Author Topic: Venting.............  (Read 1023 times)

Offline eddiek

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« on: April 05, 2003, 12:47:19 AM »
Okay, okay, I kinda suspected it would happen this way, but in the back of my mind I had hoped for better.................

Just left the CT, logged in hoping for some decent fights.

I saw ONE F4F.......the rest were P-40's.  What numbskull would put that plane in there and in such a way that 90% of the planes the US pilots would be flying it?
Guys, the A6M2 is a nice little plane.  Slow as molasses, but not a world beater.  
Brady supposedly setup this scenario with some "balance" in mind.  IMO, there is NO balance if one side has birds that can dive away at will, and you have NO chance of catching them.  
I logged in disgust after chasing a "daring" P-40 pilot around, finally got co-E with him (at 10K, so he still had that diving room), he ran til a buddy showed up in an F4F and finally came in for the fight.  Cool, 2v1, even I can handle that.
Dispatch the F4F, now time to deal with the P-40.
Look off my right wing, here comes another F4F.  Okay, back to 2v1.  Get into a few mild verticals, start to saddle up on the F4F.......look out my right side........I'll be danged, here comes 2 more P-40's and another F4F to help their beleaugered comrades.  
No problem..........hit ENTER three times, congrats Shane on yer kill.

Brady, I know you are or were dead set on this being a F4F vs Zero scenario.  I am fine with that.  Should be an even matchup, decided by pilot skills.
But adding yet another plane that is that much faster than the Zeke, well, it blows, my friend.
Add the Ki61 to give the Japanese flyers something to run down those brave souls who lack the skill to do more than run when the tables turn.  The Ki61 will not "own" the US planes, not by a long shot.  It will merely even things up a bit.  FWIW, since the scenario is "The Slot", I would think that the aircraft we would be ones that served in that theater.  Cannot find anything to corroborate the P-40's being in that theater.  They were in New Guinea and Australia, not operating in the islands in The Slot.

Heck, contrary to your opinion, perking the P-40E and the Ki61, albeit at a higher cost than what is normally seen in CT setups, would make things much more interesting, IMO.
As it is, despite what I believe to be an honest attempt on your part, I see nothing fun about the current setup.  I don't mind getting shot down, heck, it happens to me alot.  What I do mind is one side being able to disengage at will due to the planeset, the gangbanging, and the run to the nearest ack mentality.
I guess I am one of the rare ones........with the exception of the above engagement, I am the type who sticks in and engages pretty much no matter what the odds are.  It is the thrill of the fight that draws me to the arenas.


Okay, I am calmer now........took about 30 minutes AFK to think it over.
Brady?  No offense intended, sir, but IMHO, you ought to think this one through.
Now that I have recovered from my case of Cranio-Rectal syndrome, we return you to your normally scheduled programming.......:p

Offline brady

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« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2003, 01:47:28 AM »
I am not shure when you posted your vent, but the P40E was availanle at only one rear base, the dam map was not properly updated and the japanese CV was still spawning off 32, which was the only base the P40E was available at, when I realised this issue I turned off the P40E.

 I enabled the P40B at all bases when I realised to late to do anything about that the Dam Wildcat was somehow set at 4 perks, this was an HTC screw up.

       So Are you talking about P40B's?

 RNZAF P40's were at henderson in Aprial 43, they were in the set up to prevent a reset, and we have used them before as the primary ride in other CT set up's, though I suspect they will be more limited in the future, much like I did in this when pitted aganst the A6M2.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2003, 02:19:54 AM by brady »

Offline eddiek

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« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2003, 02:15:15 AM »
Probly the B's.........paint scheme was all dark green.

Offline brady

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« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2003, 02:21:04 AM »
Well all dark Green is what the E looks like was it in RNZAF collors?

Offline Z0mBe

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« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2003, 03:03:58 AM »

No offense but, why not move the p40e to another field other than 32?  As far as the ki-61 goes, it WOULD own the current US plane set.  It outruns the f4f4 easily, and I think outclimbs it as well.  

