Author Topic: Eddie  (Read 1506 times)

Offline Arlo

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« on: October 05, 2003, 01:37:46 AM »
It's all good, man. A character builder for some ... an ego shelter for others. So it works. Certainly it'll all come `round. "Balanced" is really over-rated anyway. It's an infinite waste of time to cater to the miserable. They seem that way no matter.

But thanks for tryin'.

"Smile when they die .... laugh out loud when you do. And if they think it means something more than that .... good." :D

p.s. Jester ... ditto

Offline Kegger26

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« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2003, 09:55:35 AM »
Rgr that  Arlo, there has been alot of hurt feelings over the PTO CTs, I feel that some CMs are better at making fun set up then others. When I logg on to the CT and see one or two allied planes aginst the entire fleet of jap planes, it frustrated me. Though I found out though a scource this isnt at times the fault of the CM. There are some CMs, and I will just come out and say it that are hard core axis bias. I think alot of us know who I am speaking of. (and no its not Eddie) To be a CM in the CT you have to be fair and equal, that is why I choose not to fly when some CTs are at the helm. I do not write this in disrespect, though I feel it needs to be said.
 The reasion given for not adding the correct planes to the set are for game play issues..... The problem I have with this is its a CT!, meaining you should keep as close to history as you can. The japs wernt out gunned. There planes arnt why they lost the air battles, there pilots were, same for the germans. There planes were in many ways just as good as ours. In fact I cant name an american plane that can turn with a jap plane.
 Why we have a late war pac set up with just the P40E, and P38 (perked to 10 points) is pretty sad. This is not eddies fault. Its the fault of every whine that comes out of the mouths of pilots on both sides. On the allied side we cry about our plane set. Mostly because 70% of the time we are downgraded due to our "better planes". Last night Eddie put the B26 into play, and the whines started. Never mind the fact the allies started the set up with nothing more than the A20, while the japs had a drone bomber group. They hammered A30 for five hours straight. As soon as I upped a B26 (from a much farther feild than they had to fly to hit ours) the crying started.
 The B26 call was a good one. seeing as he could have really added the B17s, and B25s, B29s, B24s (if we had those :( ) also we would have the P51 A/B, P47C, P40B/E, P38F, A20. We would also have the P61 Black Widow, P39 Airacobra.
 As for the allied Navy you are talking about a huge number of diffrent aircraft, but just to name what we have in our set and what should be there.... how about the entire US Navy Fleet of AC. This would not be possable.... mostly due to the crying the axis pilots would do. I fly both sides, but in the PTO I fly allied, due to the numbers being so low. You guys that are doing the screaming about balance what are you going to do when TOD gets here???????
 FYI eddie great move adding the B26 last night. That goes a long way to make it some what even.

Offline eddiek

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« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2003, 01:03:04 PM »
Sheesh, guys, I'm all choked up.....;)
I'm hoping everyone has a chance to have fun in my setups, not just Allied pilots, not just Axis pilots,......EVERYONE.

Depending on the attendance I see, I am already planning my next setup, and the planesets.

I really wish HTC adds a couple later model Japanese fighters to the AH stable soon, as I am itching to run a Phillipines setup.  Having a J2M3 and Ki-84 would help things a lot, as I could run a few more Allied planes that were "there".
When the current setup started, we saw more US pilots opting to take an A20G up and use it as a fighter; comments varied on the pilots' reasons, but one comment stood out:  "The A20 climbs better than a P40......ain't that sad?"
Regarding my adding the B-26 to the setup, I chose it over the Boston for several reasons, but one thing that stood out in my mind was the fact that the Boston has a BIG vulnerable spot at it's low 6 that is not there on the Ki-67, due to the placement of the rear gunner on the A-20's.  The B-26's defensive armament is more like that of the Ki-67, with a tail gunner and such.  Nabbing a formation of Bostons without worrying about return fire from the gunners was simple.......get under their 6, come in below the arc of fire from the rear gunner, and blast away.  
Now, at least in my mind, both sides have bombers with fewer blind spots and are fast and take planning to take down.
Thanks for the kind words and for not flaming me thus far.  
We, the CT staff, are individual persons, each of us with his own opinion of what is fun.  We put our heads together and discuss setups before we run them, and try to foresee any possible problems that might occur.  Sometimes things run smoothly, with nary a glitch.....other times, it seems we get smacked in the head daily, or several times a day, with things we never thought of.  It happens.
I will do my best, and I am sure I speak for all the rest of the CT staff, to provide the players with a stimulating, challenging, and most of all, FUN environment.

