Author Topic: Jessica Lynch, 507th Maint Bn, RESCUED!  (Read 3359 times)

Offline Dingbat

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Jessica Lynch, 507th Maint Bn, RESCUED!
« Reply #45 on: April 02, 2003, 07:35:33 AM »
I agree, NOT.  I'm with batdog on this.  The people might be civilized but Saddam and his tools are not.  How the **** do you think she got 2 broken legs and a broken arm.  She's a supply clerk who can defend herself when needed.  Do you or have you ever served your country?  If not the STFU, My wife joined up to serve her country after escaping the Latvian (and russian communist) way of life.  She's got more balls than you, is she a killing machine,in a word No.  Can she and will she defend herself, her country and her fellow soldiers, Yes.  Can she kick your *** well, you probably couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag with sissors.  IRAQ's republican guards do not represent the general populus of IRAQ as they are "regulars" and do it to fight for saddam.

Originally posted by davidpt40
Batdog you are very belligerent and ignorant.  Go through boot camp and some additional training and you think that makes a 5'4 teenage girl who joined up for college tuition a soldier?  Oh yeah, she is probably a hard-core killing machine.

I really dont see what you are getting so angry and upset over?  Do you think the Iraqi army is a totally different population than the civilians?  Where do you think the army gets its soldiers?  But I guess for an uneducated person like yourself, your reasoning is as good as could be hoped for.

I'm not understanding the conflict here.  Iraq is much more modern in terms of technology and goverment than its neighbors.  Does Iraq have a king and queen? Does Iraq require that women wear cloths over their faces?  Is muslim fundamentalism the primary religion?  

Lets take a look at the word CIVILIZED: To raise from barbarism to an enlightened stage of development; bring out of a primitive or savage state.

For every execution in Iraq I gurantee there were at least 5 in Iran or Afghanistan.

I forget, what is the only country in the U.N. to execute prisoners/political enemies?  Oh thats right, the UNITED STATES.

Offline Martlet

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Jessica Lynch, 507th Maint Bn, RESCUED!
« Reply #46 on: April 02, 2003, 07:39:51 AM »
Originally posted by blur
Good news.

I just hope that American troops don’t shoot her going through the checkpoint

Hmmm, Worcester.....wanna meet for lunch and discuss your sense of humor?

Offline Toad

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Jessica Lynch, 507th Maint Bn, RESCUED!
« Reply #47 on: April 02, 2003, 07:46:10 AM »
Originally posted by blur
Good news.

I just hope that American troops don’t shoot her going through the checkpoint


I find this particularly offensive.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline gofaster

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Jessica Lynch, 507th Maint Bn, RESCUED!
« Reply #48 on: April 02, 2003, 07:50:37 AM »
11 Bodies Found With Rescued U.S. POW
==From Yahoo News ==== 29 minutes ago====  

By DOUG MELLGREN, Associated Press Writer

NASIRIYAH, Iraq - Eleven bodies — some of them believed to be Americans — were found with prisoner of war Pfc. Jessica Lynch when she was rescued in a U.S. commando raid on an Iraqi hospital, a military spokesman said Wednesday.

Lynch, a 19-year-old Army supply clerk, was captured by the Iraqis more than a week ago after her maintenance unit made a wrong turn and was ambushed in Nasiriyah. Twelve other members of her unit were also feared captured; five of them are officially listed as POWs.

Acting on an intelligence tip about Lynch's whereabouts, U.S. special operations forces slipped behind enemy lines and seized Lynch from the Saddam Hospital under cover of darkness Tuesday, military officials said.

The U.S. forces engaged in a firefight on the way into and out of the building, but there were no coalition casualties, said Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks, a U.S. Central Command spokesman. He said ammunition, mortars, maps and a terrain model were found at the hospital, along with "other things that made it very clear it was being used as a military command post."

During the rescue operation, 11 bodies were recovered in and around the hospital. The cause of death was not immediately disclosed.

"We have reason to believe some of them were Americans," said Navy Capt. Frank Thorp, another U.S. Central Command spokesman.

He said the military has not confirmed whether they were members of Lynch's unit, the 507th Maintenance Company. "We don't yet know the identity of those people," Thorp said. "And forensics will determine that."

Two of the bodies were in a morgue in the hospital, while the nine others were in a grave area in the community, Brooks said. He said U.S. forces were led to the gravesite by someone who had been taken into custody.

