You have a pretty sharp eye there, Schaden

This has been discussed in the past, and the general consensus of the community is that our Bf109G-10, is the best possible G-10 configuration there can be - I believe people have proved that our G-10 has the DB605DCM engine, and it's speed is listed 452mph at 22k feet(although some people suggest actual AH test speeds are little slow, 448mph max).
The specs certainly is not the 'normal' kind of G-10 performance specs you'd see around.
The K-4, as in Grun's post, would probably be a little better in small bits of performance, but I think it's safe to say our G-10 is practically a K-4.
I don't think we're going to have a K-4, but some people have been suggesting(actually,
I have been suggesting

) that HTC improve bits of performance on the G-10 and change it's name into a K-4, and, insert one new 109 (preferrably the G-6/AS or the G-14) between the G-6 and the new "K-4", to fill the gap.
As it is, our Bf109G-6 is the earliest of all the G-6 models there is, and it's performance lacks behind even the G-2.
ps) One 'trend' of AH plane choices, is that they try not to model few, rare planes which hardly saw enough combat( of course, there are some exceptions).
I don't think we'll ever get to see a 190D-12 or a 190D-13 when we already have the D-9, and the Ta152H-1. However, the lack of Russian and Japanese planes have been brought up in the past - I think the news of the development of AH2, sort of dissipated the discussions on new planes for those two countries, but I'm quite sure in the upcoming AH2 HTC will be planning to put in more planes. (Maybe.. umm... if we're lucky, we'll get to see them at the end of this year?)
The AH community really really wants to see the Ki-84, too.