Author Topic: Patience wearing thin  (Read 1306 times)


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Patience wearing thin
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2000, 08:37:00 AM »
Guys, there are a number of problems but no sim is perfect.

Unfortunately what we are asking for is a highly complex computer program. Everyone wants all sorts of "features" but then doesn't understand the bugs that will always creep in when you try to include a lot and do it in a short amount of time.

Probably half of BigJim's post had to do with bugs. HTC has two options - fix the bugs and reissue the software (with the corresponding manditory download) or include the bug fixes witht he next rev issued.

They walk a thin line - too many bug fixes and reissues and they get labelled as unable to deliver good software and tie up servers with the downloads (which cost them $$$). If the problems are "minor" you just catch them in the next build. Obviously there are different interpretations of "minor".

The upshot is that everyone needs to understand this is very complex software written by humans who aren't perfect. Bugs will always creep in. Bugs will always be fixed - it just takes time.

HTC just delivered a really nice terrain editor and that probably took away time from fixing 1.03 and/or delivering 1.04. We can't have everything guys. The best thing is to just kick back and try to work around these things. My guess is that HTC would fix these things in a heartbeat if they had the time.

We have to get past this "I want it all and I want it now" attitude. You'll just end up frustrated since no company will deliver a perfect sim. Ever.


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« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2000, 08:40:00 AM »
Originally posted by Nath-BDP:
Allies won because they had a thing called numbers.

Nath, are you the guy I've been hearing about that goes seal-clubbing in the training arena?

Offline Gadfly

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« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2000, 08:43:00 AM »
FYI-Dago, Otto is dead in WB.  They finally fixed it where it works pretty good, i.e. it will warn you that you are about to die, but that is it.


Offline Revvin

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« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2000, 09:01:00 AM »
I agree with Ren on this, its no good getting your panties all bunched up (I not really talking about Bijim here as I haven't seen a whine from him before) but there's a steady stream of players who demand things or they threaten to quit in a theatrical 'oh the pain' type manner. How many other sims do you know that have progressed this fast and this far in a year? If HTC spent al ltheir time chasin small niggling bugs then the major updates would slip and slip and by rushing to cure a bug they might cause another or not correct the original bug properly, by waiting for larger updates with features as well it gives HTC (who are a small team) to take time and care to squash the bugs. If sayign this makes me a cheerleader then so be it but whats your alternative? Warbirds? Airwarrior? with hardly any updates in over a year with gunnery still porked or Fighter Ace II with its very relaxed realism where the sheep bug would probably be welcomed as a feature!  

Offline Kieren

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« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2000, 09:33:00 AM »
anyhow I expect the "cheerleaders" to post and the "silent ones" to read nod their collective heads and see what happens (they hardly ever post cause the "cheerleaders" beat them down)

I was going to post a witty response, but I lost my pom-poms...  

The quoted sentence seems to be saying "disagree and speak up and you're wrong, agree and shut up and you're right". What is the point of posting such a statement? How can anyone logically debate on this BBS (which I assume would be one of the purposes for posting here) under those conditions?

I can kill in any plane in the game- all I have to do is to learn what environment each plane best operates in and stay there.

I have no idea what "killer sheep" are, so it must not be a big problem to me.

Fuel is absolutely no problem for me, I can set it to what I like in the hangar every flight.

Cannons vs. .50's? Anything I read says 6x.50's are awesome at convergence, very much less effective out of convergence. 20mm on the other hand can do much more damage, even out of convergence.

It's a matter of taste on the "last man standing" rule. I tend to think it discourages HO's somewhat. That's my opinion.  

I respect your right to disagree, and have no intention of "beating you down". I think you might be received better if you didn't take such a confrontational stance at the outset- you basically dared people to take you to task.  

[This message has been edited by Kieren (edited 08-13-2000).]

Offline Toad

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« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2000, 09:53:00 AM »
I just can't decide between the two-color short skirt with the matching pom-poms or the gold lame', skin-tight French-cut leotard without pom-poms.

So, I'll just stay home and wait this one out.  
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Offline Exile

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« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2000, 10:10:00 AM »
Call me old-fashioned, but I'd definitely go with the short pleated skirt.  

Offline Baddawg

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« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2000, 12:05:00 PM »
I get the fuel bug on occasion .
 I have even seen my ammo loadouts change. I think it has something to so with just moving your mouse cursor in the hangar,or if your mouse cursor happens to be overtop of a different load out  it gives you that load out. No clicking is required.
 The sheep bug , Kieren ,happens after you bail out and then  try to take off again.  Your plane is placed with the sheep at  A1.
 Needless to say the ack either kills you immediately or else you can just lock up there on the runway.

I have complete confidence that HTC will fix this ,just as they have proven in the past .


Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2000, 12:23:00 PM »
I get the fuel bug on occasion

I have never seen this bug.  I do know that if you launch from a field with damaged fuel tanks.. something similar may happen... and it doesn't automatically switch back.  I always launch from the hangar, so I know about it before I even try to fly.

I have even seen my ammo loadouts change. I think it has something to so with just moving your mouse cursor in the hangar,or if your mouse cursor happens to be overtop of a different load out it gives you that load out. No clicking is required.

A bug or something that needs to be full-proofed?  I have a squadmate (can't say his name WABBIT] who has gone up without ammunition on a couple of different occasions.  It allways resulted from him making a change in the hangar right before flight.

The sheep bug , Kieren ,happens after you bail out and then try to take off again. Your plane is placed with the sheep at A1

This bug has only happened to me once.  About 2 months after I first started hearing about it.  It hasn't happened since.  Wonder if it has to do with me always taking off from the hangar?

