Author Topic: This Week: Tunisia 1943  (Read 1799 times)

Offline Grissom

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« Reply #45 on: March 23, 2003, 05:12:42 PM »
....M8's... GV WAR arives! :rolleyes:

Offline HFMudd

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This Week: Tunisia 1943
« Reply #46 on: March 24, 2003, 11:50:51 AM »
If your flying a 109 and find the spit a problem, your flying it wrong.

No offense but you guys need to try to remember back a ways in your online flying careers.  The Spit is a very forgiving plane.  You can screw up pretty bad and still have options against the 109.  The opposite is not true.  The 109 is horribly unforgiving plane for the average AH player.  Go a bit too fast and you loose manuverablity*, to slow and Spit V will catch you, take a Hispano hit and the weak airframe will loose something, visbility is such that it is easy to loose a target in the cockpit frame, the single cannon makes snapshots very hard.

The result is that the average player will gravitate to the side that is flying the more forgiving plane.  This multiplies the numbers on the Allied side to the point where the 109's climb and speed advantage is nullified.  There will always be another Spit closing on your dot.  It isn't the "the spit" that is the problem, it is the two or three Spits that are hard to deal with.

This is something I've noticed quite a bit in various setups when a plane is added to "balance."  Often times the plane being balanced is deadly in the hands of a Shane, or an hblair, or a brady...  but in the hands of an HFMudd it simply is not so.  So when another plane is added in for balance the result is not balance, but instead the added plane becomes a magnet for average pilot.  The arena odds shift to 2:1 in favor of the side with the balancing plane while the side with the plane being "balanced' must not only deal with what may be a difficult plane to fly effectivly but also with being out numbered as well.

The end result is that average or lower skill players such as myself simply don't play or don't help where it is really needed.  In my case, since I try to fly the side with the lower numbers so as not to be part of what I consider to be "the problem," I simply log off and go back to working my on skills of whatever plane has struck my fancy in the MA this tour.

* Yes, yes, yes, uh-huh... I know the 109 needs to be flown with trim.  I do so (very poorly) myself.  But the game, and the CT by extention, needs to suit the average player otherwise numbers will not grow.  Switching out of combat trim, rudder turns and other required skills fo the 109 are not 'average' player maneuvers.

Offline brady

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This Week: Tunisia 1943
« Reply #47 on: March 24, 2003, 02:02:47 PM »
I anit as good as thouse other guys mudd, but you are very right.

     This is always a big problem for the CT in the effort to creat a balanced set up, this set up is a great exanple of that for all the reasions you mentioned above, the spit also has the added advantage of effective range and hitting power with it's hispanos over the German planes.

  The other compounding problem is that of Human Nature as you sighted above the path of least resistance, the Spit is the Easy ride and certain players favor it and will always favor it, frakely it bugs the hell outa me, but I realise I cant change Human nature.

 I also realise that the 109F and the Spit V are a good match up in an Historical since, as good a Match up as the A6M2 and the Wildcat are, both match up's are frought with their own sub issues but in the Historicaly minded CT they are about as good as we can do with the tools HTC has given us, the angsnt over withch several ant acid tablets have made the ultimate sacrifice to quiel.

 For whats it is worth I take great pains to design my set up's to include time's and places that do NOT have spits in them because I am so sick and tierd of fighting them, and I shure as hell anit going to fly em. But then again I have been Flying since tour 3 so I have had time to tire of it, your milage may very.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2003, 02:06:19 PM by brady »