Numbers have been nearly dead even everytime I have been on for a couple of weeks (excluding squad nights).
Anyway, to get off the whining, I think we should all plan something special for tuesday. I am going to try to get the vf27 to do a large bombing raid with escort provided by the checkertails and some other interested souls.
What does this mean? This means that guys that would like to run a really cool intercept mission in ta152s or whatever fits your fancy should get on the otherside near 10pm est on tuesday. We can set it up to make sure we run into each other.
Target will be a factory, our success will hinge on destroying it, and yours will be on stopping us. Sound good?
Also, since 10 or so guys will be in b17s (that means a sky with 30 b17s +escort) dont go screaming about the numbers come tuesday. Just pay attention and make sure you have alt when we show up.
If my squad goes for this, I will make sure everybody knows whats up on tuesday so hopefully nobody will be on channel 1 crying.