Lynch was being treated for her injuries at an American military facility Wednesday. The nature of her injuries was not disclosed, and Brooks would not comment on her condition. But in a green-tinted, night-vision video taken of the rescue operation and shown to reporters Wednesday, she was put aboard a Black Hawk helicopter on a stretcher.

Until Tuesday, Lynch had been listed as missing in action, and her family did not know whether she was dead or alive.

"You would not believe the joys, cries, bawling, hugging, screaming, carrying on," Lynch's cousin Pam Nicolais said after the rescue. "You just have to be here."

The rescue operation included Air Force pilots, Marines, Navy SEALS, Army Rangers — "loyal to the creed they know that they never leave a fallen comrade," Brooks said.

Thorp would not confirm reports that troops used a battlefield diversion to slip into the hospital.

The 507th was attacked March 23 during some of the earliest fighting in Nasiriyah, where Fedayeen loyalists and other hardcore Iraqi fighters are said to have dressed as civilians and ambushed Americans.

Not long after the ambush, five of Lynch's comrades showed up in a video shown on Iraqi television being asked questions by their captors.

The video also showed bodies, apparently of U.S. soldiers, leading Pentagon officials to accuse Iraq of executing some of its POWs. Officials believe the video was made in the Nasiriyah area.

Lynch, an aspiring teacher from Palestine, W.Va., joined the Army to get an education, her family said. She left a farming community with an unemployment rate of 15 percent, one of the highest levels in West Virginia.

She was following in the footsteps of her older brother Gregory, a National Guardsman based at Fort Bragg, N.C. Jessica Lynch enlisted through the Army's delayed-entry program before graduating from high school.

Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., called the rescue a miracle.

"God watched over Jessica and her family," Rockefeller said through a spokesman in Washington. "All of West Virginia is rejoicing. This is an amazing tribute to the skill and courage of our military."

Early Wednesday, Marines seized the hospital under light sniper fire, after U.S. forces delivered a baby Iraqi girl they named "America."

As soon as the Marines rolled into the hospital compound, civilian patients and medical staff began emerging with their hands up. Most were allowed to leave, or to return into the building for treatment.

Inside the hospital, the Marines found a small number of weapons, as well as a terrain map of the region.

"We hope your city will return to normal, and that you will no longer live in fear," Brig. Gen. Rick Natonski, commander of the Marine's Task Force Tarawa, told doctors gathered outside the large and relatively modern desert town hospital, where many of the windows were blown out after days of bombing and artillery strikes nearby. "We want to return Iraq to Iraqis."

Earlier Wednesday, U.S. forces spotted a 20-year-old Iraqi woman in labor in a pickup truck. The woman's family had been displaced from another city and was living in tents in Nasiriyah.

"I got the ambulance and sent her to the battalion aid station and delivered a healthy baby girl and named her America. It was a pretty cool way to start the day," said Navy Hospitalman First Class Kyle Morris, 39, of San Clemente, Calif.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2003, 08:53:16 AM by gofaster »

Offline batdog

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Jessica Lynch, 507th Maint Bn, RESCUED!
« Reply #49 on: April 02, 2003, 07:52:46 AM »
Originally posted by davidpt40
Batdog you are very belligerent and ignorant.  Go through boot camp and some additional training and you think that makes a 5'4 teenage girl who joined up for college tuition a soldier?  Oh yeah, she is probably a hard-core killing machine.

I really dont see what you are getting so angry and upset over?  Do you think the Iraqi army is a totally different population than the civilians?  Where do you think the army gets its soldiers?  But I guess for an uneducated person like yourself, your reasoning is as good as could be hoped for.

I'm not understanding the conflict here.  Iraq is much more modern in terms of technology and goverment than its neighbors.  Does Iraq have a king and queen? Does Iraq require that women wear cloths over their faces?  Is muslim fundamentalism the primary religion?  

Lets take a look at the word CIVILIZED: To raise from barbarism to an enlightened stage of development; bring out of a primitive or savage state.

For every execution in Iraq I gurantee there were at least 5 in Iran or Afghanistan.

I forget, what is the only country in the U.N. to execute prisoners/political enemies?  Oh thats right, the UNITED STATES.

YOU have NO clue what your talking about. Boot camp is the base training for all soldiers. Its what breaks them then remakes them into an indiv capable of being a soldier. Being a soldier isnt always about hardcore combat..its about duty and performing that duty under adverse situtations. Go eat a can of STFU handsomehunk cause you have NO clue as to what your spouting off.

