Author Topic: "Clueless and Dolts" film at 11:00  (Read 965 times)

Offline Scootter

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"Clueless and Dolts" film at 11:00
« on: October 17, 2003, 07:23:22 AM »
We may be, but for P.R. HT gets a C-, calling your cUstomers names is in poor taste. We may be everything he says and a bag of chips but it's just  not a good thing to do IMHO.

 I am a General Contractor and have many clueless dolts (the ones who have seen every "THis Old House" ever made) as clients, I just don't call them that to their faces ( I wait untill they get back into their $90,000 cars). :D

 HT, I have been called worse with less reason, I also have a thick hide.

That said (no offence taken from this dolt), guys keep sorting the wheat from the chaff and good luck. I am not very good at this Beta thing so I will bow out, but look forward to AH2 on silvered wings.  I have been here from the first Beta and know how hard and fast you guys work, I am looking forward to this release as we all are and want to say thanks for all the hard work from everyone at HTC.

Scuzzy you are the poster boy for patiance and decorum, you need to tell us your secret (what brand is on the bottle).
« Last Edit: October 17, 2003, 08:35:51 AM by Scootter »

Offline Black Sheep

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"Clueless and Dolts" film at 11:00
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2003, 10:26:32 AM »

Don't exaggerate, and don't say 'i'd never lash out at anyone criticizing the foundation of my newest work in progress since I'm a contractor' Where exactly are the similarities here?

Offer some useful information in these forums please...

Offline Scootter

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"Clueless and Dolts" film at 11:00
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2003, 04:34:22 PM »
Black Sheep,

Price a SL550 or a top of the line BMW  (7 Class) or even the newest 911, I have built homes in the past two years for people who own these cars. As the owner and CEO of my company I do not call my customers names no matter how they piss me off. I build for some very demanding folks much like HT is building this product. I have had customer’s demand that I redo the concrete while it was still wet because the color was not light gray (It lightens as it sets). I have had comments about the color of the granite tops being wrong (it had protective plastic on it).

Do you need any other similarities, I have a ton of em?

I find your response immature and from someone who is not a business owner. This may not be correct but owners and managers of businesses will understand my point.

In closing I will state I would not "lash out" at my customer for criticizing my foundation, I would explain what we were doing and how their concerns would be addressed.

If you bothered to read my post before building you comments you would have seen that I admitted that I was not very good at Beta testing and was going to bow out.

Further, would you have me offer usefull information like your post asking for screenshots to be posted here, that is real useful how? Seems a waste of bandwidth  to me just to show an unfinished product that most certianly will change many times and may not even be anymore then a test bed for checking a wide range of systems.

Regards, and good luck in your future:aok
« Last Edit: October 17, 2003, 04:42:11 PM by Scootter »

Offline hitech

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"Clueless and Dolts" film at 11:00
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2003, 04:46:51 PM »
In general I agree with you Scootter. But your analage to contracting does not realy aply, when your dealing with a few people in a group settings.

Why do you think a commidian jumps on hecklers? It's much more ackin to that type situation at times. Basicly every once in a while a shock treatment is needed to wake a group of people up.


Offline Biggles

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"Clueless and Dolts" film at 11:00
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2003, 04:49:17 PM »
And no dolt was singled out by name. So, nobody should feel personally offended, anyways...

Offline mrblack

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"Clueless and Dolts" film at 11:00
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2003, 04:50:58 PM »
Originally posted by Biggles
And no dolt was singled out by name. So, nobody should feel personally offended, anyways...

The guilty know who they are LOL:D

Offline DrDea

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"Clueless and Dolts" film at 11:00
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2003, 04:52:13 PM »
Hell the dolts probebly dont even know who they are.Dolts are like that.:aok
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

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Offline mrblack

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"Clueless and Dolts" film at 11:00
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2003, 04:53:42 PM »
Originally posted by DrDea
Hell the dolts probebly dont even know who they are.Dolts are like that.:aok

Well Doc you got a point there.

Offline Gremlin

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"Clueless and Dolts" film at 11:00
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2003, 05:25:42 PM »
From Merrion-Webster On-Line Dictionary.

One entry found for dolt.