Oh yeah, I want to apologize to those who have been bitten by the taxiway, runway, and hangar bugs.  I forgot about them until the setup was already up and running, and, in my old age, with all the forgetfulness that accompanies it, I forgot to post a warning about it on the MOTD.

Offline o0Stream140o

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« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2003, 02:01:33 PM »
Okay here is my whine for the month, I am sure a lot of you aren't going to agree with me, hey, that's fine.  Anyway,  You CT CM's do a great job at what you do, I know myself I couldn't do what you do with what goes on in here.  It just seems like to me, and most of my squad, that the CT has become some sort of broken record that keeps skipping.  Since Lowe and Jester started the 325th in CT I have been really loyal to the CT, and tried to keep up what they kind of started for this squad.  When PTO's come up we always fly Allied on squad nights no matter if the advantage is for us or against us, as in War, things happen.  You will usually find us in the P-40 or the P-47, even if it is the B model of the 40, it helps us with our tactics.  Since I have been here in the CT for the Last year, I have only seen the P-51B in a PTO once.  I am not complaning about that, P-40 is a great plane once you learn how to fly it.  I has been increasingly more obvious that IJN planes are becoming more and more harder to shoot down.  I have wittness this more and more frequently.  If your not 100K on him you will not shoot him down.. or if you do he just goes into a ball of flames reverses and with one cannon shot your in the tower.   I understand that IJN doesn't have a lot of planes to choose from, but maybe it is just me, but should it be so handicapped that it is able to take a full P-40s ammo to shoot down.  

One last thing,  is there any chance in the future of having the P-51D or P-47D-25 or 30 in a ETO or MTO?  Where they are not perked?  Flying the P40s are fun in this but sometimes we would like to see some of our late squad rides in the CT too.   Honestly give the Axis what they should have for that time period, I am not looking for an advantage, just would like to see more of them in there.  

I want to formally apologize to the CT on the actions for some of my pilots on Jesters set up.... Frustrations about the CT just came to a head and things got way out of hand...  Hopefully we can make better relations with the Axis squads in the CT in the future.

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2003, 07:06:00 PM »
WTF? Who the hell just pissed in your fruit-loops, sweet-cheeks? ;)

(Shakes head and chuckles ... sarcastic bass-tard.) :D

p.s. BTW people, Storch HAS been doin' great things in the Pee-40. And he has one of the best game-faces I've seen in this particular CT set. Excellent up-beat attitude and a good team player. Just figured that needed addin'. :)
« Last Edit: October 06, 2003, 07:13:16 PM by Arlo »

Offline brady

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« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2003, 07:43:47 PM »
Nothing has changed in anyway that would alter how hard or rather how much damage a plane takes to shoot down, we NEVER adjust those kinds of things , Every plane in the CT has the same relative durabality as it does in the MA, and the guns all have the same lethality as in the MA.

 Chances are you will see those planes in a future set up soon.

Offline Squire

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« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2003, 07:44:23 PM »
What Keggar26 said. Ditto.

As for the P-40, ya it can come through, I dont mind this setup at all, save the few suggestions I had.

Thumbs up overall to this setup, and I applaud Eddie's efforts to forge something different PTO wise, where others said "it cant be done".

A big fat to you.
Friday Squad Ops CM Team
1841 Squadron Fleet Air Arm
Aces High since Tour 24

Offline Löwe

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« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2003, 08:45:57 PM »
First off I have to agree with you guys on a couple of things. The P-38 is way over perked, and the F4U , should be in more PTO setups. That aside , the rest of the whines about this setup are just that.   Whines.

Kegger, you said this is a late war setup , but you guys only have the P-38 , and P-40E against nearly the whole Japanese planeset. Yeah technically your facing 75% of the Japanese fighter planeset. Thats comes to ugh lets see.... Three planes and two of them A6Ms, out of a whopping four aircraft planeset. The Allies have more bomber types in their  planeset in AH then the whole Japanese planeset period.

