Author Topic: can a 190d outdive a tempest ?  (Read 138 times)

Offline air_guard

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can a 190d outdive a tempest ?
« on: May 20, 2001, 09:32:00 AM »
tough i was pretty sure that the tempest was the ultimate diver (and speed plane) lol.
today i was 2k over and had dived up to 300mph down to get up speed then the 190 just dives and get the hell outta my sight (meaning plane name getting a dot) in 30 sec ? he was even circle fiteing with another wich  he shoot down just as i started my approched.
just wanna know how what speed the 190d can do in dive ?


[This message has been edited by air_guard (edited 05-20-2001).]

Offline AKDejaVu

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can a 190d outdive a tempest ?
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2001, 10:40:00 AM »
It can go much faster than 300 in a dive.  Hell.. it can go much faster than that flying straight and level.

The Tempest will pull away from a dora.. but it doesn't do it as fast as you'd think.  The same is true with the Tempest and most of the faster aircraft.

A really bad move is to think that you can separate from anyone no matter how close they are getting or how much altitude they have.

AKDejaVu <- A few sorties in the Tempest this tour

Offline air_guard

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can a 190d outdive a tempest ?
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2001, 12:07:00 PM »
well Golly-geen i said dive didnt I ?
190 was under 200mph (he was in a pretty hard fite with a another turnfithing 190 too ) and i was at 300 he still was outdiveing me lol ?
ofcourse i was much faster than 300mph in the dive but the bugger still kept going faster and then after 2 min couldnt even see the dot ?

crapshite if u ask me 70 perks for a tempest that way ?
Its bloody on time to look at other planes than the allied ones for good sake.
PERK THE 109G10 !!
PERK THE 190D9 !!


Offline Tac

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can a 190d outdive a tempest ?
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2001, 01:50:00 PM »
allow me to be the first to say that if you dont have a film, you're just whining (or something like that).  

Perk n1k.. wholeheartedly agree.
perk 109g10...why? its got major weaknesses as well as advantages.
perk the 190d9? unperk the 152 and perk the d9 would be more reasonable.

There could also be a fact that the d9 dived at a steeper angle than you did in your tempest...with wep and steep angle, the d9 can gain monstrous speed real quick.


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can a 190d outdive a tempest ?
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2001, 02:12:00 PM »
Originally posted by air_guard:
well Golly-geen i said dive didnt I ?
190 was under 200mph (he was in a pretty hard fite with a another turnfithing 190 too ) and i was at 300 he still was outdiveing me lol ?
ofcourse i was much faster than 300mph in the dive but the bugger still kept going faster and then after 2 min couldnt even see the dot ?

crapshite if u ask me 70 perks for a tempest that way ?
Its bloody on time to look at other planes than the allied ones for good sake.
PERK THE 109G10 !!
PERK THE 190D9 !!


Allied whiner.

If D-9 could outdive your Tempest, you should work on your flying more. Much more.

Offline hazed-

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can a 190d outdive a tempest ?
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2001, 06:17:00 PM »
i may have been that 190 you talk of air-guard as i remember we had a furball going last night,each time i dived into the fight at high speed using rudder to stop the compress at 550+. so if it was me im sorry but you must have misread the E/speed.As to whether it could outdive a tempest in a dive?

Id say from a hammerhead into a dive id expect the dora with its especially good wep would get intitial seperation.not sure but id guess it would.The tempest is fast but its also a lot bigger so it would probably be slightly slower? what do the experts say?  


Offline air_guard

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can a 190d outdive a tempest ?
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2001, 01:27:00 AM »
lol srry had a very bad day yesterday everything feked up like :
discoed twice in a tempest, couldnt fite for toejame, and was outdived by hazed     nice one S !, did fly 2 hours no kill just when coming to a place where there was action all gone lol muhaahahah.
guess i misjudged the e u had if that was u hazed  
and if not this was not a cheating call lol just a question. wanna know what the experts say ?
one of theese days ehh `?
ok not really a whine. but  I have to hope that HT looks closer at the perks fu4c is fine but think more needs perks then too ?
well Glunz i will try too improve my lousy flying around here. I got limited time and cant stay online all the time, but will try.


[This message has been edited by air_guard (edited 05-22-2001).]