Hmm Foul Languages.
I've been away from AH more than a half year, (well, since beta days,)
And before AH, I've flown in WB(handle was, -lyun-), Last month I've
registered AH and one thing I've feeling particular on radio is...
yes. I was thinking about posting the same Title ; Foul Languages.
It is far worse than anytime before.
it maybe just my feeling, but it seems that others also felt like this, too.
Maybe I'm so young and weak
to tolerate those bad words, but even as a
foreign language, bad words are so bad for me. I really don't feel good, and
don't know how to react. yes, I just squelch them and ignore, but always have
a feeling. why? why more 'suckers' are around, what have been changed?
Are there any reasons, or environments, or phenomenons that can explain why
these days 'radio enviroments' are so harsh?
When I'm trying to help someone, and only his reaction is 'foul language' is... eh,
you know how it feels. ... Eventually this gonna discourage communities
attitude about each other...
what can be done?, if we try? sever side 'catch' of foul language
won't help, IMO. I've seen some other Online-system, they started using
a way around, (e.g. e, instead u, on 4 words, etc etc) ..
Enforcing Policy of HTC will surely help, but it won't affect
2-week free-testing newbies.
maybe 2-week unregistered testers use bad words because of their frusturation,
we may be able to make more detailed, 'enforced' manuals or follow up on-line
tutorial to ... eh, forget it, I know this can't be.
Anyway, I can't solve this,
just being frustrated on
those 'foul languages'. my follow up posting(this) is just a sign of my
frustration. you know, some of us (like me) so sensitive and can be hurt
so easy
If you can't shoot down a person like me, just say bad words on
then you will see me logging out, saying 'sigh'.
"TailLights" Tae-Gil,