Author Topic: WB a furball paradise??  (Read 3259 times)

Offline Tumor

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #90 on: August 12, 2003, 06:12:30 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
tumor.. so after all that you admit that the design of the big maps prevents action (furballs)?   thank you why bother with the rest? rudes defense of me was accurate.  

Yes... never denied that to my knowledge.  I don't whine about it, I log off or find some other way to enjoy the game.   But, honestly, I see no reason to attempt to explain, offer alternatives or reason with the you.  It's pointless.
"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann

Offline Silat

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« Reply #91 on: August 12, 2003, 06:18:34 PM »
Originally posted by NoBaddy

There is some validity to what Westy is saying. The suicide mentality that is in the MA these days was no where near as prevelant prior to the influx of ex AWers. Guess what? I'm an ex AWer. Played for 12 years. Was a contract empolyee of Kesmai for 6 of those. I left about 9 months before they shut the doors. I left for personal reasons (buy me a 6 pack and I'll tell yah about it sometime :D).

The point is that after years of seeing the suicide pork dweebs in AW, it was refreshing to come here. A place where accomplishing the mission and surviving seemed to go hand in hand. Hell, I never saw a bish suicide tiffy raid before the closing of AW (you know..20 tiffies at 20k...porked survivors  hehe).

Truth is that it isn't the fault of AW or AH. It is simply the gamer mentality of some players. I know from experience that attempts to force a different style of play will too often impact the game in unforseen negative ways. Hence, I accept suicide dweebs and move on :).

NB it's the influx of totally skilless under 45 year olds that has ruined this game:}:}:}:}:D
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Offline beet1e

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #92 on: August 12, 2003, 07:04:09 PM »
Funked had it in another thread, in which he listed what he missed about WB.

$2/hour keeping all the tards out.

Offline Mini D

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #93 on: August 12, 2003, 07:08:17 PM »
Ummm rude... this isn't the thread to try to make a "furballers are being assaulted every time they speak up" stand.  You may want to re-read the first post again.

Wanting something changed is one thing... insulting everyone else while asking for it is another thing all together.  Trying to turn a thread that started on insults into a rational discussion is pretty futile.

Basically... not as much what you are saying but where you are saying it.  Plus that "why don't you say this to GV drivers" statement was pretty ****ing typical.  Sorry you didn't like the typical answer and sorry you can't see the difference.


Offline nopoop

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #94 on: August 12, 2003, 08:25:30 PM »

But the "landed" buffer said 4...

The snorkel never made it out of the closet..

My lady laughed at me..

..someones gonna pay..


wrong thread..

What Rude said.

It's ALL about the fight..

Offline yowser

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #95 on: August 12, 2003, 10:01:25 PM »
MiniDick giving lessons on BBS behaviour.  Hilarious.


Offline Guppy35

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #96 on: August 12, 2003, 10:17:52 PM »
I've only been flying AH for a week now, so I suppose my perspective doesn't count for much.

But I flew AW for a long time before burning out.  At one point I remember a discussion like this where some folks were lamenting 'the olden days' when things were better, while complaining about the new folks who were ruining the game.

A gent named Blue Baron answered with a lengthy post, which I wish I'd kept.  His message in essence was that everyone has their 'golden time' in the game, before it evolves, as it must with new people and new ideas.

I'd been part of one of those later waves that the old timers blamed for 'ruining' the game, yet my 'golden time' in AW was wonderful even though that same time apparently was miserable for others.

Then it got miserable for me and like many before me I blamed this that and the other thing for what was 'wrong' with the game.

Could it be that it's all part of the natural evolution of the game and the ongoing influx of new people that the game needs to survive and grow?

I'd not flown for a long time, and I've had a blast in the last week.  Yep I suck at the game and am dying a lot, but I'm enjoying myself.  Hopefully I'll continue to feel that way, and like the oldtimers now, maybe I'll contribute something to the game over time, and then get to the point where I can grumble and complain and blame the new folks for making my game miserable?

