Originally posted by LtMagee
easyscor I am not quit sure I understand...
I'll try to be more clear.
All my head views, maps, sounds and settings survived my reinstallation but back up your settings folders anyway just to be safe. If you don't know which ones, give a shout here.
1. Open your control panels folder in XP and launch Add or Remove Programs.
2. Select Aces High and click the Change/Remove button. Follow the prompts to remove Aces High. When you're done, the HTC, Aces High and associated folders will still be on your hard drive,
leave them alone.
3. Log on to the Aces High download page, down load the full install file.
4. Run the install program and install Aces High using the default file path "C:\Programs\HTC..."
5. If all went well, the nose bounce should disappear. I hope.
I believe the explanation for my particular case is one of the files hidden in the settings folders I moved after I installed AH was corrupted or pointed to a missing file. Do not attempt to drag any of your backup settings folders to the new install until you've tested Aces High to see if it works. Then if it gets trashed later, you'll know it was one of your old settings folders. This is what worked for me. If it doesn't work, the only other thing I can suggest is start over at #2 and delete all the Aces High folders as well as Aces High and test it again before you make any changes.
I hope this works for you, I can't believe you could hit anything the way my screen was stuttering.
Good luck.