The A6m2 is a 1940 model, the A6M5 is a 1943 model. The Ki-61II is a 1944 model.

The P-40E 1942 , the P-38L , 1944.

This is not an Axis plot to ruin the CT. This is a lack of a  decent Japanese planeset in AH.

Kegger you also mentioned how there is not one Allied plane that will out turn a Japanese one. No kidding!!!!!!!!! Gee I wonder why that is??  Could it be lack of armor?  You got speed, firepower, and plane ruggedness on your side. Yet your whining in here like somebody stole Christmas.

People whine about the KI-67 , like it's a B-52 or something. Yet these same people merrily pork Axis bases with their B-26's, B-17's, Lancs, A 20's, and Mossies , every setup they get the chance to. Usually these bombers kill two or three fighters before they go down. Must be big fun because if anyone complains he gets shouted down as a luftwhinner. Maybe those buff pilots need an ego shelter.

Arlo , you say this is an ego shelter for some, yet you also say balance is overrated??????? So are you sheltering your ego when the Allied side has better aircraft, or are you just posting spew as usual to see what the reactions will be?

Yeah Kegger the CT needs all those Allied planes you  mentioned because evidently you can't handle the mighty four fighter Japanese planeset currently offered by AH. Now that would be an ego shelter. I  never heard any complaints when the Burma map used to be run with the Hurri II , P-40B, and F4F, against the A6M2.   Sheesh grab a raft your crying a river of tears.

This is a rare PTO setup , in that the numbers on both sides are fairley even most of the time. The only reason I can think of is that because this is one of the few PTO's I've seen where the Allies don't have a clear cut advantage.

Guess what most people, and even fewer squads are willing to spend their squad nights flying Japanese planes. I've only seen  two Allied Squads drop what they were doing on squad nights , and switch to help out the Japanese when they are out numbered. Both those squads are class acts VF-27, and 880 Fleet Air Arm. The sad thing is , this is usually happening at one of the few times their favorite rides the F6F, and F4U are available.

Why is that?? Because flying japanese for the most part sucks. There just are not many guys who enjoy it, and I sure as hell don't. In fact I came to AH from Warbirds to fly Allied planes, but as in the Warbirds Historic Arena , the CT in AH is usually short of Axis pilots. So once again myself, jester, and a few others that would perfer to be over flying F6F's and P-47s, and P-51s are flying A6m2s, and 109s, and 190s , and listening to guys over on the Allied side piss and moan about how bad they have it. If it's so bad come fly Axis then , then we can go fly Allied.

Fact is there are guys in P40's kicking bellybutton , there are guys in A6Ms kicking ass. Nobody has a clear cut advantage in this setup , and if your gonna cry until you get all the great toys , and the other side is flying crap.................. The day will come when your flying your great toys with nobody to fight against. This thread is a joke:rofl  You guys are killing me

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2003, 09:01:48 PM »
Originally posted by Löwe

Arlo , you say this is an ego shelter for some, yet you also say balance is overrated??????? So are you sheltering your ego when the Allied side has better aircraft, or are you just posting spew as usual to see what the reactions will be?

Why's it gotta be about me, you git? Yeah ... balance is over-rated. Yeah .... this set-up is an ego-shelter for some and a potential character builder for others. Yeah .... there are other setups that switch it around. It's all good. Some people just need a laxative. If you don't agree with that and it get's a reaction outa ya then that's your own problem. You shouldn't take my general philosophy as a personal affront. But that really doesn't matter since Eddie saw my post for what it was and seems to appreciate my sincerity.

 Damn ... some of you can't seem to shake your pissiness. :D

Offline scJazz

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« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2003, 11:17:09 PM »
Originally posted by Löwe
People whine about the KI-67 , like it's a B-52 or something. Yet these same people merrily pork Axis bases with their B-26's, B-17's, Lancs, A 20's, and Mossies , every setup they get the chance to. Usually these bombers kill two or three fighters before they go down. Must be big fun because if anyone complains he gets shouted down as a luftwhinner. Maybe those buff pilots need an ego shelter.