My point as an f4f4 pilot regarding the ki-61 is much the same the zeke drivers had the last time we ran the slot when they argued against the f4u1.  "We cant dodge bnz attacks forever," they said.  You even agreed (not that you're advocating the Ki-61 right now) when I said to you "the ki-61 would be like a pony in here vs p40s and f4f4s."  

The Tony also catches the p40e below around 15k and will outturn it pretty easily.  All a Tony driver has to do is do shallow dives to avoid compression and eventually the p40e is dead.  Above 15k, p40's get considerably slower than zekes, with inferior rate-of-climb as well.  With the Ki-61, the p40 is hard pressed to fight high or low.  

Another thing I do not think has been taken into account is the handling difference between the zekes.  I think the difference may be a bug, but that's for you to decide.  The a6m2 will dive a lot better than the a6m5b (though they are nearly aerodynamically identical).  I was caught twice tonight in p40b's trying to extend from zekes who had a slight, I emphasize slight, energy advantage over me.  Only the f4f4 could consistently outdive co-E zekes during my fights tonight.  But they were so perked I could not fly it until the end of the night.  If we had had the p40e, that extra bit of speed would have helped immensely.  

Before any responders begin by saying "fly with a wingman so you don't get ganged or outclassed by your enemies"  I have one point to make.  With even matchups of say, speed versus maneuverability for example, a smart pilot can generally get out of trouble if need be (even from a gang).  However, when his plane is outclassed in every way by an enemy, he has little hope unless he goes for the gang or he happens to be higher.  Both of which introduce too much randomness into the game, while removing the skill factor.  If I wanted to gamble with my time for the payoff of possible enjoyment, I would go to a casino.  To summarize my point, my skill and success, in a game I PAY to play, should not be dictated by who I have around me, or probability for that matter.

For those of you who say the p40e is too uber for the zeke drivers to contend with, I ask you to remember the Spitfire V vs FW-190 and Bf-109g2 matchups.  Both outclass the Spitfire by greater margins in speed and rate-of-climb than the p-40e does the zeke.  As I remember, the Spitfire V drivers did pretty well against higher closure rates than zekes contend with and in a much less "slippery" craft.

Additionally, it's kind of funny how the axis being "too uber" is rarely, if ever, an issue.  To put it gently, it seems the allies are often hamstrung in efforts to make it fair to the axis.

"But Z0mBe, there are too many uber allied craft to deal with."  Bullsnot!  Pick fewer, but equal, allied planes, or, as a compromise, allow for riceburning Spitfires, Messerschmitts or Focke-Wulfs for instance.  It's already admitted we compromise things for the sake of missing axis models.  Why does that compromise seemingly always have to take the form of deleting allied aircraft (e.g. f4u1), when it could just as easily involve adding another for the axis?

I don't see the difference between compromising by allowing the Japanese to have Ju-88s or the allies to have Tigers if that's all we have, and a compromise allowing the Japanese to have a Fw-190a5 in place of a Jack or Ki-84.  Why penalize the allies when you can help the axis and allow all players to choose the appropriate (or what is closely resembling appropriate) level of performance for their chosen side at a given point in the war.

I realize I am no CM, but, again why could the p40e not be moved to another base?  Is there a technical reason for this relating to the map designing process?  

On to other points...

There are two other fixes if HTC cannot turn off the perks for the f4f4 until Monday.  One, include the FM2 in its place.  The second option might be the early Spitfire I.  It can't turn as well and is only slightly faster on the deck than the zeke.  That would, at least in spirit, be a close match to the situation zekes encounter in the low fights against f4f4's commonplace in the CT (though the zekes would rarely come in below 12k to the fights :P).

One more thing, I have been playing the CT pretty regularly now and wonder about more Pacific setups.  For example, what about having the George versus the Hellcat?  I do not know much about the Hellcat but I thought it wasn't THAT much faster than it's more nimble and well-armed counterpart, the Nik-j2.  Not to mention the George dives and climbs well and can turn on a dime.  If you think this is a bad matchup, go to and compare the two crafts' statistics and see what I mean.

Nothing personal against the CT staff as I love the thinking man's arena that is the Combat Theatre.  I do ask, however, that they keep objectivity at heart...math is math when it comes to comparing planes and often, if you look at all the possibilities (i.e. japanese messerschmitts), the end result can be really nice, even if it's just a hair different from history.

Oh, and by the way, give the damn Japs some more planes, HTC.  This could be a moot point if that were done.


I will see you all in the virtual air.

« Last Edit: April 05, 2003, 03:14:15 AM by Z0mBe »

Offline brady

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« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2003, 03:39:19 AM »
I am prety burnt on this subject, I would ask that you read some of the other post's on this  forum and glean them for my comments on the bellow questions and points you have made. I think you will find the answers to your questions their.

Offline Z0mBe

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« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2003, 04:19:22 AM »

No offense, but did you read my post?  The other posts, having happened in the past, do NOT answer my questions about solutions to the f4f4 perk problem, or why you cannot put the p40e somewhere else.

Nothin personal, but when I am paying for a game you have, shall we say "dictatorial power" over (a benevolent dictatorship though lol), I have serious questions for you or whoever is in charge.

Additionally, if you are going to be running the CT and message board, and you refer back to previous posts, it would be a huge help for you to at least cite them (I do on the message board I run).  Otherwise, no one knows what you are referring to.


Offline brady

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« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2003, 05:01:16 AM »
"No offense but, why not move the p40e to another field other than 32? As far as the ki-61 goes, it WOULD own the current US plane set. It outruns the f4f4 easily, and I think outclimbs it as well. "

 The P40E is limited, or was before I turned it off, to just one base because the set up is intended to Feature the Wildcat and the A6M2, it is just a treat not the main dish. this was posted ablout 100 times alll over this board and I beleave on the MOTD. I turned it off because I enabled the P40B every whear because of the F4F being buged and because the map did not rebuild and the dam Japanese carier was respawing off the bases it was at.


"My point as an f4f4 pilot regarding the ki-61 is much the same the zeke drivers had the last time we ran the slot when they argued against the f4u1. "We cant dodge bnz attacks forever," they said. You even agreed (not that you're advocating the Ki-61 right now) when I said to you "the ki-61 would be like a pony in here vs p40s and f4f4s." "

 This is a mute point sice the P40E is not available now, this was alos posted on this forum.

"The Tony also catches the p40e below around 15k and will outturn it pretty easily. All a Tony driver has to do is do shallow dives to avoid compression and eventually the p40e is dead. Above 15k, p40's get considerably slower than zekes, with inferior rate-of-climb as well. With the Ki-61, the p40 is hard pressed to fight high or low. "

  WTF does this have to with the price of tea the Tony is not in the set up.

"Another thing I do not think has been taken into account is the handling difference between the zekes. I think the difference may be a bug, but that's for you to decide. The a6m2 will dive a lot better than the a6m5b (though they are nearly aerodynamically identical). I was caught twice tonight in p40b's trying to extend from zekes who had a slight, I emphasize slight, energy advantage over me. Only the f4f4 could consistently outdive co-E zekes during my fights tonight. But they were so perked I could not fly it until the end of the night. If we had had the p40e, that extra bit of speed would have helped immensely. "

  The Wildcat is not perked on pourpose, hopefully this will be resolved shortly, tomarow, or Monday I wish i could fix this but I am powerless to do only HTC can right this wrong. The E is a bit much for A6M2 imo. In short this is the set up i dont plan on changing it at present.

"Before any responders begin by saying "fly with a wingman so you don't get ganged or outclassed by your enemies" I have one point to make. With even matchups of say, speed versus maneuverability for example, a smart pilot can generally get out of trouble if need be (even from a gang). However, when his plane is outclassed in every way by an enemy, he has little hope unless he goes for the gang or he happens to be higher. Both of which introduce too much randomness into the game, while removing the skill factor. If I wanted to gamble with my time for the payoff of possible enjoyment, I would go to a casino. To summarize my point, my skill and success, in a game I PAY to play, should not be dictated by who I have around me, or probability for that matter. "

 I would say that imo the A6M2 is not in every way better than the P40B, I would also say that that the Wildcat is available, and although perked for some reasion which I hope to change it is non theless their, while the guy who is perkless is porked from your prespective, it is your openion, and when viewed over all the Zero's is facing Wildcats with a few P40B's in the mix, so in general it is balanced over all despits the perking isue.

"For those of you who say the p40e is too uber for the zeke drivers to contend with, I ask you to remember the Spitfire V vs FW-190 and Bf-109g2 matchups. Both outclass the Spitfire by greater margins in speed and rate-of-climb than the p-40e does the zeke. As I remember, the Spitfire V drivers did pretty well against higher closure rates than zekes contend with and in a much less "slippery" craft."

 The spead is not the only factor in determing the balance of a plane match up, Gun's Gun range, turning abality, Durabality,Climb, ect all go into the consideration. Also Sighting previous set up's is not a good way to make a point since each set up for us is a learning experance and Each of the 4 or 5 stafers make thier own set up's and untimatly are responsable for their content.

"Additionally, it's kind of funny how the axis being "too uber" is rarely, if ever, an issue. To put it gently, it seems the allies are often hamstrung in efforts to make it fair to the axis."

  I think that is entierly unfair and generaly Biased in content.

"But Z0mBe, there are too many uber allied craft to deal with." Bullsnot! Pick fewer, but equal, allied planes, or, as a compromise, allow for riceburning Spitfires, Messerschmitts or Focke-Wulfs for instance. It's already admitted we compromise things for the sake of missing axis models. Why does that compromise seemingly always have to take the form of deleting allied aircraft (e.g. f4u1), when it could just as easily involve adding another for the axis? '

 We used to do a lot of this for pac set up's, beleave it or not it used to worse:), Subsituation generaly is frowned apon it takes away from imershion in the past we have done tons of "bad" CT set up's featuring all the Allied types fielded aganst the few japanese types we have. If I nead to explane why having a plane with a Huge spead advantage is Not fun for one side then I may be wasting my time responding to this book:)

"I don't see the difference between compromising by allowing the Japanese to have Ju-88s or the allies to have Tigers if that's all we have, and a compromise allowing the Japanese to have a Fw-190a5 in place of a Jack or Ki-84. Why penalize the allies when you can help the axis and allow all players to choose the appropriate (or what is closely resembling appropriate) level of performance for their chosen side at a given point in the war. "

 The JU 88 is NOT by any means a good plane sub it in NO way represent s the japanese bomber's the ONLY reasion it is in this set up is so that CM's can test it, imo it is a freaking Joke. What this bouils down to more or less is somebody whing because they dont have their favorate toy. No German fighter is a sub for the Ki- anything.

'I realize I am no CM, but, again why could the p40e not be moved to another base? Is there a technical reason for this relating to the map designing process? "

 BECAUSE it is not intended to be a feature of the set up.

On to other points...

"There are two other fixes if HTC cannot turn off the perks for the f4f4 until Monday. One, include the FM2 in its place. The second option might be the early Spitfire I. It can't turn as well and is only slightly faster on the deck than the zeke. That would, at least in spirit, be a close match to the situation zekes encounter in the low fights against f4f4's commonplace in the CT (though the zekes would rarely come in below 12k to the fights :P)."

   TY for that sugestion I think we will stick with the present set.

"One more thing, I have been playing the CT pretty regularly now and wonder about more Pacific setups. For example, what about having the George versus the Hellcat? I do not know much about the Hellcat but I thought it wasn't THAT much faster than it's more nimble and well-armed counterpart, the Nik-j2. Not to mention the George dives and climbs well and can turn on a dime. If you think this is a bad matchup, go to and compare the two crafts' statistics and see what I mean. "

 As in Numiours other post's in this forum have said, we have in the past and will in the future feature a set with these planes.

"Nothing personal against the CT staff as I love the thinking man's arena that is the Combat Theatre. I do ask, however, that they keep objectivity at heart...math is math when it comes to comparing planes and often, if you look at all the possibilities (i.e. japanese messerschmitts), the end result can be really nice, even if it's just a hair different from history."

 TY for that sugestion I will try and keep a leval head, while I cant say that for most of the post's lately, on this subject which seam to simply be arguing for allowing the Allies to maintain a an advantage, while rationalising it.



Offline Seeker

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« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2003, 06:31:15 AM »
I don't fly in the CT; but this reaction has me confused....

I recently ran a Snapshot with Zekes and P40's; and the Zekes OWNED the P40's.

What are you guys doing sooo wrong?

Offline ramzey

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« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2003, 07:08:01 AM »
Originally posted by eddiek
Probly the B's.........paint scheme was all dark green.

can u prove that?:D  pls convince me

Offline ramzey

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« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2003, 07:18:22 AM »

Offline Squirrel

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Re: Venting.............
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2003, 12:11:28 PM »
Originally posted by eddiek
Okay, okay, I kinda suspected it would happen this way, but in the back of my mind I had hoped for better.................

Just left the CT, logged in hoping for some decent fights.

I saw ONE F4F.......the rest were P-40's.  What numbskull would put that plane in there and in such a way that 90% of the planes the US pilots would be flying it?
Guys, the A6M2 is a nice little plane.  Slow as molasses, but not a world beater.  
Brady supposedly setup this scenario with some "balance" in mind.  IMO, there is NO balance if one side has birds that can dive away at will, and you have NO chance of catching them.  
I logged in disgust after chasing a "daring" P-40 pilot around, finally got co-E with him (at 10K, so he still had that diving room), he ran til a buddy showed up in an F4F and finally came in for the fight.  Cool, 2v1, even I can handle that.
Dispatch the F4F, now time to deal with the P-40.
Look off my right wing, here comes another F4F.  Okay, back to 2v1.  Get into a few mild verticals, start to saddle up on the F4F.......look out my right side........I'll be danged, here comes 2 more P-40's and another F4F to help their beleaugered comrades.  
No problem..........hit ENTER three times, congrats Shane on yer kill.

Wow.. I must have missed something on the ch1 banter..  I was the source of your frustration.. but when a co-E zeke gets on the 6 of a p-40b, diving egress becomes the obvious option.   One minor point you didn't mention is that you came in with a significant E (alt) advantage on myself and another fellow (teebone I think it was) and we both spent a while trying to lure you down to a co-E state (where teamwork would be the order of the day for a p40b).  Unfortunately he must have gotten too slow at some point and lost a vital part of his plane to your guns after which you and I danced a bit until you gained angles and discretion became the better part of valor ;).   Since I mostly fly for the underdog side (usually axis and often enough the a6m2) in the CT I know what its like to chase faster opponents to no avail but if you sacrifice alt to follow one back toward his base you are likely to get mobbed.   Its probably a bit like what the real IJN/IJA pilots faced in 1942.  


Offline Arlo

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« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2003, 01:44:34 PM »
The A6M2 is a bit much for the B, imo. I would say that, imo, the A6M2 is in every way better than the P40B. But ... hey ... better to err on the side of the axis than to risk the ire of one's fellow squadmates. ;)

Originally posted by brady
The E is a bit much for A6M2 imo. (snip)

 I would say that imo the A6M2 is not in every way better than the P40B

Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2003, 02:15:59 PM »
"The Tony also catches the p40e below around 15k and will outturn it pretty easily"

The Tony certainly is  faster than the P-40E (about 20 MPH), but it can NOT "easily" out-turn the Kittyhawk.  In fact it's questionable as to whether it can out-turn the Kittyhawk at all, particularly at low altitudes where the P-40E maintains a climbrate advantage over the Ki-61.   They're close enough in turning ability that initial advantage, pilot skill and probably fuel load will determine it.  I've out-turned KI's in a P-40E on numerous occasions; I've also won dogfights with P-40's while flying the Tony.  The P-40E and Tony are really quite similar.   Overall the Tony is the better plane, but the Kittyhawk can definately hold its own and IMO the match between them is one of the more even matchups in AH.

The key to the P-40E is really must use WEP to have parity with  the Ki-61.  OTOH WEP on the Ki-61 isn't as vital.  

Too many people dismiss the P-40E out of hand, without ever really giving it a chance.


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« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2003, 03:02:22 PM »
We know can only handle the a6m2 in your F4U-1 arlo. Thats just to bad.

I know brady is doing a great job by your whining. I only wish I wouldnt have retired as a ct cm so I could add to it. But between this and listening to you go through ah2:tod training is good enough.

BTW Brady never asks me about his setups. I offer my opinion after the fact but nothing more.