The comment, tirade about you being ****ing clueless about Iraq was that your coming across like the Irag's wouldnt do this.. ie execute soldiers/pows as they are so civilized. Didnt I say most Iraqi's are prob fine? Oh yea..I did didnt I. Its Saddams salamanders that would do this but you seem to have blinders on.

Get a clue.
Of course, I only see what he posts here and what he does in the MA.  I know virtually nothing about the man.  I think its important for people to realize that we don't really know squat about each other.... definately not enough to use words like "hate".



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Jessica Lynch, 507th Maint Bn, RESCUED!
« Reply #50 on: April 02, 2003, 07:53:44 AM »
Originally posted by blur
Good news.

I just hope that American troops don’t shoot her going through the checkpoint

Go to hell! If you hate this country so much why dont you pack up and leave, you unrgreatful looser.

Offline BUG_EAF322

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Jessica Lynch, 507th Maint Bn, RESCUED!
« Reply #51 on: April 02, 2003, 08:01:41 AM »
WTG great work saving her

I hope they get more free

damn those iraqy bastards let em rot in hell

Offline AWMac

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Jessica Lynch, 507th Maint Bn, RESCUED!
« Reply #52 on: April 02, 2003, 08:08:28 AM »
I agree with Batdog... Davidpt40 is one ****ing moron!

And Blur also... That remark was uncalled for hugahunk!

Offline lazs2

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Jessica Lynch, 507th Maint Bn, RESCUED!
« Reply #53 on: April 02, 2003, 08:21:05 AM »
If she runs a roadblock in a combat area I hope they shoot her too.   Other than that...  Why would they?  

 Obviously blur thinks ... she would be better off in the tender care of the armyu of sadman's regime.

I think blur should show us what he is made of and go fight for the benevolent peoples army of sadman against the U.S. invaders.   Failing that... he is welcome to come to Dixon and teach me a lesson personaly.   Heck... he can even bring a couple of kennedys for backup.

I also feel that no way should that girl have been anywhere near a combat zone tho...  One only has to look at the reaction of both the capture and the rescue to see why..  In both our troops and our people.   Thank gawd we haven't reached the level where we have so little respect for the mothers of our country that we would force them to run roadblocks to die at the hands of enemy soldiers.

Offline Maverick

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Jessica Lynch, 507th Maint Bn, RESCUED!
« Reply #54 on: April 02, 2003, 08:25:01 AM »

I have to join those who encourage you to getg a clue. I am afraid that you'd probably not even be bright enough to even buy one. If you need a reminder about the types of people in the iraqi govt. you can look recently to the briefing where an iraqi general indicated that suicide bombing will be a policy for them.

If you need something earlier to see the trend you can look up the stories told by the Gulf War POW's who were beaten and threatened with death by having pistols put to their head and the trigger pulled byt these same "civilized" iraqi's. :rolleyes:

As far as blur is concerned. You have been over the top on quite a few of your posts. Your hatred of this country disgusts me. Perhaps you would like some other place better to live. Your blatant hate posts have no redeeming features to them except to illustrate what a small miinded hate monger you are.

Skuzzy,  please know that I am more than offended by blur and his trash. Please check to see if we can get along without his posts. :mad:
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Offline straffo

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Jessica Lynch, 507th Maint Bn, RESCUED!
« Reply #55 on: April 02, 2003, 08:31:28 AM »
Why can't you see Blur post as a joke ?

Perhaps not a good taste joke but a joke nothing more ...


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Jessica Lynch, 507th Maint Bn, RESCUED!
« Reply #56 on: April 02, 2003, 08:33:42 AM »
Its not a joke, we know him too well and history of blantat hatred of this country.

Offline straffo

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Jessica Lynch, 507th Maint Bn, RESCUED!
« Reply #57 on: April 02, 2003, 08:39:18 AM »
I don't know him so I assumed he was pretty ironic.


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Jessica Lynch, 507th Maint Bn, RESCUED!
« Reply #58 on: April 02, 2003, 08:41:09 AM »
Well now you do. :)

Offline Martlet

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Jessica Lynch, 507th Maint Bn, RESCUED!
« Reply #59 on: April 02, 2003, 08:42:38 AM »
He hasn't accepted my lunch offer yet.