I double, triple, and even quadruple dare you to fly a bomber anywhere near where I am flying CAP. I regularly zap buff boxes in my LW iron in the MA. In all planes my favorites would be 109G6 w/pods; 190A8; and KI 61. Sounds like you might be the sour puss who needs training in killing buffs. Lancs, A20s, Bostons, B26s, JU 88s are all easy prey. The only 2 buffs that are difficult are B17s because of the number of guns and KI67s because of the speed.

Offline pangea

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« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2003, 07:53:52 AM »
What Lowe said.

Offline keyapaha

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« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2003, 08:07:00 AM »
Hey flying Japanese does not suck,its fun

Offline Löwe

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« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2003, 08:25:51 AM »
Originally posted by scJazz
I double, triple, and even quadruple dare you to fly a bomber anywhere near where I am flying CAP. I regularly zap buff boxes in my LW iron in the MA. In all planes my favorites would be 109G6 w/pods; 190A8; and KI 61. Sounds like you might be the sour puss who needs training in killing buffs. Lancs, A20s, Bostons, B26s, JU 88s are all easy prey. The only 2 buffs that are difficult are B17s because of the number of guns and KI67s because of the speed.

Your missunderstanding what I'm saying Jazz. I kill buffs too, maybe not as good as you.  You just went through quite a list of bombers. Most setups the Allies have a bomber advantage hands down. You don't see people screaming yank the B-17s out of every setup their in. You do when the KI-67 is in.  I'm not saying the KI-67 isnt a pain for the Allied guys, I'm saying having a formadable bomber on the Axis side every now and then should not bring such screams of anger, since Axis guys are up against it almost every week. Remeber too Jazz this isn't main we don't always have the 190A8 when the B-17s are present. If your regularly killing B-17s with a G6 and pods, yeah I would like to learn how you do it. The 190A8's my favorite tool against the B-17s. I find I don't last long against them in the G6, pods or not. Oh yeah doesnt double dog dare, come before triple dare??:p

Offline scJazz

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« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2003, 09:26:07 AM »
Originally posted by Löwe
Your missunderstanding what I'm saying Jazz. I kill buffs too, maybe not as good as you.  You just went through quite a list of bombers. Most setups the Allies have a bomber advantage hands down. You don't see people screaming yank the B-17s out of every setup their in. You do when the KI-67 is in.  I'm not saying the KI-67 isnt a pain for the Allied guys, I'm saying having a formadable bomber on the Axis side every now and then should not bring such screams of anger, since Axis guys are up against it almost every week. Remeber too Jazz this isn't main we don't always have the 190A8 when the B-17s are present. If your regularly killing B-17s with a G6 and pods, yeah I would like to learn how you do it. The 190A8's my favorite tool against the B-17s. I find I don't last long against them in the G6, pods or not. Oh yeah doesnt double dog dare, come before triple dare??:p

:lol on the double dog dare you... your right. I suppose I have to go lick the flagpole now.

OK as for buff superiority well that is what the allies did and we have all the different types because of the role that the Bomber played to the US High Command. However the JU88 and KI67 weren't the only 2 bombers for the Axis either. Would it work to re-skin the JU88 or KI67 and include both in every Axis setup with bombers? Would adding the Boston IIIs or B26s to the Axis setups and re-skinning them for scenarios that the Axis has a buff advantage work?

As for the whole killing buff boxes concept here are the only 2 rules needed.
1) Never merge from an altitude disadvantage and enter a gun solution.
2) Always cause your approach and actual firing opportunity to make the gunner switch positions.
3) Know where the blindspots are and how to reach them.
4) The actual shot should last no more than 2 seconds. Never hang in a position unloading rounds into the target.

From these four rules you can pretty much dictate the whole experience. Ignore these rules and your nearly certain to die.

Examining these rules pretty much indicates why a 109G6 with Pods is perfect. It climbs very well so you can get above the target easily. It is manuverable enough to bounce the gunner around and get to the blindspots. It has sufficient firepower to break or destroy something very quickly. The G10 doesn't work very well for this because it feels to heavy and suffers from serious overspeed issues.

Offline Eagler

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« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2003, 11:03:00 AM »
"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

Intel Core i7-13700KF | GIGABYTE Z790 AORUS Elite AX | 64GB G.Skill DDR5 | EVGA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti FTW3 | Vive Pro | Warthog stick | TM1600 throttle | VKB Mk.V Rudder Pedals