Author Topic: German svastika  (Read 5425 times)

Offline ergRTC

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German svastika
« Reply #45 on: January 05, 2003, 09:33:38 AM »
hahahahaa..  Nice slash.

I think what I did was demonstrate how something a long long long time ago can still upset people.

And yeah 'my wife left me the other day,
she shot my horse,
took my dog,
pissed on the carpet,
and things  have gone from better to bad to worse....'

is popular all over the country.  Yet another sad comentary on american pop culuture.

What pisses me off more about country is the good stuff (old old stuff) isnt the popular crap anymore.  Its this over produced hollywood, fake, shania twain/dixie chick crap.  Fricking n'sync of country music.  Its like michael jackson sucked the soul out of it, and then had Garth Brooks turn it into the Wal-Mart of music.

It is funny how almost everything we start argueing about ends up north vs south.  

Thank god my family was busy homesteading during the civil war.  No time to go down there and teach the southerners about state rights/civil rights.

Offline HiJack

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German svastika
« Reply #46 on: January 05, 2003, 12:15:03 PM »
Now now boys, gonna have to put you two in a TBM together hehe.

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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German svastika
« Reply #47 on: January 05, 2003, 01:27:52 PM »

Thank god my family was busy homesteading during the civil war. No time to go down there and teach the southerners about state rights/civil rights.

My family was also busy homesteading uneducated. Americans need to learn what it was all about and why the political issue of slavery was brought in to play. Nevertheless, I say again IT WAS WRONG!

Even you need to study about the "States Rights" as agreed with by the Government at that time.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2003, 04:55:07 PM by CurtissP-6EHawk »

Offline Slash27

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German svastika
« Reply #48 on: January 05, 2003, 11:25:45 PM »
Its ends up north and south because of you erg. You never miss a chance to insult people from the south.  Only thing i can figure is some good ol' boy whipped your bellybutton once and you can't get over it.  BTW   where do your run into all these people that can't get over the civil war?  How many times has this happened to you? Also,  country music isnt my thing. I just dont listnen to alot of it. ( i think you're wrong about the Dixie Chicks though.) I have a pretty broad range in my CD collection, from heavy metal, classic rock, oldies, rap,pop, classical, and southern rock, (oops  i said south  quik erg  roll your eyes and whine)  Keep the insults and ASSumptions coming erg,  sooner or later you'll have me convinced  you're better then "us".

"The inability of some americans to understand or feel any empathy for others affirms my belief in the general lack of intelligence or wisdom of our current american culture."

is this directed at me erg?

p.s.   does anyone else find it annoying that the stuff you listened to in high school is now on the calssic rock station?   Im only 29!:D

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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German svastika
« Reply #49 on: January 06, 2003, 01:48:40 AM »
does anyone else find it annoying that the stuff you listened to in high school is now on the calssic rock station? Im only 29

Yeah, "Moving Sidewalks" was my intro to Rock Music.
I remember when biting off bats heads was satanic, now they look at "him" on "his" TV show and laugh at the old

Offline -Concho-

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German svastika
« Reply #50 on: January 06, 2003, 02:55:02 AM »
Originally posted by CurtissP-6EHawk
Yeah, "Moving Sidewalks" was my intro to Rock Music.
I remember when biting off bats heads was satanic, now they look at "him" on "his" TV show and laugh at the old

yeah Ozzie is a blast...

as far as erg, you can kiss my ass.

Offline Slash27

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German svastika
« Reply #51 on: January 06, 2003, 06:37:01 AM »
lol    was watching the Osbournes tonight.  Great tv:D

Hey Conch,  you ignorant,redneck,beer swilling, wife beating, cross burning, trailer trash dumb son of a squeak.  Hows it going?:D

Offline ergRTC

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German svastika
« Reply #52 on: January 06, 2003, 08:39:10 AM »
I have to agree with you on that classic rock bit, but dont blame me for the south!  I just brought up the law against cross buring in virginia (which was just in the supreme court across the river).  Somebody else (lowe?) brought up the flag.

And no that remark about american culture was not directed at you, it was directed at prevailing attitutudes of your avervage american, as represented by Odee, Eagler, and Brady with their 'get over it' remarks.  I dont think you ever said this slash.

