Thanks Udie, but the trial period is probably over by now, besides which the game is gone off my HD anyway.
That game has so much potential, yet everytime I break down and try it, I'm turned off by some glitch or another. As much fun as it could be, it's a pain to go through a week and a half of stuff not working everytime I give it a shot.
As stated earlier, I followed the development of the game a year and a half before the closed beta, in which I tried to participate, but my P2 at the time wouldn't handle the load.
I pre-ordered the CD prior to release (big mistake) and was somewhat disappointed when I couldn't even be infantry because of performance issues even though my machine was above minimum specs.
Came back for the 1.80 release with a P4, 512 ram, 64 meg video card, and the Rats wouldn't recognize my CD key. That and some performance tweaks took a week and a half to get ironed out. After subcribing for three months, I got tired of having the con I had a guns solution on winking out on me (still going on btw), I quit again. Btw my CH Pro pedals wouldn't work then either. Had to unplug them to play with a MS PP.
Was gonna give it a shot with a P-4 2.8ghz, 521 ram and a 128 meg video card. Anyone with a Saitek X-45 will tell you, the rudder butterfly is hosed. I don't think I should have to buy a twisty stick just to play one game.
I'm done with this thing now. I might break down and give WW2OL another shot, maybe around the time they release 2.5
Like I said in the title of this post, s.o.s. customer service wise.