I would like to start addressing some of the points brought up in this thread. Some I agree with but we are unable to do, others we can do but choose not to for reasons that will be explained and finally some I just don’t agree with. Ghostdancer has the final say in Squad Operations so if you can persuade him then your good to go.
Frame COs. I think that Squad Op COs should command all three frames, not just one. There is a "disjointed feeling" to having a different CO every frame. A CO may just get the hang of it, get to know his squads, the objectives, ect, and then "thats it" he's done, and a new CO gets the next frame. Consistancy will bring a higher caliber of command. In the end, you wont CO any more frames in a given year, its just you will do your "stint" in one S.O., rather than 3 or 4 seperate ones
I see several of you agree with this and in the initial design when fdski and I were hashing it out I wanted the same Frame C.O. for all three frames. He explained and rightly so that the S3’s have separate Frame C.O.’s. Squad Operations is loosely based on the excellent S3 events. Many of the CM’s were instrumental in answering questions for me when I had them. Frankly it would be too much pressure, time, and responsibility for one player to deal with for three weeks. Sure some of you could do this and would if asked, but many C.O.’s can’t even make all three frames. No way could they do it for three weeks. If we had 20 “jordi’s” then I would be for this, but we don’t. Having a different Frame C.O.’s may not be my first choice, but IMHO it is the best choice to keep us from having a whole event ruined. Too much would rely on a single player and real life is and always will be too much of a factor.
From this idea I was talking with Skernsk and he had an idea that I will chat with Ghostdancer about. CM’s could open up a:
Friday Squad Operations Frame C.O.’s Allied
Friday Squad Operations Frame C.O.’s Axis
Ditto for Sunday Squad Operations
From what I understand it would now be pretty simple for CM’s with permissions set by skuzzy to add 3 players to each forum. Each one of the Frame C.O.’s would still have a frame that is their responsibility, but they could have more freedom and opportunity to discuss tactics and bounce idea off each other. As it stands now I don’t know of any Frame C.O.’s that have discussed tactics with each other. Would be a nice compromise from having one player do all three frames.
Aircraft use. Again, this is a consistency point. Rather than have a different ride, I would propose that squads are either assigned a "light" or "heavy" role in the event, and where at all possible, fly the same a/c for the 3 frames. Each squad say does a "heavy" stint" about 1/3 of the time, in bombers or jabo. This allows some skills to be developed, and again, improves play over all. The other 2/3 are "light" assignments.
This would be possible and more practical if we had the same Frame C.O. in all the frames. Yet, this idea has merit, but I think some squads would really suffer in attendance. As it is some squads have a poor showing just for a single frame of a ride they don’t like. For all three it would be pretty low. Picture your squad having to fly Kates three frames in a row. Again I know many would do it, but the idea is to have fun.
Possibly, a loosening up of objectives that allow more leeway to the COs to prosecute the campaign.
Not for Squad Operations. What I have said from the beginning when I designed the Snapshots and Squad Operations is that the way to ensure the death of an event is lack of action. You must ensure action for players and the only way to do that is to have a specific list of targets to attack and defend for both sides. There is enough variety to give Frame C.O.’s a chance to plan. Unknowns still include the number of AC, what alt, what direction, what type of AC to keep everyone on their toes. If you start give broad areas that may or may not be attacked you will have some squads fly around for 2 hours and not see a thing.
Set down guidelines for the Friday and Sunday S.O. that are the same.
I could not agree more. Both should be ran the same, exactly the same.
I think I speak for my squad when I say we enjoy them a lot. I think my favorite scenarios are those with bombers and their escorts vs fighter defense. The targets don't have to be revealed to the fighter defense but the defenders should be given a list of probable targets which do include the actual targets.
If Frame C.O.’s are not given specific targets to attack and or defend then something is wrong IMHO. Orders should be very clear on what to attack and defend. If CM’s don’t write them that way then the chance for a squad to fly around for 2 hours in boredom greatly increases. When that happens unless there was a no show by a squad it is the fault of the CM. This should never happen in Squad Operations.
As a frame CO I found that getting answers from the squad CO's the biggest problem. I had no Idea what most of the squads where proficent in or what rides they preferred or even if they understood the orders and there objectives.
When we get a event site up and running with everything we want an idea I had from this post of yours Jim. Each squad listed could have listed not only how many will show up for the frame, but that squads area of expertise. For example…
AC of most experience
Rate your JABO
Rate your level bombing
Rate your dive bombing
Rate your straffing
Rate your ACM
That way Frame C.O.’s could see how squads rate themselves. In time maybe logs could rate the squads performances also.
IMO there has to be a bigger penelty for death. The way it is now if a squad gets wiped out there arent really penelized for the next frame. What I would like to see is if a squad takes say 60% losses they should be placed in a 2nd line AC. For example the first frame a group is in 51Ds and they take 60& losses, next frame they would be in 51Bs. If the take heavy losses in the 2nd frame then 3rd frame they would be in a 47 D11.
My problem with Squad Ops, all AH events in fact, is pilot survivabilty. I can't count the number of times one side or even both have been decimated in the very short span of 45 mins. I know that it has a lot to do with the furball mentality, but can't something be incorporated that rewards those that land their planes, versus those who dive into a furball kill three but just end up getting themselves killed?
TheBug I think this would be good to start incorporating into our events. One of the ways mentioned and I would like to see happen is have squads that lose a lot of AC have to fly a AC of an earlier version then before. For example a squad is given 20 A6M5’s for their AC. They fly frame 1 and lose 5. Frame 2 they have to fly only 15 A6M5’s, and 5 A6M3’s. Frame 2 they lose 10 more A6M5’s those in turn would be again replaced with A6M3’s. This is not a new idea, but difficult to implement for two reasons.
1 – We don’t have the AC variety in Aces High to support that kind of system.
2 – Squads don’t fly the same AC each frame.
I think once we took care of #1 then we could have some Squad Operations where Squads fly the same AC all three frames. I just doubt we could do it when you have some Kate’s or Val’s I the frame. The only way around using those AC would be to give those that fly them a 2nd life in a different AC. That we have done before with success.
Get rid of the airstarts, its gamey and causes more confussion then anything. Its not going to kill anybody if they have to spend an extra 30 minutes climbing to alt. Plus it would add a little more realism when the escorts try to rendevous with bombers.
If you look at some of the terrains we use and the distance some heavy laden bombers have to fly using airstarts is an excellent way around making the frames 3 plus hours long or forcing players to fly for 2 hours just to reach a target.