Author Topic: Longer period of history  (Read 1404 times)

Offline Major_Hans

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« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2003, 02:03:11 PM »
Maybe we jet fighter jocks should clarify our position.

We don't want to replace Aces High with a Jet simulator.  We want both options.  I want to fly more modern fighters sometimes.  I don't just like WW-2 aviation.  Some days I enjoy radar lock ons and spoofing missles in a tight turn.  My favorite jets are the older Century series, particularily the F-104.

I am curious why nobody who has done online flight simulators has tried to do a jet sim?   WW-1 has been done, mainly with Dawn of Aces.  I enjoyed that sim a lot too.  Zepplins and artillery barages, and the SE5a were really fun to play with.  Now I want to try it with a Sidewinder on my wingtip against a MiG.

Offline Karnak

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« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2003, 11:59:15 PM »
How many of you "I want modern jets" guys want to fly the Soviet hardware?

Not many I bet.


Because it is horribly outclassed after the Korean War.

That kind of thing is great for boxed sims where going up against hoplessly outclassed aircraft doesn't generate intense dissatisfaction on the part of your AI opponent.

You guys like to imagine yourselves as hot F-105, F-4 or F-15 jocks taking on the Commie MiGs, but there won't be any Commie MiGs because nobody wants to pay to be a punching bag for somebody else's amusment.

WWII (and WWI) like it or not are the most balanced aircombat enviornments there were.  Anything modern is a joke from a balance perspective.
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Offline acepilot2

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« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2003, 10:21:04 AM »
NO. I completly disagree with this.  I mean, come on, in H2H it would be a disaster.  Imagine a p47 getting in a dogfight with an f-15.  No.  This is a world war 2 simulator, I i think it should stay in that era.  I guess I could let korean war go, since that took place only a few years after WWII, but modern day jets? no way.

Maybe hitech can create a totally different game with modern day jets, but for now I think Aces High should remain a world war 2 simulator.

Offline Major_Hans

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« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2003, 11:23:25 AM »
Get real.  We aren't asking for P47 versus F-15.  I don't even want the F-15.  I want the older jets that had missles, but still had to dogfight too.  Old sidewinders only work from a short range, behind the target.

So it would be F104 versus MiG 21.

I want an online, pay-to-play jet simulator.

P.S.  I would fly the old Soviet Jets.  Look at the current situation where everyone whines about the La-7?  It's not their countries plane, but they fly it.  Why?  Because it's one of the better planes.  Now in case you have forgotten your history, in the 1960s the Soviet jets were often better than the Western fighters of the day.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2003, 11:28:18 AM by Major_Hans »

Offline SKurj

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« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2003, 01:47:08 PM »
HTC does NOT have the resources to produce what you want...

It will likely be many years until the ww2 planeset is filled, and then there will be game software updates to keep it current...

Looks like HTC will likely be spending the next year or more developing the new AHII engine in which time we will see few aircraft additions...

HTC will never have the time to model the ww2 planeset as some of us would like let alone look at any other eras...

Tho I would love to see half a dozen ww1 rides slid in the planeset somewhere +)


Offline Furball

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« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2003, 03:03:17 PM »
Originally posted by Karnak
How many of you "I want modern jets" guys want to fly the Soviet hardware?

Not many I bet.


Because it is horribly outclassed after the Korean War.

Isn't that the cold war myth? Quantity Vs. Quality?
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Offline wetrat

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« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2003, 05:48:38 PM »
AH is and has always been a WW2 sim.. not Korea, Vietnam, or some other jet-ridden BS.
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Offline wetrat

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« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2003, 05:51:22 PM »
Originally posted by Major_Hans

I want to play an online jet simulator, and I don't mean Korea.  I want to fire a missle or two sometimes.

I would stick to the first and second generation jets (read: F86 and F104), and not the jets with their infalible missles we see today.  No F-15 or MiG 29s please.  Those jets still got into turns and burns with each other because missles don't always work.

Mid air refueling from drone tankers, circling drone AWACS instead of ground radars to provide the map information.  Slant deck aircraft carriers.

