Author Topic: PERK the BIG FOUR this tour!!!  (Read 2809 times)

Offline Terror

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PERK the BIG FOUR this tour!!!
« on: June 06, 2003, 04:37:09 PM »
The "Big Four" have 39.8% of all A2A kills in the MA.  PERK the "Big Four".  See for yourself in the Tour40 Fighter Stats page HERE.  It takes the next THIRTEEN planes to equal the kill percentage of these four!!!!

Spitfire Mk IX  -- 6pts
LA7 -- 5pt
P51d -- 5pts
N1K -- 4pts

This will bring *some* variety into the MA!!!


Offline Furious

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PERK the BIG FOUR this tour!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2003, 05:29:57 PM »
or just kill them.

Offline Replicant

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« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2003, 08:38:14 AM »
Perking a late 1941 Spitfire?  LOL Whatever next.... I don't fly the Spitfire but the RAF already have the Spit14 and Tempest perked, no more please.

Offline Terror

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« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2003, 07:19:23 PM »
Originally posted by Replicant
Perking a late 1941 Spitfire?  LOL Whatever next.... I don't fly the Spitfire but the RAF already have the Spit14 and Tempest perked, no more please.

Perking these four is not about *capability*.  It is about balancing usage.  I would like to see more variety in the planes I fight.  At least get the top 40% of kills from 10 planes instead of 4.

« Last Edit: June 07, 2003, 07:23:23 PM by Terror »

Offline Toad

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« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2003, 07:06:09 AM »
So how do you like the Tempest then Terror?
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Suave

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PERK the BIG FOUR this tour!!!
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2003, 07:22:07 AM »
Perking those four planes would not increase the variety of plane usage. It might even do the opposite. You would just have 40% of the kills being reaped by the 4 next best/popular plane models .

Offline Kweassa

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PERK the BIG FOUR this tour!!!
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2003, 09:23:59 AM »
Suave is right.

 According to the listed OTD speeds courtesy of Whels(Perked planes+"Big Four"/planes under 300mph with MIL, under 320mph with WEP removed from the list):

YAK9-U 355
F4U-1 350
P-51B 347
190D-9 346
F4U-1D 343
109G-10 337
LA-5 336
P-38L 333
P-47D-11 333
P-47D-25 329
P-47D-30 329
190A-8 327
YAK9-T 327
190F-8 326
190A-5 326
MOSQ 325
C205 321
109G-2 320
F6F-5 320
109G-6 317
109F-4 310
C202 307
KI-61 305
110-G2 305

190D-9 375
109G-10 366
F4U-1 358
P-51B 358
F4U-1D 357
LA-5 356
YAK9-U 355
190A-8 349
190F-8 349
P-38L 344
P-47D-11 344
P-47D-25 340
P-47D-30 340
109G-2 340
190A-5 339
MOSQ 338
YAK9-T 336
109G-6 336
109F-4 332
C205 331
F6F-5 330


 It doesn't take a brain surgeon to see that it'll be 190 heaven.

 Spitfire 'effectivity' will be controlled, since the SpitV, while a decent plane, is way too slow. Of course, their numbers won't go down, we'll still be seeing a lot of Spits. But with the N1K2 and Spit9 gone, the planes that turn well, are simply, too damn slow.

 For sake of reason, let's say that the Yak-9U, F4U-1 and Bf109G-10 numbers won't rise so drastically - Yak-9U is stingy in ammo loads, Bf109G-10 is stingy in ammo loads AND a crappy high speed plane, the F4U-1 is a hard plane to manage well.

 However, the Typhoon, Fw190D-9 and the P-51B is virtually unchecked now. Fastest plane with quad hispanoes, a 190 that virtually matches the P-51D, and the P-51B - a P-51 with smaller loadouts in armament.

 The only big difference would be the La-5, which performance is outstanding in almost all areas as a pure A2A plane, will not be the fastest plane around. Thus, the "LA" complaints will go down, but they'll all be replaced by Typhoons or Fw190D-9s.

 Perking the "Big Four" will not do anything.

Offline Kweassa

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« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2003, 09:37:41 AM »
However, as long as the topic of 'perking planes for balance and variety' is here, let's compare it to my agenda(links on my sig).

 With my agenda:

*Listed OTD speeds courtesy of Whels(Perked planes+newly suggested perked planes/planes under 300mph with MIL, under 320mph with WEP removed from the list)
* SpitIX included in the WEP OTD speed list

F4U-1 350
P-51B 347
LA-5 336
P-47D-11 333
P-47D-25 329
190A-8 327
YAK9-T 327
190F-8 326
190A-5 326
MOSQ 325
C205 321
109G-2 320
F6F-5 320
109G-6 317
109F-4 310
C202 307
KI-61 305
110-G2 305

F4U-1 358
P-51B 358
LA-5 356
190A-8 349
190F-8 349
P-47D-11 344
P-47D-25 340
109G-2 340
190A-5 339
MOSQ 338
YAK9-T 336
109G-6 336
109F-4 332
C205 331
F6F-5 330


 Notice any difference? ;)

 19 planes in the MIL list, 16 planes in the WEP list.

 In the MIL list, look at the top five planes - two are P-47s. So, anyone gonna complain that P-47s are super planes? Anyone gonna start overusing them because they are fast? I really, really think not.