As for BigJim.  You need to take a prozac and repost in the morning.

I won't address the "porked flight model" accusations because I've never flown a real F4u.  But I will say that there seems to be a somewhat stable equilibrium in the arena today.  Its just one of the first times I've heard someone say the F4u was undermodelled.

The part of your post that irritates me is the disparaging remark on kill scoring.  I submit to you... come up with a better system.  Post that system here.  Then watch everyone systematically tear it appart.  There is no good way to score kills asside from having a committee that reviews gun-cam footage and interviews eye-witnesses.  Get over it.


Offline BigJim

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« Reply #24 on: August 13, 2000, 01:46:00 PM »
heheheh I guess you cheerleaders don't like being identified, but never the less the outcome is the same and it is all going as I said it would, if anyone DARES complain then here come the stormtroopers, claiming the poster is unintellegent, uninformed, a lousy whiner, etc etc etc THEN you wonder why some guys don't post they just leave the game hell if I had the wonderful self image of SOB I would the friggin President of the country, he seems to know ALL the answers the only thing I can't seem to understand is why HIS name is not amoung the producers, but he is not only one on the list and some have yet to post their flame but they will, to those of you that heard me for what I said thanks for the kind words, to the flamers "ask not for whom the bell tolls"

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #25 on: August 13, 2000, 01:58:00 PM »
Geeze BJ, still pissed  

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Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2000, 02:04:00 PM »
Wow BigJim... I guess posting "This is the way it is and anyone that responds against it is an idiot" and then accusing people of driving off anyone that complains is a bit silly.

If you want a valid discussion on the issues that you feel are important, its best not to insult everyone before they even have a chance to respond.

The old addage applies "If you think everyone else is an ass... its not everyone else".


Offline Fishu

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« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2000, 02:20:00 PM »
I didn't read all those threads, but I'll give my opinion..

I don't see anything wrong with fifties, you get as many kills with those as with cannons.
When fifties were even weaker, I did few test flights in P-51 and it surely weren't hard to kill 6 per flight!
One burst at the enemy and he was in pieces.
People were complaining sooo much about that how inneffective fifties were, but I did not see anything wrong even with two fifties after 4 others had ran out of ammo.
..and to refresh this older data, last time when I were testing AH, I flew many flights in P47 and guns were fine, only thing that I found distracting was that dispersion seemed greater than before, otherwise kills came on one burst basis.
Honestly I think that fifties disperses too much... (But I really don't know how much real fifties disperses, so I won't go arque with that)
german MG131 is weaker than US fifties (what I've read on this forum according to FPS etc.), but I don't hesitate to continue hunting with twin MG131s only, because those can knock out a plane with one or two bursts.

What can I tell about this?
People who don't know how to shoot complains about ineffectiveness.

IMHO, guns are better than ever in AH now (if we exclude A/G issues and talk purely about A/A effectiveness)

I'll include this message because I've seen this happen in other threads already:
Only reply to this post if its about the post itself, not just because of me. (this is specially meant for you Thunder)

[This message has been edited by Fishu (edited 08-13-2000).]

Offline SOB

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« Reply #28 on: August 13, 2000, 02:32:00 PM »
Yep...I am pretty friggin' impressive - 'bout time somebody noticed!  Thanks BJ!  To anyone wanting to help fund the SOB for Pres in 2000, send funds to FDB headquarters on Shiner Hill.  I promise to get federal funding for Aces High and a free beer pension plan for any player with 5 years in!

To the point...BJ, I don't begrudge you your opinions, your post just screams out "Hey, here's what I think dammit, and if you don't agree you must be an prettythang kissin' yes man!".  Good luck in your quest for perfection...I just happen to think it's already marching ahead of my expectations.

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Offline Maverick

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« Reply #29 on: August 13, 2000, 02:58:00 PM »
Originally posted by funked:
BigJim exactly what data are you talking about?  Where and when was such an admission made by HTC personnel?

As for the .50 cal vs. 20 mm whining, read Pyro's post here:

[This message has been edited by funked (edited 08-13-2000).]


Thanks a BUNCH guy for posting this. I had missed it and with all the past posts on the bbs would never have found it.

The photo of the ammo that Pyro posted in that same thread TOTALLY answers the question regarding ammo leathality differences between the LW 20mm and the Hispano's. The size of the casing tells the whole story. The larger case holds more powder. More powder = more velocity for the same size / weight projectile. More velocity means more lethality / penetration and FLATTER trajectory with a longer range.  

The post later in the thread with the comments by Staff Officers directly involved in the quandry during WW2 was simply OUTSTANDING!!! THANK YOU Pyro!!!   I will now back off commenting on differences between the .50 cal and the 20mm. (although I still have a VERY healthy real world experiance respect for the .50 cal.)  

Pyro, those 2 posts you made, the photo and the comments I just addressed, need to be reposted periodically when this issue comes up again. (and we know it will) Those 2 posts answer ALOT of questions for those who are new to the controversy.

The comment that one 20mm hispano is equal to 2 and a half .50's in damage and lethality is very telling. Having 4 20m's is a trully awesome amount of fire power. Please put me down for the 20mm armed 51 too!

Salute! Pyro for the restraint you have demonstrated after seeing some of these amaturish opinions that are in quite a lot of these bbs threads. You don't get half the credit you deserve bud!  

I'll buy you a beer anyday.

No Mercy Asked, None Given, Just pass the ammo

[This message has been edited by Maverick (edited 08-13-2000).]
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