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Offline Ack-Ack

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #97 on: August 12, 2003, 11:16:17 PM »
Never thought I'd see the day a Nomad makes some sense.  Glad to see you finally made it back to the unfriendly skies +Tiff

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Offline Jackal1

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #98 on: August 12, 2003, 11:52:25 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
And that is the difference... my goals are unselfish and noble
Public Relations Officer for the BK's
King of all Noble Furballers

:D ............................. wait..........errrrrrrr...... .........and  Good Golly Miss Molly.
I deem the Noble Knight Humpy. Mount thy steed,(in your case an ankle will do), and go forth to frolic hither and yon in the land of Rump Ranger.

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Offline Urchin

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #99 on: August 13, 2003, 01:33:13 AM »

I'm with Lazs, Rude, and Yeager here.  I went through the phase where I got burned out with fighters.  So I tried bombers.

 "Hey, this is pretty fun, watching a formation of B17s blow big chunks out of factories."  But then you start thinking... well... what did I actually do there?  Take off, go AFK to smoke, make a sandwhich, eat said sandwhich, smoke again, take a ****, smoke again, come back, calibrate the bombsite, drop the bombs, turn around, go AFK to smoke again, come back, and land.  Whats the point?  Blowing up the factory doesn't seem to do a damn thing, as far as I can see.  I actually prefered the old setup with just the cities and HQ, where bombers could actually have an effect on gameplay.  Plus, I enjoy shooting down bombers, so defending a city or HQ was a fun sortie.  Now don't get me wrong, I don't dislike bomber pilots.  In fact, I wish there were more that actually flew non-suicidally.  I'd love to see squad-sized missions of B-17s pasting some field from 15,000 feet.  That said, nobody is going to use bombers for the simple reason that they are inefficient.  Instead of taking 20 flights of B-17s, you can take 20 Tiffies and blow up all the fuel, the VH, and the town and take the field (and the 3 or 4 guys that don't auger get a nice vulch if someones stupid enough to try to keep upping).  Anyway, I decided bombers just weren't doing it for me.  

So I tried GVs.  

"Hey, this aint bad either...  shooting planes with the main gun is kinda fun!"  Yea, I know, I'm a 1337 ]-[@X0r.  Well, dammit, it was fun anyway.  Of course, then you shoot some M3 with 18 AP rounds and it doesn't die, and then it shoots your Panzer and blows it up.  Thank God they fixed that one anyway.  Still, little things like getting blown up by strafing Spitfires, losing the tracks on a Tiger and shaking so bad I almost went into sympathetic convulsions, consistantly weird things happening in tank to tank combat, the miracle 37mm manned ack that can drop Tigers and Panzers like nobodies business, and other assorted peevs that I can't think of off the top of my head sort of ruin the GVs for me.  If the GVs didn't seem so much like a tacked-on afterthought then there might really be an alternative to fighters for me in this game.  As it stands now, a sizable proportion of the time I log in, see either no fights at all (usually earlier in the day, when you get 70 people on and 40 different bases getting milkran), or see 3 attacks of 100 people vs 2 defenders, which is no fun anyway.  Or on some rare occasions you'll see what looks like a decent fight, so you check the closest field.  Damn.. fuels porked.  Well, lets check this one.  ****... fuels porked here too.  Well... this is an outside shot....  Golly-geeN, they porked it here too?!  Guess I'll hit the gym a little early today.

I think the era of Lazs "noble furballer" is coming to a close.  For whatever reason, people don't like to actually fight.  I'm not pointing any fingers or calling anyone any names, because it seems that the people who do enjoy just fighting for fighting's sake are a very very small minority on this BBS (which is in itself a very small minority of AH players).  It would be stupid of HTC to make decisions that imperil the "fun" of the vast majority of the subscribers to cater to a few dozen people.  I honestly don't think the game will change much from here on out, it has entered into the final "stage" of its evolution.  AH2's arena might be something different, it would be hard for me to make any guesses.