Offline Terror

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« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2003, 11:25:12 AM »
Originally posted by Toad
So how do you like the Tempest then Terror?

I love the TEMP.  I got a 30+ to 1 Kill/Death ratio last tour in it.  I think it's PERK value is perfect.

Originally posted by Suave
Perking those four planes would not increase the variety of plane usage. It might even do the opposite. You would just have 40% of the kills being reaped by the 4 next best/popular plane models .

I don't think this is true.  The next THIRTEEN planes make up the next 40% of the kills.  I would think the "Big Four" would still stay in the top ten, but would spread the usage out a bit more.

Originally posted by KWEASSA
Perking the "Big Four" will not do anything.

I disagree.  The "Big Four" will still be used and will still stay in the top ten, but next 5 or 6 planes will get more usage due to the added perk values on the "Big Four".

« Last Edit: June 08, 2003, 11:42:27 AM by Terror »

Offline Suave

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« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2003, 11:40:10 AM »
It is true, you can test it in any h2h room. Disable uber planes and you'll have half of the room flying spitV's and HurriII's .

People have been complaining about this for years, before there was AH. The best 4 or 5 planes are allways going to make up the majority of the planes in the arena. It doesn't matter what the planeset is .

If you perked the top four planes you would see them about as much as you see the f4u1c now, which is almost never. The 262 would still be the most frequently encountered perk plane, and people would just start flying the best non perked planes .

Offline Terror

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« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2003, 11:48:17 AM »
Originally posted by Suave
If you perked the top four planes you would see them about as much as you see the f4u1c now, which is almost never. The 262 would still be the most frequently encountered perk plane, and people would just start flying the best non perked planes .

For some reason, I just don't think people will walk away from these planes due to the 4-6 point perk.  They are too good of rides.  The only thing the -1C had for it were the cannons, these planes have alot more going for them.  I say try it for a tour and see how things turn out.  I bet these four planes will stay very high on the usage table.  Heck, the F4u-1C is still 16th on the kill table!


PS.  Disabling the best planes is different than adding a small perk for the H2H example.  Of course, people will go with the next best available plane when the better planes are DISABLED.

Offline hazed-

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« Reply #11 on: June 08, 2003, 01:16:17 PM »
So the next four will get the most use?

well isnt that the WHOLE F*%^%&*^ point of perking planeS????

sheesh !

I for one would agree to planes that see the most use having a small perk charge applied to them.


am i the only one here who thinks this would be a perfectly reasonable way of mixing the arena use of aircraft???? If we dont see this sort of thing used with the perking idea then WHY the hell are we using perks at all?

so you perk the top 4 and the 190 and p47 become the new top dogs? GREAT!! that would be DIFFERENT to now! Once we have OVERUSED the 190s and P47s we will , by then , have the spitfires and la7s back to a low or free perk cost, The result is a CONSTANTLY changing mix of planes.

Personaly i think this is an OBVIOUS answer to a stagnateing mixture of engagements. It seems some, generally those who play this game like a video shoot-em-up with sim planes dont want anything changed that interferes with their use of EASY to fly planes.They refuse to re-learn in a more difficult or challenging aircraft because they have it so easy with planes like la7s.
Well maybe they should be allowed what they want, but HTC should at least be aware this will lose them customers like me and terror in the long run. We get bored. Its perfectly natural and a lot of people i talk to in AH are indeed BORED at the moment in AH.

HTC needs to add little querks or additions to AH in order to hold our interest.Obviously they dont have to do this for everyone as some it seems are quite happy to do the same thing over and over.I suspect however that most who claim they dont need any changes are customers who havent been in AH as long.They have yet to play the game as much and so have yet to become a little bored with the repetative nature.

AH2 is HTC's attempt to adress this problem.If you dont think it is then why do you think ANY game online ever does updates? you need to evolve and change to keep the players there.
Terrors suggestion isnt new by any means but he asks for something a lot of us want to see, if only for a short period just for a change.

Offline Suave

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« Reply #12 on: June 08, 2003, 01:21:39 PM »
Sounds to much like a rolling planeset to me .

Offline hazed-

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« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2003, 02:02:46 PM »
Originally posted by Suave
Sounds to much like a rolling planeset to me .

but theres nothing to stop you paying the small perk cost and flying ANY aircraft is there?

its actually nothing like a rolling planeset.I wouldnt want a rolling planeset either. All this would do is stop the 'masses' using the same aircraft constantly , thus preventing the arena stagnating as it is now where we see the same engagements 90% of the time.

Offline Replicant

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« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2003, 02:40:32 PM »
I don't have any problem with the planes I engage.  The most I see are probably La7s, 109s, Spitfires and P51s.  Considering that there are several variants of Spits and 109s I don't see there being a problem.

I think the country you fly for, and also the time will decide which planes are popular.  Play early in UK and you see a lot of N1K2s from Japanese players.  Bishops have a lot of RAF squads so Rook & Knight players may see a lot of RAF planes, such at the Spitfire.  I fly Bishop, I see many 109s and 190s but then since there are many Luftwaffe squads in Rook/Knightland I simply accept it.

However if 4 planes are perked because they're popular the plane they move onto (e.g. La5, Spit5, other 109s, F6F) will get perked.... blah blah blah.  Leave it as it is, even though the plane I see most is the La7 (you see them but can't always catch them!).
« Last Edit: June 08, 2003, 02:43:51 PM by Replicant »