Author Topic: HTC in compared to other companys...  (Read 1365 times)

Offline Batz

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HTC in compared to other companys...
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2003, 03:06:02 PM »
HT isnt selling the "game" hes selling the game play. That cant be captured in a screenshot.

Giving existing subscribers a screenshot of a plane due to be released 2 months away means nothing. It may make you feel good but it doesnt do much else.

You will look and say "wow nice pic" and head back to the main. AH's best marketing comes from the free download and free 2 week eval with no cc info.

Creamo feel free to keep groveling for your elusive screenshot. But it doesnt matter if ht posts one or not you will dl AH2 anyway.

Offline ramzey

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HTC in compared to other companys...
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2003, 04:29:48 PM »
i not say i will not look at screenshots with pleasure
but fully agree with Batz



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HTC in compared to other companys...
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2003, 06:40:51 PM »
Originally posted by Batz
It may make you feel good but it doesnt do much else.

And that is a mandatory point when you are talking about your customers, a very basic and simple rule: keep them happy.

Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: HTC in compared to other companys...
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2003, 07:21:36 PM »
Originally posted by acepilot2
Okay, you know what.  This sucks. According to "3q of 2003"  Ah2 is just months away.  But there is no news.

Other companies are all over the place a year before a game comes out.  I was reading about some E3 games at  and I learned that there were games that were going to come out in 2005 and the development team was completely spilling the beans on what the game is going to be like.  The reason why they are doing this is to create hype.  When you create hype about a game, usually more people buy it.  

So why isn't HTC doing this? Don't they want people to learn how cool the game is so they get it Right as it comes out? Because of the lack of news, I am losing interest in AH2.  That is the opposite of what most companies, like EA games and such are doing.    

I find it quite seems like HTC is having problems or something:(  Anyone think maybe HTC is having trouble with the new engine?

I just wanted to say that.

To 'spread the hype' as you describe would probably require resources that's not available to HTC.  Granted, I would like to see that updated FAQ that was promised over a month ago.

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Offline OIO

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HTC in compared to other companys...
« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2003, 11:04:05 AM »
Both sides have a point here.

Yes, HTC could benefit by releasing a screenie or 2 every month or throw a few bones when they are bored in the office. They could benefit because it may attract new players and keep old ones longer.

And then again, there's also a reason why not to release screens or hype material; and thats due to giving players information which they believe as "official this-is-gonna-be-in-game" announcement but which is really a 'work in progress this may not be in game but we are trying to put it in and make it work' announcement.

Just look how badly CRS in WW2OL have it in their forums and in the image of their game and company. They say every month they going to do this and that...and they dont. Been a YEAR and they are still promising stuff they cant put into the game. Many players are very pissed off at being lied at. Myself included.

HTC has one thing all those other hype spewing, screenshot releasing companies dont have: A track record of a game that is solid and workable with very little bugs or issues (except having only one model of P-38! ;) ). In short, RELIABILITY.

EA reliable? NO.
Microsoft reliable? Hell no
Ubisoft? HAHAHA
CRS? they wish!

So in conclusion, HTC should get off their arses and put the P-38J and F in AH! :D :D ;)

Offline Nifty

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HTC in compared to other companys...
« Reply #20 on: May 19, 2003, 11:05:03 AM »
well, quit complaining and leave already then.  :p

you know you'll come running when info is released, or at the very least when the DL is released.

Actually, I'd suspect that HTC knows exactly what they are doing.  Anything "released" in development gets taken as "gospel" or worse, as a "promise" from the developers.  Customers absolutely freak out when told something in development and then the developers decide to change it, or worse, drop it from the project.  Why show something now that will almost assuredly change?  That screenshot was a joke more than anything else, and people are taking it as that's what the final product is going to be (sans superfly and nate of course.)

Combine this with the fact that Pyro said they're (wait, lemme go look up the quote first...) mostly doing core level development.  Prolly means a lot of number crunching, so the graphics engine isn't anywhere near complete.  Means a screenshot right now would be extremely pre-mature, especially the way you guys would take it as being the final product.
proud member of the 332nd Flying Mongrels, noses in the wind since 1997.

Offline Batz

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HTC in compared to other companys...
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2003, 11:47:47 AM »
I don't agree. One goes hand in hand with the other.

How much did you pay to dl AH? nothing.

Is not seeing a screenshot gonna stop anyone here from downloading and eval'ing ah2 when comes out? Not likely.

So what would a screenshot accomplish? Besides the "wow look at that screenshot"? Yyou still have to wait atleast 2 months before its ready. Will time move faster? Will AH2 flop because a few tards demand that their hands be held and comforted with "look here...... everything will be alright?"

Quit being a bunch of babies. Have you ever thought maybe HT is waiting until the con to release some goodies? Or maybe they are still working through some things?

The whole "gimme screenshot" is just stupid. You arent box game and ah2 will cost you nothing to try out.