MiGs and Sukhois, Mirages, BAC Lightnings, the Century series from the USA.  Two seater fighters like the Phantom F-4.

Super bombers like the B36, B47, B52, Avro Vulcan, and Tupelev Bear and Backfires.  Anti submarine aircraft with their MAD gear like the P3 orion to sink Boomer subs before they could launch their missles.

I want World War III in Europe during the 50s and 60s folks.  Lets not do the proxy wars.  Let us actually see the main event.

Those would be fun.  I would pay to play those.  I would play on the Red side too.

Umm yeah... wrong game, bud.
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Offline Major_Hans

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« Reply #23 on: March 31, 2003, 06:48:23 AM »

I would like to play a jet sim.  I've had enough of propellor engined aircraft that I now want to see what a jet with missles is like to play online.

And I think it's not any of you guy's position to be "the mouthpiece of HiTech Creations."  Who elected you to be the spokesman for this company?  I made my wishes know publicly, and then a few of you guys set up and start acting like you have the authority to say, "No."  Where did you get that ability from?

That is right, you don't.

I would like to fly jets online, in a game a lot like AH.  What's so horrible about that?

Offline jonnyb

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« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2003, 11:49:39 AM »
Let me quote the AH website:

Aces High takes the art and science of vintage WWII air combat
and sets it in an online high intensity environment where
hundreds of players can battle it out with and against
each other.

Nowhere in there does it say "Fly any era's planes."

You want a jet sim?  Code your own.

Offline Major_Hans

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« Reply #25 on: March 31, 2003, 11:55:45 AM »
AH is a WW-2 simulator.  That doesn't mean HT and Pyro can't have a second game that is based on the 1950s and 1960s jets.  They've done WW-1 back when they worked for ICI/I-MOL, and now I wonder what a jet sim would be like.

And again, what makes you fellows beleave that you are the ones to tell me I can't ask for what I want?  Case in point, I think that Wetrat can't have his Bf109-Z zwilling because I don't want it (check his signature).  It's the same logic.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2003, 11:59:44 AM by Major_Hans »

Offline SKurj

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« Reply #26 on: March 31, 2003, 02:26:00 PM »
Wants and gets...

Look at how long it has taken AH to come this far.. and how many aircraft/features are still missing....

Coding of jets and missiles, as well as modelling them takes time...  Where are they gonna find that time?


Offline Major_Hans

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« Reply #27 on: March 31, 2003, 04:52:19 PM »
That isn't the point anymore.  The last three posts I have made were bassically, "Where is the harm in asking?"

Nobody has given me a decent answer.  Most actually had a tone to it that bassically means, "AH is MINE, you can't have any of my game to use as the basis for your silly little idea."

I'll expand that more and add that this mentality towards even other WW-2 machines and settings and you find more people against it than for it.  Ask for a favorite plane, and you get a bunch of similar responses that claim you are wasting HiTech and Pyro's time with a stupid, useless plane.  Like the Do217 I've asked for before.  I got flamed because "only" 1700 of them were built and flown during the war.  That is more than the 200 or so of those F4U-1C fighters, but the game has those.

I will grant the AH community one thing.  You guys sure are hostile.

And one more time.  I wouldn't mind doing turns and burns trying to get a MiG into the cone of fire of a sidewinder once in a while.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2003, 04:57:12 PM by Major_Hans »

Offline Ike 2K#

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« Reply #28 on: March 31, 2003, 05:08:00 PM »
Originally posted by acepilot2
NO. I completly disagree with this.  I mean, come on, in H2H it would be a disaster.  Imagine a p47 getting in a dogfight with an f-15.  No.  This is a world war 2 simulator, I i think it should stay in that era.  I guess I could let korean war go, since that took place only a few years after WWII, but modern day jets? no way.

Maybe hitech can create a totally different game with modern day jets, but for now I think Aces High should remain a world war 2 simulator.

what if hitech create racing games like gran turismo 3 that is very realistic as the AH:D

Offline Ike 2K#

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« Reply #29 on: March 31, 2003, 05:16:30 PM »
we need some axis transport planes you know like the JU-52 transport plane. the JU-52 is also loaded with machine guns for protection.