First of all I'd like to say that I wish all of the people at "Aces High" the best of luck with their new baby...There's always a market for a better matter how many variations there already are out there...That being said...onto the subject of my post.
I began playing Warbirds back in the beta days...and still hold an account, but the the most bitter pill I had to swallow the entire time I was paying you guys $2.00 an hour was the fact that while Pyro was responsible for releasing information to the community we were treated like virtual, left totally in the dark...etc etc.
This type of behavior IMO breeds contempt...towards the company you are paying good money to...and if anything, only causes an enviroment that breeds false rumors and unecessary flame wars.
When the media release info back at Warbirds was finally handed over to "Mo", things immediately lightened up on AGW...and when iEN finally started a policy of open dialog with the community, (weekly sitreps, and actual people within the company fielding questions off of the message boards,) I felt like an East Berliner watching the wall come down.
While I haven't read each thread entirely on this board, it appears we're heading back into the Dark Ages again...I come onto this board hoping to find updates, (not specific release dates,) or info on features of this game to look forward to...and I'm finding zip point zilch.
What's the point of even having this board in place if all it provides is a base for pointless speculation between the users, and a perfect place for us to argue amongst ourselves out of boredom...?
Again guys...I wish you great good fortune with "Aces High"...but please don't start out by making the same mistake again. my signature...
"Reach Out and Touch Someone"