Offline SlapShot

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HTC in compared to other companys...
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2003, 12:56:33 PM »
"Look at Slapsnots reply in regards to the "new hanger". "

Come one Batz ... gimme a break here ... :D
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Offline muckmaw

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HTC in compared to other companys...
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2003, 01:21:03 PM »
Originally posted by Batz
Is not seeing a screenshot gonna stop anyone here from downloading and eval'ing ah2 when comes out? Not likely.


Forget the screenshot, how about an updated FAQ, as promised over a month ago?

What about a general update just to let us know whats going on in Grapevine?

How much time and effort could this possibly take?

The problem with the scenario you posted, Batz, is that if enough time goes by without some news, FAQ, Screenshot, some of us may not be here to D/L AHII. We may move onto other things and become engrossed in that. Does HTC want to risk losing market share due to the lack of a paragraph of news a month?

Personally, I'm considering other games at this time. Why don't I play them? Too much time invested in learning AH. Now what happens when I reach a point of AH burnout, and I do try another game? Suppose I get throughly engrossed in that and don't want to come back to AH, even after the release of AHII.

Whats that mean to HTC? Well, $15.00 a month less, and one less guy promoting their product to his friends.


Offline Flossy

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HTC in compared to other companys...
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2003, 01:34:56 PM »
Originally posted by Nifty
Combine this with the fact that Pyro said they're (wait, lemme go look up the quote first...) mostly doing core level development.  Prolly means a lot of number crunching, so the graphics engine isn't anywhere near complete.  Means a screenshot right now would be extremely pre-mature, especially the way you guys would take it as being the final product.
Right on, Nifty!  :)  Everyone should quit whining and let HTC get on with the job in hand.  Every minute spent in here giving updates is a minute less working on the actual product.  I'm sure most people here have experienced trying to work on something while others are fussing and twittering behind them, demanding to know what progress has been made and when it will be complete - I know I have, and it's very frustrating!  Give em a break, guys.... let HTC concentrate on making the best game around!  :D
Flossy {The Few}
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Offline muckmaw

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HTC in compared to other companys...
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2003, 01:44:44 PM »
Originally posted by Flossy
Right on, Nifty!  :)  Everyone should quit whining and let HTC get on with the job in hand.  Every minute spent in here giving updates is a minute less working on the actual product.  I'm sure most people here have experienced trying to work on something while others are fussing and twittering behind them, demanding to know what progress has been made and when it will be complete - I know I have, and it's very frustrating!  Give em a break, guys.... let HTC concentrate on making the best game around!  :D


How long did it take you to write that paragraph?

Did your career suffer? Did your husband and children go without dinner?

In the same amount of time it took you to post that, HT could render this whole debate mute.

Offline 2Slow

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HTC in compared to other companys...
« Reply #26 on: May 19, 2003, 01:54:16 PM »
I can wait for the finished product.  I don't need the EA/AW "two weeks" crap.

I am certain HTC will do it right and we will all enjoy it.  If you don't then perhaps it is time to look elsewhere.
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Offline Charon

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HTC in compared to other companys...
« Reply #27 on: May 19, 2003, 01:55:54 PM »
Look at it this way. HTC is a small company. They don't have the resources for a full time professional marketing and PR staff, and the comunity relations aspect can be a bit rough around the edges at times. However, if HTC were a bigger company, say an EA, then we would likely be looking forward to some BF 1942 game. It's where the money is, especially after the console port. Good, light, arcadish FPS style warfare that you can just fire up and jump right in. It can be a lot of fun, but I don't mind having more options than those dicated by accountants and marketing tools pushing for the least common denominator :) Pitching a relatively complex WW2 flight sim/combat sim doesn't make it past the bean counters.

I appreciate the fact that a small group of enthusiasts are making a quality product for a relatively limited market of like-minded enthusiasts. I'm willing to overlook the rough edges and wait for the payoff, and so far HTC has delivered. If something comes along that does it better, or they trash my acquired loyalty the way EA did with AW, then I'll go somewhere else in a heart beat. But I'll give them the benefit of the doubt until that time comes.

BTW, I've seen a lot of screen shots for Harpoon 4, AW 4, Duke Nukem *2* (or whatever the various names have been over the years) -- it would have been better to see tha actual games released :)


Offline muckmaw

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HTC in compared to other companys...
« Reply #28 on: May 19, 2003, 02:14:32 PM »
Look at it this way.

They had time to post stickies on the o'Club board to tell us to be more civil.

Skuzzy has some time to somewhat control and lock/delete inappropraite threads.

Pyro had a chance to post the first AHII FAQ back in January.

I understand they are a small operation, but we're not asking for much here.

I've lived this before. Ultima online was my main addiction for 2 years. It got old. I tried AW, then AH and found my new addiction. UO has had several updates, and new releases since I left. I never looked back because I lost interest in did not want to work to relearn it. Now Star Wars Galaxies is on the way. I'm going to try it. If it delivers the goods, I may not be around to try AHII.

To date, I think HTC did a great job on the game. Their customer support is still the best I've ever seen. But the lack of news is starting to tarnish my image of the company.

Offline fffreeze220

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HTC in compared to other companys...
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2003, 03:12:51 PM »
My opinon is that HTC never really existed.
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