Offline Tumor

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #100 on: August 13, 2003, 03:52:11 AM »
Urchin!!!  Stay away from bombers, all that extra smokin's gonna strip 10 more years off ya life!
"Dogfighting is useless"  :Erich Hartmann

Offline FT_Animal

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #101 on: August 13, 2003, 05:05:51 AM »
> Seems to me most of the stratnoodles in AH are from AW.

Hmmmmmm,..... that's sad to hear... Care for a milkdud>?

>This game was a helluva lot more fun before AW went tits under

Excuse me>? kleenex?

>and all those dorks invaded and conquered my fun little game.

Sorry that we pay HTC money to help afford the progress in game programming, damn we suck.

>Im thinking with AH2 all those AW stratnoodles will go to the
>missun uh-rena


With the mass influx of pilots who come equiped with sim experience, my kill ratio has dipped drastically. And now I've gone from a big fish in a small pond to a small fish in a big sea. It was more fun when I didn't have to worry about a equal ars-whuppin.

Damn! I wanted them to all be mindless newbies.

>THE BETA BOYS!!!!!!!!


We were here first, we were here first.



Well, we were there first, which is why this game is here now.



Offline lazs2

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #102 on: August 13, 2003, 08:33:07 AM »
muck... if there was no truth to what I say then I couldn't possibly cause "animosity" or a "rift".   I am not causeing these things I am pointing them out.  the reason there is such a reaction is because they are obvious and will come out anyhow.   If you know you are a timid, untalented sky accountant who craves attention but thinks no one notices... you will be furious when someone mentions it... if you aren't you will either be puzzled or amused..  for instance..  How can I "alienate" players if they are not allready feeling alienated... perhaps you mean I shouldn't pull the blinders off the players who think people appreciate them?

AW... A lot of the new guys are great fun.. some of the best furs in the game happen with the guyus from AW... I have allways welcomed them but... there is a small percent... apparently they existed in AW too.. that do the "ruining the game for people is what it is all about"...."look at me I just killed a bunch of guys fun cause I found a lophole in gameplay"... now this is fine and even funny the first couple of times but...

It should be taken for what it is... a loophole in gameplay.   A big one in this case.   muck... I am sure if HTC had the time they would squash it... they have in the past.   Pointing it out is the right thing to do...   At some point it will have to be dealt with.   Would it be better for HTC if egveryone got on the board and said how great the game was and then quietly left when they couldn't stand the gameplay and felt that they were the only ones with problems with it or is it better to think that others are just as frustrated?


Offline Rude

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #103 on: August 13, 2003, 08:41:52 AM »
Originally posted by Mini D
Ummm rude... this isn't the thread to try to make a "furballers are being assaulted every time they speak up" stand.  You may want to re-read the first post again.

Wanting something changed is one thing... insulting everyone else while asking for it is another thing all together.  Trying to turn a thread that started on insults into a rational discussion is pretty futile.

Basically... not as much what you are saying but where you are saying it.  Plus that "why don't you say this to GV drivers" statement was pretty ****ing typical.  Sorry you didn't like the typical answer and sorry you can't see the difference.


You've lost me's this simple....I would like some changes made so that I have an option other than to drive boats, GV's and buff's around...faster, lower fights.

Help me out with this "why don't you say this to GV drivers" remark....I'm drawing a blank.

Offline lazs2

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #104 on: August 13, 2003, 09:03:24 AM »
and urchin.... stop it!  you are depressing me.   relax.. you're wrong on this one.   put some fields closer so that when one fur dies you can shift to another allmost every time and you will see a resurgence of the fighting we had when we had less players and people went to the action cause it was the fun thing to do and ...... possible.  Look at the CT.. fights last pretty good there and even tho there are many unatended fields it is rare that someone milkruns em... they just don't get the attention they crave.