shooting the chutes as well  

Wouldn't really matter, because there'd still be some people who wouldn't care if their kills counted, as long as they got to shoot someone down.

Only way to force more people to care about their virtual pilot's life all the time is to have some sort of punishment (can't fly for X minutes, can't up from the same base as before, can't up in the same plane as before, etc.) for dying.  This isn't a good idea because it does "force" people into a play style they don't want (this is a bad idea if you want people to pay $30/month to play your game.)  Some people enjoy the "quakefest" style of play in AH.  That's fine, it's their $30/month (or their free 2 weeks) and they should be able to play their way in the MA.  The solution to this is to have two persistant arenas.  Keep the MA as it is now, and throw up an alternative arena with more penalties for dying, possibly even having forced plane sets (Historical Arena baby!!).  This solution isn't viable at the moment due to there only being around 250 people on in peak times.  Hopefully one day there will be enough active subscribers to warrant a persistent 2nd arena with a different playstyle.  Until then, you just have to make the best of the MA for yourself.  If you don't like overwhelming odds, don't get yourself into that situation.  Heck, that's realistic and historic!!  If your life mattered, and you saw you were outnumbered 6 to 1, you'd run!  If you don't like constant HO's, avoid them and shoot the bastard down!  Or make him miss and shoot him down on the HO!  

sorry if this makes little to no sense, I haven't had lunch yet, and I'm starving!  

proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.