Main Entry: dolt
Pronunciation: 'dOlt
Function: noun
Etymology: probably akin to Old English dol foolish
Date: 1553
: a stupid person
- dolt·ish  /'dOl-tish/ adjective
- dolt·ish·ly adverb
- dolt·ish·ness noun

I got me a new word:)

To the point, just today I demo'd a piece of software to some clients.  I had previously told them quite clearly that this project was only 90% complete.  I even told them what bits didnt work yet.  Yet still there were moans and groans when I couldnt show them a specific function which I had clearly told them in advance was not yet complete.  The clients in question were engineers.  You would think that software engineers and civil/mechanical engineers would share a kind of affinity, but no it just doesnt seem to work like that.  The only people to understand the complexities of software engineering are software engineers and to go even further game software engineering is so far removed from regular software engineering you could nearly say they were two distinct disciplines.

I think HTC have done a phenominal job to get the AH2 to this stage in such a short space of time,  they did this with a small team and still managed to handle their core business (i.e. AH1). SO people complained that they were not being fed enough titbits. So HTC says, well lets give em all we got and let them in on the process. What happens? Players throw their toys outta the pram because the open beta is exactly what it claims to be, an open beta.

People better get used to a couple fo facts.
a:  All whining does is help make the day when the final polished AH2 is released just that bit further away.
b: HTC doesnt need me or you to get AH2 to the marketplace.

I'd lay a bet that Hitech (although he wont admit it) is secretly wishing he never published this beta, and may think twice about doing a similar deal in future.  So what the 'Clueless Dolts' are really doing is cutting of their own proverbial nose:(

Offline Octavius

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"Clueless and Dolts" film at 11:00
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2003, 05:57:51 PM »
Originally posted by Gremlin
I'd lay a bet that Hitech (although he wont admit it) is secretly wishing he never published this beta, and may think twice about doing a similar deal in future.  So what the 'Clueless Dolts' are really doing is cutting of their own proverbial nose:(

While that certainly could be true, I think HTC and many other developers know from experience that when bones are thrown, they get thrown back... sometimes with violence. :)  

In our case, it seems the bone was thrown back, broke a window, and needed to be dealt with. :cool:
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Offline Scootter

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"Clueless and Dolts" film at 11:00
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2003, 06:44:59 PM »
Originally posted by hitech
In general I agree with you Scootter. But your analage to contracting does not realy aply, when your dealing with a few people in a group settings.

Why do you think a commidian jumps on hecklers? It's much more ackin to that type situation at times. Basicly every once in a while a shock treatment is needed to wake a group of people up.


Good point HT as to the size of the group, I will never again contract to build a church for this very reason. I can tell from the overall satisfaction of your company that you are wise to the ways of customer treatment. I have used your example in a training group as to show how you can please people no end without even meeting them.

I will only contend with small groups of customers and let you deal the larger audience.

Thanks again for all your hard work and try to get wheels up when you can, it does wonders for the stress (I'm sure you know). I will be up for a getaway this weekend to blow off some stress as well.

BTW when do we get the RV in the hanger?


Take care,

Offline Biggles

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"Clueless and Dolts" film at 11:00
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2003, 07:00:57 PM »
Originally posted by Scootter
BTW when do we get the RV in the hanger?

Nothing is impossible :)

Offline Swager

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"Clueless and Dolts" film at 11:00
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2003, 09:14:23 PM »
Hell, being called a dolt is actually a step up for some people posting in this forum.

I actually thought HTs comment was alittle bit on the "soft" side.
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline Grizzly

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"Clueless and Dolts" film at 11:00
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2003, 12:53:44 PM »
Is it good customer relations to insult your custumers? Not for most businesses, but HTC isn't your father's business.

Do you want to be up close with the developers? Do you want to hob nob with management? Do you want to be heard? If your answers to the above are yes, welcome to AcesHigh. But bury your ego because being called a dolt when you act like a dolt is part of the package.

HTC is my kind of business =o)


(no dolts were harmed in the making of this sim)

Offline zmeg

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"Clueless and Dolts" film at 11:00
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2003, 12:59:51 PM »
The drastic improvement in the rato of useful imformation vs whiny garbage confirms our "spanking" was badly needed.:o