Im not anti-War, but I find it hard to have sympathy with a news crew thats working outside the borders of available military protection in a Combat zone.
Either they were the biggest idiots north of Basra or their employer is.
What did they expect the Iraqi's to do. Greet them with open arms? Surrender scam or not. Its hardly suprising that the soldiers, militia or occupied civilian forces cut down the nosy westerners at the first given opportunity.
After Tommy Franks interview yesterday an ITV guest was saying how disappointed he was with the lack of information. During the briefing, some of the media were whining about the briefing being 3 days late and the lack of information.
These guys obviously think that modern warfare is all about television and the same intrusive behaviour and blatant disregard they often show on the street gives them the same mistaken rights on the field of combat.
Dumb dumb dumb. Sounds like they were trying to circumnavigate the given rule book over there and get the scoop on the military when they suddenly found out the enemy isnt playing by the same nice rules as the coalition.
Sounds tough to say it, but it serves them right.