Offline VOR

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German svastika
« Reply #53 on: January 06, 2003, 09:20:53 AM »
I personally don't think the average American is really heard from very often. This is a shame in a way considering alot of people in alot of places are probably watching Jerry Springer or reading these boards and building their "picture" of America. We're not all that bad, really!



Offline ergRTC

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German svastika
« Reply #54 on: January 06, 2003, 10:02:13 AM »
I dont know vor, I am beginning to think we are.  Between jerry falwell, the last couple of elections, and the polls we read in the newspapers everyday my faith is shaken.  

I always wonder who answers those polls or 'little quizes'.  They never ask me to locate iraq or sweden on a map.  I do quite a bit of statistics in my research, and unless they are really screwing the pooch on their randomizations, those terrible polls are probably rather accurate.
from nat. geo. ----

One in 10 young Americans could not locate his own country on a blank map of the world, a survey of geographic literacy shows. Only 13 percent could find Iraq.

"Someone once said that war is God's way of teaching geography, but apparently today neither war nor the threat of war can adequately teach geography," John Fahey, president of the National Geographic Society, said Wednesday.

The organization's survey found that about one in seven of Americans between age 18 and 24, the prime age for military service, could place Iraq.

The majority of young people surveyed knew that the Taliban and al-Qaida were based in Afghanistan, but only 17 percent could find that country on a world map, though American-led forces have waged war there.

-- 34 percent of the young Americans knew that the island used on last season's "Survivor" show was located in the South Pacific, but only 30 percent could locate the state of New Jersey on a map. The "Survivor" show's location was the Marquesas Islands in the eastern South Pacific.

Sweden, 40; Germany, 38; Italy, 38; France, 34; Japan, 31; Great Britain, 28; Canada, 27; United States, 23; Mexico, 21.

Offline Slash27

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German svastika
« Reply #55 on: January 06, 2003, 10:54:40 AM »
we beat the Mexico!:D

Do the history books in school still have 2 pages on WW2.nothing on Korea, and a paragraph on Vietnam just before you get to the index?

Offline ergRTC

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German svastika
« Reply #56 on: January 06, 2003, 11:00:59 AM »
HEHE! I hope not, they probably got rid of that section all together to make more room for pictures of desert storm and monica lewinsky.

I remember my history teacher in high school would not teach korea or vietnam since he had 'lived' through the times in question.  You were not supposed to teach something you were a part of.  That may be the reason you remember your history book having very slim pickings for more modern history.  That was fine though, just left more time for the french revolution, the roman empire and greece!  

My civics teacher was an x navy seal.  We used to laugh cause he would blink so much.  I never thought about what he might have done or seen to get a little nervous tick like that.  Thinking back now....
« Last Edit: January 06, 2003, 11:05:51 AM by ergRTC »

Offline Löwe

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German svastika
« Reply #57 on: January 06, 2003, 07:04:15 PM »
Originally posted by ergRTC
I have to agree with you on that classic rock bit, but dont blame me for the south!  I just brought up the law against cross buring in virginia (which was just in the supreme court across the river).  Somebody else (lowe?) brought up the flag.

Uhh No Erg, I didnt bring up the flag at all, so aim  your Sterotyping somewhere else. Nice try though.

Offline ergRTC

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German svastika
« Reply #58 on: January 06, 2003, 07:59:50 PM »
This is what mislead me on that sorry lowe.  Wish I could get as quickly and easily pissed off as you guys seem too.  Whats the secret?  Is it that stag beer?  Too much red meat?  

"I agree with Lowejg. The issue is very similar to the Confederate Flag. Some see it as a hate flag others see it as a representation of a country that fought for Independence."

Sorry it is actually hawk.  But hes a nice guy.

Offline Slash27

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German svastika
« Reply #59 on: January 06, 2003, 10:52:52 PM »
Its no secret erg.  We just cant match wits with a scholar of your caliber.Our gentics barely allow us to do more then feed and breed.  We are from the south,  all the smart ones are in the north remember?  You told us that.:rolleyes: