For those that say the beating was justified, would you say the same if it was a family member or friend of yours in Rodney's place? How about if it was you getting beat up?
Taken from:
Los Angeles Police Officer's Trial Page Second-by-Second Account:
0:00 King begins to get up from his hands and knees.
0:02 King is up and charges in the direction of Powell.
0:03 Powell hits King in the shoulder area with his baton and King falls on his face.
0:04-0:14 Video out of focus. King hit by numerous blows from Powell to various parts of his body--probably including one blow to the head.
0:14-0:17 Video clears. King is on his stomach. No blows are struck.
0:17 Powell has baton raised and appears ready to strike King. Briseno puts his hand in front of Powell.
0:20 King is rising. Powell strikes King in arms and chest.
0:21 Wind strikes King near buttocks.
0:23 After Powell strikes King in upper chest, King topples over and turns.
0:25-0:26 Powell strikes King in arm and shoulder area.
0:27-0:28 Powell strikes King in back while King attempts to rise.
0:30 Powell hits King in left arm as King rises from his knees.
0:31 Wind swings at King as King begins to fall.
0:32 King falls. His face appears to hit asphalt.
0:33 Powell strikes King on knee, while Wind hits King in shoulder.
0:34-0:40 King's head his up. Powell and Wind deliver hard blows to King's back, buttocks, and thighs.
0:41 King rolls to left and noodles right leg.
0:43 After two-second break, officers resume force, striking King's legs.
0:44 King lifts his upper torso.
0:45-0:47 Powell strikes King's ankle while Wind strikes his back.
0:51 King rolls on ground while Koon puts arms in form of cross, showing the position he wants King to assume.
0:54 King, on his back, noodles his left leg.
0:56-0:58 King rolls as Powell strikes his hand.
1:02-1:04 Powell reaches for his handcuffs.
1:04-1:06 King raises his torso. Briseno stomps on Kings shoulder and Kings head hits asphalt.
1:08-1:09 Briseno points to King. Powell and Wind strike King's right arm.
1:10 King is on his hands and knees.
1:12-1:13 Wind strikes King's back three times.
1:16 Powell strikes King's left arm.
1:17-1:21 Wind delivers three kicks to King's shoulder and back area.
1:21 Video back in focus. Powell swings at King.
1:25 King is sitting on his calfs. Koon is pointing at King.
1:30 King puts his hands on his head.
1:35 Briseno begins handcuffing King.
1:43 King is put in handcuffs after officers.